apparently there is a new game in the overlord series: Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
the first two are really fun, and i don't like co-op usually, but this could be fun depending on mechanics.

link to Overlord complete edition

what do you think?

9 years ago

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Oooooooooooooooo. I have the first ones, but I've never played them. Will collect.

9 years ago

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i'm not evil enough to be an overlord.

9 years ago

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you can either be good or evil, and have the proper mistress

9 years ago

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I never really liked the fact that you could be "good" in Overlord. The way I imagined the games was that you would be this Dungeon Keeper-style evil overlord who was evil for the sake of being evil, and the good deeds one did just clashed with this.
(I'm glad that you're not "realistically evil" though, because while I'm quite happy with being cartoonishly evil in games, I do feel a bit uncomfortable with being proper evil)

9 years ago

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I don't even play tf2 anymore but this was tempting me to preorder.
I will not give in to preorders, I will not give in to preorders, I will not give in to preorders.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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i don't ever played tf2. and i almost preordered;)

9 years ago

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Damn stupid pre order bonuses >:| at least that content is not for content for this game which is good & hopefully can still get Da Big Book of Art as DLC or given out at a later date

9 years ago

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Maybe I'm misreading it but I think it is. They TF2 themed hats for your minions in the Overlord game, unless that's also what your saying.

9 years ago

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yeah that was sorta what i was saying that content for TF2 not for the game being sold

9 years ago

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But I think the content is for the game being sold not TF2. It's just that you could dress your minions in that game ´with hats to make the minions look like characters from TF2.

9 years ago

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I'm kinda tempted to get it since I enjoyed Overlord(bug never beat neither of the games) and I enjoy ARPGs in general though Its not clear to me are we gonna be still using goblins to do the dirty work or we need to get our hands dirty.

Edit: Checking the videos the minions sure looks helpful as always but will the game be able to catch the atmosphere like the ones in 3rd person. Also seems Rhianna Pratchett is the writer(she wrote Overlord 2 too) so atm may just preorder it and call it a day.

9 years ago*

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I have read an article about this game some time ago. Author also said few things about first games and... well I will skip it. I never played original games, and they don't look like I will ever want. Same goes for this new game - no nostalgia for me, nothing on store page that would interest me a least a little beat. If I would have moeny, I wouldn't spend it on this game :P

9 years ago

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I liked the concept of the first games but I could never get into them. The Overlord games were actually the first purchase I ever made in the Steam store (must have been 5 or 6 years ago) and I only ever played like two hours in each game.

9 years ago

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I shamefully have to admit I started Overlord and abandoned it although I really loved it for those few hours. I think I wasn't feeling well the last time I played it and the association stuck or something, but I'd really like to finish it someday.

9 years ago

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I've never played an Overlord game before. Should I pick up one of the older ones on sale or bundled when I can? I don't have much experience with RPG's (unless you count South Park The Stick of Truth), so are these good ones to start with?

9 years ago

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They are fun. I love the ARPG aspects of the game and if you ever played Pikmin the minions are a bit like that and they equip themselves with gear they find in their travels so obviously endgame you can tell the rookies from the pros as the pros will have actual metal armor while the rookies just have the loincloth. It's a funny game and it's definitely worth the purchase at full price, but if you can get it cheaper than go for it and get them cheaper.

9 years ago

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it was bundled before, and it has the pack which was on sale before. i say wait for a sale...
and it's not you classic RPG, but fun :)

9 years ago

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When I first heard of it I wasn't interested as I read rumors there wouldn't be any minions in the game. After reading there will be minions and it will be like that then I wanted to preorder it. The TF2 helmets for the minions are just Icing on the cake to me :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Loved the first two, cannot wait for this one!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by TinyPurple.