Ok so I bought the humble bundle because I genuinely wanted spriter pro. I'd been eyeing it up for a while and in a $1 it was a no-brainer. But I already had clickteam fusion as I am a programmer and like messing around, (if only I could draw than I might actually make a game, hence why spriter pro seems like a good thing) .

Anyhow, now I have an extra copy to give away. I know people hate clickteam giveaways as it is a cheap way to gain CV, but I do still have an extra key I can't use, so my solution is this... I've created a clickteam fusion giveaway, protected by steamgifts tools so I can limit it to 4 entries. So 4 entries means I won't get a drop of CV from it but I can still allow space cat to decide the fate of this key, and I won't be seen as trying to 'boost' my CV and cheat the system. Therefore it means that 4 lucky people will have a 1 in 4 chance of winning the software, (which is actually pretty useful if you are wanting to learn how to make games / apps by the way) and I'll throw in the html5 plugin as well. So the giveaway is level 2 and over and I will send the link to the first 4 people who indicate a genuine interest. Not just an "I'm in" type comment.

Sorry if this still manages to offend some people, but it seems like some people are offended by pretty much anything, so if you want to blacklist me feel free. You'll find I enter hardly any and win virtually no giveaways anyway, so it's like not talking to someone who probably doesn't know you exist and the only way they know you were even pissed off is if you break your own 'no talking' rule and tell them... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

7 years ago*

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Try out pyxel edit from the bundle too. Lots of folks really like that for a pixel editor and animations, although most seem to like aseprite as their preferred. The marmoset editor in the bundle also looks very good.

(I'm a hobbyist programmer working w/ game maker now - also from a humble bundle - and these bundles make it so much easier to approach this without having to spend alot on software before you even know what you're doing.)

edit: also, I was looking at clickteamfusion's website and it looks like The Escapists was made with the software. That totally changed my thoughts about the software, making it something I'm thinking of checking out.

7 years ago*

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I have dabbled in gamemaker, rpgmaker and even unity before. I get frustrated though as I suck at drawing and animation. So yes I'm hoping that when I next have a chance to dabble that I'll be able to use pyxel edit, spriter and marmoset to help drawn things that pass more for what they're supposed to be... haha.

I think all of these maker softwares have their advantages, and people who are dedicated to put some attention into them can make good games ultimately. There's even some great non-rpg games that are made with rpgmaker, such as 'to the moon' and 'always sometimes monsters'. Unity gets a bad rep because it's the weapon of choice for badly implemented 3d games, but then there are also a ton of amazing games that get made with it.

7 years ago*

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I'm really enjoying game maker so far. It's powerful and allows quickly roughing out ideas, although I got a bit hung up on data structures as I was learning. I'm like you though - I like seeing the art, even though it's probably the last thing I should be thinking about. There's some free stuff you can use too, at http://opengameart.org/ . Also this guy has some pretty inexpensive stuff that's all similar art style and high quality. http://www.gamedeveloperstudio.com/graphics/index.php

7 years ago

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Yeah I need to get it into my head that I can actually build my game with blobs at first and then add animations later.

7 years ago

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Thanks for second link I didn't know. Some nice assets :-)

7 years ago

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I have tried Unity3d with tutorial, and I didn't like it. Like asset template system and else. + more or less being tied to commercial entity that can decide to abandon given version branch at any time and force you to upgrade. + removing "personal edition" splash screen is not that cheap, for a given version of Unity3D.

Gamemaker : Well, I have just launched it, I didn't use it enough a lot to have full experience of it, I have not redeemed yet all exporter, but... getting people into buying it just before launching their next version is a lame move...

Clickteam, well, I have not yet tested it yet. I still have to redeem modules from previous high tier clickteam humble bundle.

RPGMaker, I don't even want to try it... not my kind of things. I prefer introducing new gameplay than swapping stories and pixel art assets

Actually, at the moment I am getting interested in investing some time in promising open source Godot game engine.
They are working on a new version that will break backward compatibility, so they can make huge improvement, so I am not too hurry to use it. Upcoming high level networking features are probably fantastic things to save some works :-)
They have a decent roadmap and project managing imho. They need to work on promoting projects made with it, though, to get it more popular.

