In my opinion nudity is in too many games and is not needed. I feel that it can ruin a game. I don't buy games with nudity because I don't want to support the developer for being immature in a way. Especially when it is clearly sexualized. Just my opinion... any thoughts?

EDIT: I don't see anything wrong with nudity, it just can be used for no reason and it is not needed... especially when it doesn't effect the story

8 years ago*

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Feelings on nudity in games?

View Results
Nudity is not needed
Nudity is fine
Nudity is great in games!

It really depends on the context -- if nudity helps move the story along or get a point across, then I'm fine with it, but nudity for the sake of nudity is unnecessary.

8 years ago

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"In my opinion violence is in too many games and is not needed. I feel that it can ruin a game."

Sorry, couldn't resist! But I realy don't see many sexualized games anyway. I mean, a lot of games have the nudity Tag on Steam without deserving them at all.

8 years ago

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+1 Games are art. Art shouldn't be censored.

8 years ago

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Bah, I was going to laugh about this exact point.. In the USA Murdering people on shows is A-OK!

But showing a tit would get you heavily fined.

Puritans FTL

8 years ago

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EXcept some titles like MGS V it shouldn't be a trend as there are plenty of alternatives. Gameplay yes and graphics yes, but graphics are definitely not defined by the amount of nudity packed into a game.

8 years ago

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How do you define nudity? Can you give some examples of games you wont buy?
Edit: Also, what's the problem with nudity in games?

8 years ago*

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I won't buy gta, the witcher 3, and other games like that. There's not too many. Games like farcry 4 barely have any nudity and it isn't sexualized so i feel that is bearable

8 years ago

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It would seem you're missing out on some of the best games ever produced then. But why do you have a problem with nude pixels?

8 years ago

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you wont buy witcher3 because it has a real human relationship? that is ridiculous... yet far cry is unrealistic swearing & violence, a real gluttonous entertainment game

you're supposed to avoid things that are scammy, scummy, fake, etc

8 years ago

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It depends. Sometimes the lack of nudity can actually ruin immersion. Sometimes the scene and the idea would just not be the same. While there might be no need to artificially add oversexualized content, censorship isn't needed either.

8 years ago

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nice avatar tho :O

8 years ago

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Damn it, you beat me to it!

8 years ago

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Yoshi agrees with this.

8 years ago

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As for any other media, nudity is fine. I'm happier if it's used in a meaningfull way, but I'm still ok even if used just to sell more. I don't mind nor care. :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Nudity is in too many games? What planet are you from?

8 years ago

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I'm guessing even one game would be too many

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The first Shadow Warrior had hidden naked girls (that covered themselves enough for you to not see anything that would give it too high of an age rating), I guess they were having that one there as an Easter egg. They would try and shoot you for peeking.

8 years ago

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I'd rather play with tiddies than with someone's chopped off head. :>

8 years ago

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This. Why is ultraviolence fine but any sort of sexual imagery NONONONONONO?

8 years ago

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I'm not a fan of nudity in games. Not because I don't think it's legitimate; I think the legitimate use of nudity is totally okay. Unfortunately, the times nudity is used to express something that can't be expressed better another way is far outweighed by the times nudity is used just for sex appeal. The Witcher 3 is an example of when nudity, even though I tended to skip the scenes, did not bother me because it was part of the character of the world and reflected the relationships between characters, while say Quiet is running around almost nude for no reason other than Kojima wanting to pop a boner all the time...

I have the same issue with violence, but not as much. For example, that scene in Spec Ops: The Line where you have to use white phosphorous made me quit the game, because while I ran around running down random pedestrians in Saints Row 3, I don't want to commit war crimes. Is it hypocritical? Perhaps, but on the other hand I do think there should be some limit on what you do in a game, even if you're willing to cross lines you wouldn't in real life.

8 years ago

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No, I don't think there's too much nudity in games, but I think it's far too often implemented in a rather juvenile way. If game designers would get over the " ''giggles'' boobies!" thing and actually dare to portray it in a more believable way

8 years ago

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Nudity does not necessarily ruin games. I actually think that it can ruin movies, not really games. ;)

8 years ago

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I don't like nudity, I want more sex scenes like in Ride to Hell Retribution xD

8 years ago

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Nudity is fine, getting caught fapping to it is not :c

8 years ago

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Nudity is common? Where? I mean, okay, in VNs it is commonplace, but outside that genre? When a nude scene comes along, half of Fox News blows the horns in America and make sure all other media outlets worldwide know how outraged they are by a few polygons forever ruining the youth. The only non-porn, commercial games I can even recall having actual nudity, not just hinted that people are clothless with careful camera angles are Witcher series, Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain, Giants: Citizen Kabuta (where it was a cultural thing that females in a tribe wore loincloth only), every Castlevania (because Japanese don't treat it as overpampered and Westerner hypocrites), God of Wars. Even if it is half of the list, that is fewer than the AAA releases this year alone.

8 years ago

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I don't mind nudity in a game as long as it's appropriate with the setting. Nudity for the sake of nudity is pointless, just like censorship.

8 years ago

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I don't care one way or another...although none of the game I play have actually had a nude/sex scene. Nudity in context is fine, but being naked just to get a few more people to buy the game for tits is kinda annoying.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by TheSolidGamer.