how is it not full price? Because they don't get 1 dollar? Your still going to pay full price, period no matter how the money is split in which case it's 1 measly dollar. I dobut many people, if any are putting 1 dollar down out of the pure kindness of their hearts. However the joke is on them. No game, not even half life 2: Episode 3 will hit 10,000,000 pre-orders even if it was 10 dollars.
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PREORDER N0W FOR ONLY 1 $ read read read then... IF WE DON'T REACH 10 MILLIONS WE'LL GIVE EVERY $ TO CHARITY. That feels like: you won't get nothing and you'll need to preorder again at full price... fake...
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You might want to note that the latest Humble Bundle only sold 250k units. That's even with the possibility of getting the game for 1 cent, and you get an ACTUAL product.
Also note that Humble Bundle makes it clear that your donations go to the EFF and Child's Play (or not if you so choose). This place is giving it away 'to some big charity'. This is absolutely unacceptable. If my money is going to charity I absolutely want to know what the charity is so I can verify it's validity. Note if you do not take care you can have stuff like this happen
I have no interest in supporting the prostitution habits of the manager some fake 'charity'. If the game company is not even willing to tell me what charity they are giving to, they do not deserve my money in any way shape or form. Period.
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Yup, I know. Neither is Painkiller, Hard Reset or Earth 2140. I'm not anti-Polish. In fact, I'm a Pole myself :) I'm just realistic.
I said "another Polish avarage production" because we are creating a lot of just not-that-good games, like for example Two Worlds.
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You dont have to pay the for the game after if you dont want it. Its a Charity matter, you are not buying a game, but helping charity. If they fulfill their matter, you receive the game otherwise your money go to charity. They are not bastards, people who dont help with a single penny are.
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You can donate to me as an act of charity. I can always do with more money.
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Anyone who donates to charity makes it absolutely crystal clear who that charity is. The Humble Bundles donate to the EFF and Child's Play if you desire. Even silly corporate charity donations are always clear they're donating to charity X.
I am going to be wary of a company that
1) Is based out of Eastern Europe
2) Makes vague statements about some 'big' charity
3) Makes such charity donation contingent on patently unattainable goal within one month of release
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Disinformation, heh.
Poland is a Central European country, and the most important after Germany, UK, France, Spain and Italy in the EU.
And btw I don't get why you have to be wary for being an Eastern Europe country - which is not the case tho. Maybe because their poor than Western Europe? Well, the same could be said about Mississippi or Lousiana in the USA e.g. then if we use your poor reasoning.
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I admit I had assumed the developer had come out of some shady former Russian republic. My bad there.
My point was that the entire premise of the 'charity' was suspect to begin with. While my first point might be invalid, it does not change the main factors. That the 'charity' is unnamed and is contingent on a wholly impossible goal.
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They've sold 17,000. Only 9,983,000 copies to go!
They're either poking fun at everybody or are just nice people, having all that money go to charity and all. I mean it's already at $17,000, so what's wrong with that? You don't get a game, but you donated to charity. It's the most kind-hearted scam I've seen.
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Let's look at an example. The Nintendo DS. This game system IS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL portable system to date. It has sold over 150 million units world wide.
Only 9 games have EVER sold more than 10 million units
If you look at the list only 2 Xbox360 games have ever done this either. On the PS3 no game has ever done this.
On the PC side the only games to have ever broken 10 million units are a few Sims games (and now you know why they made so many of these abominations), World of Warcraft, Half Life2, and Starcraft.
To say some unknown studio from some unknown game can conjure up 10 million presales in 1 MONTH is laughable.
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It's a bit of an old article but even back in 2008 CS had sold 4.2 million copies. It's doubtful CS could have broken 10 million given that CS:S sold 2.1 million according to the article. Valve generally doesn't release sales data so this is probably as definitive as you can get despite the age of the article. Note this is over the lifetime of the CS product as well.
But basically breaking 10 million within 1-2 months is not even remotely possible.
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Those figures, however, do not include steam sales, which may add a lot to the total sales.
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Looks interesting
Gonna pre-order it
BTW is it for steam?
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I payed $1 for this game. It looks mysterious and pretty interesting. If everyone in the world had a Paypal account, the number pre-ordered would be higher.
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Also, it's 99% likely that NOBODY is going to get this game for the dollar that they pay.
The most recent humble bundle only sold 230,000 copies. For this game to reach 10 million is ridiculous. Especially since with the humble bundle, you are guaranteed to get the games. With this, if they don't reach 10 million sales (which it won't), NOBODY will get the game.
Another thing is they don't say which "charity" all this money is going to go to when they inevitably don't reach the 10 million sales mark.
To be clear, you are NOT going to get this game for $1. They are going to end up selling it for $33.90, and that is what you will have to pay, in addition to the $1 you already have, if you want to own the game.
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Agreed. 1 million and they'd MAYBE hit there goal. ( even if it's less then 2 months till it comes out )
I hate how they didn't say a charity. For all we know it's "charity for us to have more money"
The worst part is that these guys are charging 34$ for some indie game.
34$ for some indie game? lolno
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GTA 4 sold 20 million from december 2008 until now. Do they expect to do half of what did GTA 4 on PRE-OERDER SALES? They're not serious are they? GTA 4 was part of a well known, liked, and respected series of games. GTA 4 was a AAA title. I don't see how this isn't a joke. Or if they know they won't actually make it past 25,000 (if even that) and they are really just doing this for charity they should do it differently.
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And is still the single most buggy game in the history of the GTA series.
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And the most disappointing. Between GTA 1 and San Andreas we saw nothing but improvements, and then GTA 4 was a huge step backwards in terms of gameplay and complexity. I miss buying properties and having stats and territory. I guess there's still Saint's Row for that. :/
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Ya i forgot to point that out. That's exactly the point, these guys are trolling. NO game has ever sold 10 million on any one platform (well, some very popular PC games did, but that's it.), let alone in pre-order sales for an unknown indie game!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAH TROLOLOLOL.
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I used the contact page and asked them which charity they would be donating the money to, and here's the reply I got:
At the moment we can not provide such information, but soon will be the official information - please visit the
If we don’t succeed in reaching ten million pre-orders, ALL of the money collected from pre-orders will be donated to the charity and the Afterfall: InSanity will be sold at the price of $33.90$ (this price reflects a $1 discount)"
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I'd rather just donate directly to Child's Play or a similar charity than I would more or less roll the dice on whatever it is these guys, well intentioned or not, plan to do. The game doesn't look all that impressive to begin with, not to say it's not worth the interest, but there's no way in hell they'll reach a number that lofty on pre-orders for it.
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They apparently have recently, as one of the posters above showed a few minutes ago:
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Preorder full game for 1$ tis will only work if we get 10 000 000 preorders!
more info @
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