7 years ago

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Godot, that does sound interesting... I think I need to just find a suitable engine and put some of my ideas into working versions to get a feel for making games, just with pixel art or filler artwork initially. Just a proof of concept to entice an artist to get involved. I'll definitely check out godot when the new version launches.

7 years ago

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Sir, you deserve people of the year by sayNoToCVAbuse magazine :)
I love what you do.. I already have it tho..

developer section
What do you think about Clickteam fusion so far ? Especially for mobile games/apps.
I was exited to try, I develop mobile games and mobile apps.
The thing i regret is i didn't have the android exporter, pretty useless for me now :(
I'm dying cz it can't be exported into android/ios/html w/o dlc

For mobile games, using Corona now.. non GUI editor.
It really pain when working with sprite.
Thanks there are some sprite tools.

I just bought this spriter pro, didn't try yet, cz still busy working on android apps now.
Seems it can be used Unity and Construct 2, but i'm not sure with LUA (Corona using LUA), it will help a lot if so.
I think it really easy to use.
Is it work using clickteam fusion too ?

Want to try both of them soon :)

7 years ago

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I believe there is a way to export from spriter into a format that clickteam can easily convert. I haven't played around in clickteam so much at this point. I spend my day programming corporate stuff for my job and then when it's time to relax I don't usually feel like doing more programming. I need to take a holiday and dive into all of these tools properly.

7 years ago

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While admirable I think folks tend to get offended more over the folks who give away little until they have the opportunity to 'cheat' their way up the ladder by giving away a bunch of these at once.

As it turns out I also already had Clickteam Fusion and only wanted Spriter Pro, so I just took advantage of the fact that everyone was 'farming' them and won one for myself (Saved myself a whopping dollar!) ;)

Anyway, as I said I already have it so I'm out but here's a bump from me at least.

7 years ago

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I tend to see something I want come up on the giveaways, enter a few and not win, so then I just buy the bundle anyway. I'm an impatient person apparently.

7 years ago

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I bought it off HB for myself.

Whitelisted though. I can't do giveaways until my financial situation improves. But you'll be in on it when it does happen.

7 years ago

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Well thank you very much.

7 years ago

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Nice attitude!
I do not mind all those GAs - if anyone want to boost or anything? go for it, I just make it hidden for me :)

7 years ago

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Yeah there's really no reason to be so upset about it. It would still take a lot clickteam fusion giveaways to level up significantly.

7 years ago

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Hope people who want it get it, that's really nice of you ^^

7 years ago

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Thanks. So far no one has signed up. I guess all those giveaways are really just being entered by those who don't care for the actual software, or are just bots.

7 years ago

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That's...actually a really good idea batman! I like it! Have a bump.

7 years ago

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Thanks citizen... here's a bump in return:

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7 years ago

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Wow man
I did not buy the bundle because i have no interess in it and did not want the easy farming CV.
great attitude !

7 years ago

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Same. I already own clickteam fusion, i have an extra copy from previous clickteam fusion bundle and i bought the recent one for spriter. And i gave one of my copy to a steam friend instead of creating a gib since people tend to hate clickteam fusion gibs just cause it boost your CV.

Great initiative though!

7 years ago

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I could have done that... if I had any friends... No I kid, those who are interested in game making seemed to already have this.

7 years ago

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Respectamundo !
Hope you find somebody really wanting it, and not just wanting to boost his/her library.

7 years ago

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Oh wow nice, you're giving away the html5 plugin too! Very generous.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oh wow such a nice gesture from you!

Well Im kinda interested if you think so Im wothy to it ( yeah sadly I had a 1 ratio, but for some time I didnt do much giveaway, I wont even dare to go to watch whats my ratio now. Im to ashamed of it)

We (me and my friends) having some idea of doing some games, just for fun, and we started to look for proper programs to do it. I already downloaded unity, and lumberyard just to foul around, but If you think you will give me a chance, I might give it a go to this too.

