7 years ago

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7 years ago

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eww cards

7 years ago

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Infinity Wars is better, Hearthstone was too hard, building the perfect deck is too hard for me.

7 years ago

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Gameplay: looks OK

Accessibility: can't comment as I never played it

Story: I'd rather gouge out my eyes than have to look at Blizzard's character designs

7 years ago

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Accessibility: can't comment as I never played it

This is when you take a step back and decide to not review the game.

7 years ago

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Nothing is ever going to stop me from bashing Blizzard's atrocious characters.

7 years ago

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I can respect that.

7 years ago

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I dunno, I guess I'll respect it if it's repeated after you've played it...

7 years ago

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People still play this?
Some suggestions: Overwatch, Darkest Dungeon, SOMA, STALKER SoC or CoP (play them), Skyrim
And bring back 1-10 scale.

7 years ago

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1-10 is awful.

Please describe, in detail, the nuanced differences between a 1 and a 2.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah I remember yours. I'm pretty sure your 5 sounds better than the 6.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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1 - shit, unplayable, no redeeming qualities
2 - it launches, but has extremely shallow and poorly executed gameplay or has some basic and ok gameplay but barely works

Come to think about it I never played a game I would give a 1 or 2 but then I don't waste my time on shit like bad rats or uriel's chasm.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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How is turn-based combat more random than real-time? It's basically chess all over again (when you know the opponents' movesets).

7 years ago

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7 years ago*

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Roguelikes have very little RNG when combat is involved (though they've got it all over the place with loot and dungeon design). If you know the enemy and play safe it's rare to get killed by RNG. I was also thinking about Pokemon, where a lot of mindgaming is involved (when both opponent have the same level). Outside of pure RPGs, Frozen Synapse (though I mostly played multiplayer) is also a good exemple of a turn-based game with little to no RNG.

(I think there still is a part of RNG in action game combats, ie when determining the AI's moves.)

7 years ago

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Also tactics game like Final Fantasy Tactics or Fire Emblem. Why did I not mention them before as they're probably the genre that plays the closest to chess, I'm not worthy of my avatar.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I played the first and Armageddon, and though I wouldn't exactly call them fully turn-based (as turn time can vary a lot depending on actions taken), they're a good example, yes.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I used to play the shit out of this game, and then I decided to try being competitive.
And I found out that I needed to spend 300+ dollars to even have a deck worth playing.
Way too pay to win tbh.

7 years ago

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I haven't paid a cent, and I have every card I could want... with my favourite legendaries crafted as shinies <_<

7 years ago

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These poll results look really salty <_< Hearthstone is the standard to which others try to meet, it's so polished and accessible.

7 years ago

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Probably had my best online multiplayer experiences playing this game in the past.
But I barely play now mostly because like most competitive games it requires a lot of time and dedication. And I don't particularly agree with the direction the devs are taking the game.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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It is a mixed bag. I've had a few matches where I was blocked by poor RNG having my own deck stack against me. I like some of the stories but really Hearthstone is drawn heavily from warcraft's already established stories. some will tell you it's more chance than skill but a skilled player can take a rotten hand and come out on top. Given the choice of Hearthstone or Magic:TG I like my odds with Magic a lot better (also I played Magic way back before it was a digital game and had well over 5K cards including an almost complete Sliver deck before slivers were banned from tournament play).

7 years ago

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Since when are Slivers banned from tournament play? AFAIK they're legal in every format. They're good but far from broken.

7 years ago

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Myabe they are allowed now I remember back in the 90's when they came out with the sliver deck they were banned from tournament play for a while because a few of the cards were OP the more slivers that were on the playfield.maybe it wasn't all Slivers but a few of the cards were.

7 years ago

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Don't have time to discuss it, I am playing it. :D :D :D

9.8/10 -- even when it is flawed, it is fun.

7 years ago

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RNG fest. I quit the game despite massively enjoying my control Warrior deck. There is only so much Sylvanas, Ragnaros, Thoughtsteal etc RNG I can handle before I've had enough.

7 years ago

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Played it.Wasted money on it. Broke a mouse playing it because of RNG. I hate it.

7 years ago

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As the first collectible card game I've ever played, Hearhtstone was a revelation for me two years ago. It was fun and possibilities seemed endless. A few weeks ago I stopped playing and I don't miss it at all. Turns out that possibilities are actually quite limited when the game is designed to favor cheap aggro decks.

7 years ago

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I havnt played hearthstone much since I built my new PC and got some games for it . Hearthstone is great though, blizzard really does a great job on everything they put out there. its f2p and if you really feel u need to spend money i recomend using google rewards app on your phone and using that money IT WORKS. I play hearthstone, overwatch and heroes of the storm a decent bit and i play d3 and sc2 on occasion as well. Im a blizz fanboy

7 years ago

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Hearthstone reminds me of a game for 8 year olds.. Infinity Wars is where it's at. Better animations, deck building mechanics, simultaneous turns and incentives to log in everyday!

7 years ago

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Yu-Gi-Oh! was better imo.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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  • gameplay : shallow, your job is to click on cards from the deck you've build before the game, you can either use a card or not
  • accessibility : beginners will suffer in any game mode because even if the opponent has played a week more, he'll have better chances due to better cards
  • story : there's no story, it's a competetive card game, the only thing you could call a "plot" is a sticky mess made of Blizzard games' lore
  • overall : it's an OK experience for the players who never played games of this genre but you will soon realize that the game is repetetive race of collectors and those who can't step up with others just can't compete without permanent transactions for your decks to stay in shape
7 years ago

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It's fun

7 years ago

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Played it for a bit shortly after launch, don't know if things improved since then.

Gameplay: As far as TCGs go, really shallow. Stupid low cap of only 7 minions you can have in play cuts out any horde-based playstyles right from the get-go, and having only 1 type or resource and no way to influence how it's generated, and very limited cards-in-hand manipulation (drawing, deck searching, forced discards, hand-size manipulation for player or opponent) severely limits both deck-building options (Stick to the mana curve, with minimum % minions or fail) and gameplay options.

Accessibility: Yes, it's easy to pick up and play, thanks to decent tutorials and lack of complexity. Said lack of complexity also means you won't often see any real surprises, and more-or-less know how your opponent will play the moment you see his character, So it does get repetitive fast.

Story (if applicable): I'm going to say Not Applicable here. Knowing Blizzard, there probably is some attempt at a plot in there. But with no banter between the different characters you can play as, and with most flavor texts being pop culture references or lame World of Warcraft in-jokes there's nothing conveying it in the game itself.

Overall: Fun for a few hours, and then you're wondering if there are card games out there that have more depth to them.
Being a typical TCG with booster packs and all, it also has a certain level of P2W in it as you can get more cards for real money. In it's defense, the quest system to gain in-game currency works fairly well to be able to collect more cards without spending cash, and the disenchanting/crafting mechanic means getting the cards you really want isn't only a matter of dumb luck.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Deleted-8888821.