If not Im tottally understand it, and still Thanks for this awesome opportunity

7 years ago

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Sure you are welcome to have a chance.You're the only entrant so far, so you have at this point a 100% chance of winning.

7 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Yeah you're probably right, but still people are funny about this for some reason, so this was the idea that popped into my head. On the plus side it greatly increases the odds that some one who wants it will actually get it.

7 years ago

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Blacklist, schmacklist.

Never let people's propensity for using their blacklist as a moral arbiter dictate your behavior.

Nothing unethical about giving away some media that is non-free but steeply discounted.

7 years ago

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Came here to say this. OP shouldn't care about what assholes think of him.

7 years ago

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Well, wait... I'm an asshole, and I want him to care about my opinion.

Nice jumping the gun there, Vercinger!

7 years ago

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Haha... yeah. I think everyone is an asshole in their own way. We just hang out with those who smell the same so we don't notice. I guess to some people, making a post like this makes me an asshole to them. And maybe I am?

7 years ago

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Yeah for sure, but I enjoy messing with peoples heads. So instead of giving those who get uptight about what people give away a reason to be angry, I'll take the carpet out from under them and hopefully remind every one that sometimes people give away stuff just to be nice and not every one is out to climb the CV ladder that leads to no where. As I explained in my original post, blacklisting me is pretty much the most pointless thing you could do anyway, so if I had posted it publicly and earned a ton of blacklists, it would have had very little impact on my leeching status on this site. But this thread just seemed like a fun way to stick it to 'blacklist wielders' and still be nice to some kid who wants to make games but doesn't have a $1.

7 years ago

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I see where you're coming from.

But all your OP makes me wanna giveaway Clickteam Fusion now. Without limits to prevent CV. Just because.

7 years ago*

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Haha well that's your way of sticking it to the man then. Go for it. Be the bullet that explodes the minds of the petty.

7 years ago

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Sticking it to the man?

Now I don't want to give it away.

You have me on a rollercoaster.

7 years ago

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Sorry... you don't like sticking it to the man? Stick it to the person then? Or don't stick it anywhere? Keep it concealed? Be tame and polite and don't rebel?

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7 years ago

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Sticking it to the man is what the man does when he doesn't know he's the man so he's like, "I'm not the man--that's the man, and I'm going to stick it to him!"

7 years ago

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Ahhh I think I got it.

7 years ago

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Only the man gets it.

You must be the man.

Now we know where we stand.

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7 years ago

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And I would have got away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids...

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7 years ago

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Wait, you're familiar with the Scooby Dooby, dude?

7 years ago

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During my super secret 'the man' training, I was forced to watch hours of Scooby doo in order to help me integrate with society and avoid the pitfalls demonstrated by the alleged villians of the show. You were clearly too smart though and saw through my attempt to disguise my 'the man' membership through generosity and gifs.

7 years ago

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Nice try, The Man, but your disinformation campaign won't work on me.

7 years ago

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I concede defeat for now. But in another time and another place when you least expect it, I will return.

7 years ago

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Oh, I know it.

Nobody beats The Man. Nobody.

You just elude him for a short while.

In that way, The Man is like death, and taxes.

7 years ago

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Another alternative - create a wishlist-based SGTools filter (it's a new option), then delete the giveaway after the winner marks as received.

7 years ago

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Now that does sound interesting, I didn't know about it. I'll keep it in mind next time I have something like this to give away. Then I could just set an entrant limit, employ the wishlist filter and post it here and it would find the right people all by itself.

7 years ago

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It's very easy. Just use this rule as a custom rule:

wishlist_date <= date('2017-01-05 00:00:00') and pass_activated_rule and not trade_ban

This would allow only entries from those who wishlisted this software until yesterday, have no unactivated wins and have no history of scamming.

You can also add and num_wishlisted_games <= 500 to keep hoarders / collectors out, and focus only on those who actually want this software.

7 years ago

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That is awesome. I'll keep it in mind. I generally don't use sgtools apart from special cases but it's nice to have this.

7 years ago

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It may also come in handy for this giveaway if you don't get any "applicants", but here's hoping that you do :-)

7 years ago

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Thanks for nice info! Check for wishlisted would be useful.
However using too narrow settings in SGTools implies Similarity in ways people are using provided utilities.

Whishlist for instance: I have about 1000 things in WL now and most part of it is Hidden on SG.
This holds for games I am planning to try if I will have a good offer, but not yet sure that game is great enough to take part in a Giveaway (probably taking the game from somebody who wants it truly) or for buying it even with common discount. These games I would eventually get either from some future bundle or buy on future sale with heavy discount; or after time passes I will know more information about the game to decide either to delete it from WL or count it as truly wishlisted; and so on.
These games are in WL rather as a list for remembering that I have already invested some time on decision about the game, not to do investigation from scratch after some time passes (well, my memory is not as good as I want and I am used to deal with it). I would like to have a manageable second (or more) list in steam for tracking these games, but I don't :)

All this is just an example. If I wouldn't get in some GA because somebody sets settings which look good for them, I wouldn't die ;3

7 years ago

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That's a fair point. Not sure how I'll get around it yet, but looking at your profile I have some ideas...

7 years ago

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Ok, I updated my wishlist-based GAs and added an alternative to the 500 game limit. I would appreciate it if you try to enter now:



7 years ago

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Yes, I can enter them. You apparently added people who contribute a lot, very nice of you!
Actually, I didn't notice these discussions before; Pony Island is a very appealing game, and I see it rarely on SG.

I am not sure how works <= 500 in the end of parenthesis (below), though. If result of test inside a parenthesis is a boolean (0 or 1) translated to integer, it will be always <= 500 for everybody. Shouldn't <= 500 be deleted?
If I am wrong with understanding of formula, please comment ;3

(num_wishlisted_games <= 500 or real_sent_public+real_sent_private > real_won_cv) <= 500

7 years ago*

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Thanks for letting me know. I shouldn't modify rules right before leaving the house ;-)

Fixed now, and in any case, the 5 other users who received the link since this change all have the game wishlisted prior to this GA, so it's all good!

7 years ago

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I wanted giveaway copy some days ago, then i saw pipolz are like mad around... i rather give nothing :D

7 years ago

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That was exactly what I thought as well... But then I thought of doing this thread instead.

7 years ago*

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If someone makes ill conclusions, especially with not seeing the whole picture, it is their problem, issue of way they are used to make decisions.

With your CV ratio to bother about giving away a software key is rather.. funny. Are you sort of person, believing in being best friends with everybody? :) Intention to show that there is not only greedy people is not bad, but whole thing would have more sense if you really would Lift CV giving this away normally, being initially 0 or 1 lvl. But you are 6 lvl (with 3 wins), CV in question is zero compared to everything you have already given, this makes from the whole deal a pish posh.

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7 years ago

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Haha fair point. But people are strange. Some people would just block you without bothering to see if you were actually abusing the site. I do enjoy coming here and participating in the giving and occasionally the receiving, so I guess it just seemed better to not step on peoples toes. So yeah maybe it does seem weird for someone like me to do this but I guess we all have strange things we do.

7 years ago

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I didn't even know people were mad... that's how much I care. lol

7 years ago

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I didn't know people were mad for that program giveaways, this is the second time I give it away simply because have been bundled twice, I bought both software bundles and this time was just for spriter pro, but tbh I don't care if people say I'm cv farmer, the truth is that at the end of the day someone will receive the key and hopefully(if is not an autojoin bot) he will use that tool to create something or idk. Don't forget what this site is about, and is not a race for the most charitable.

7 years ago

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Yup I think the issue was/is the fact the people will buy 10 copies of the bundle for $1 and gain a few levels this way. So one copy here and there shouldn't be a problem but people on both sides are going a bit crazy, boosting this game to kingdom come or blacklisting anyone who does a giveaway for one . So I tried to find a non threatening approach. :-)

7 years ago

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Oh, I see in that case defo is understandable, so probably I've been blacklisted for just giving away the leftovers :/ holy crap, I wonder why humble doesn't limit the purchases per account in bundles like these, if someone is into development the chances are they have at minimum their own paypal account or debit/credit card, I don't see many devs gifting tool bundles to others tbh, not saying is humble fault but all this is a bit unfair for the people that do the things right.

EDIT: Looked my stats and I got 1 blacklist 3 months ago for a fusion GA, and another today for same GA, well is not like I cared much, I barely join the featured GA only (only way to win anything without running out of patience XD)

7 years ago*

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XD , just my entry for the past 5 days..

Still have 3 or 4 days for the bundle / still thinking if would get it or not..

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7 years ago

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If I would get it from humble bundle / are the keys gonna expire if not used within a certain time??

7 years ago

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They shouldn't expire. I think there have been only a few cases in all the years where a developer removed keys that were sold.

7 years ago

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so i can buy the bundle and leave it to sit , waiting to be activated at some time?

7 years ago

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might get it.. since some of my "free game key giveaways" lasted for almost more than half of a year..

7 years ago

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Lol. :D Your entries look pretty much like mine with Spriter... and then I gave in and bought the bundle. :) Good luck in your future entries. ^^

With HB, the keys shouldn't expire nor should be there any 60-day 'instant replacement' limit like with IG. Just don't make gift links in advance: there has been plenty of cases where unused gift links have been hacked!

7 years ago

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same reply - to my reply with Formidolosus

7 years ago

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You got only 15% of program value for CV, cuz it's bundle game giveaway, Just stop being so... I'm not sure how to call that, but

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7 years ago

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Alright... I'll stop... sorry.

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7 years ago

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Oh my... That's pretty nice but also pretty sad at the same time. :) Nice in that You genuinely want the game software go to someone who will want it, but sad that everybody giving away CF is considered a CV farmer and to escape that you have to go the extra mile. I know I didn't, kinda didn't care, since blacklists do happen for all reasons. I'm even worse than a simple CV farmer actually: I won CF on SG during the last bundle since I wanted CF just to play around in and then bought the current bundle because I desperately wanted Spriter. I would love to make my own game, but I'm on the artist side of things and my technical knowledge is quite crap to be honest. But I compulsively collect all graphics software I can. And as a good hypocrite, when I see all these CF GAs I do think 'CV farmer' (especially multiple copies). :D However, in your case (as well as some others giving CF), what does one $15 game matter, you have plenty of RCV as it is. :)

But You, OP, have a blue ♥ for op & this comment. I'm always happy to see people who only enter for stuff they really want (which is another sad point in all these CF GAs: how many actually want to use it out of the thousands who enter for it? Do people realize it's not going to be a +1 in their library?).

As a side note, the worst case of CV farming with CF I've seen goes to a certain someone who 1) bought the bundle to give away CF, 2) then entered CF GAs and won FOUR of them, 3) re-gifted three (and got suspended for the fourth).

7 years ago*

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Thanks. Yeah I think both sides of the argument are a bit silly. Those who are so desperate to climb a ladder that they'll spend money they wouldn't have spent normally to buy a bundle of software that they'll give to people that will then never use it, and then those who get so angry about those people.

I've also seen some shocking examples of people abusing this bundle. Buying ten copies at once etc. It's one thing if it's a game as a lot more people will ultimately be interested in a game, but software that's for those who are interested in making games, that is only being done because you think you'll win better giveaways or something? Who knows. It's been pointed out that SGtools has a function to limit giveaways by wishlist, if that was a native tool on steamgifts it would be awesome, where you can only enter giveaways for the first 500 games on your wishlist. It would never happen, but it would be nice. Then you'd at least know that the games you're giving away would be won by people who at least knew of their existence.

7 years ago

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People are caring too much about cv. Theirs or others'.
It's not really a giveaway if people expect something in return (cv in this case).
And leveling up increases your chances of winning from what? 1/1000 to 1/100?
It's not even worth it :)

7 years ago

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