@Faloperito made a super mega --> Google Spreadsheet <---
I'm really greatfull for his help and ideia. you can check the original --> comment here <--
Use the file tocheck what words have been used and what games were given away. (Still in Beta :), let us know if you find any bug)

I had nothing to so I had the idea to start a community game. I don't know if will make an impact, or if its gonna be funny! Worst case scenario, the community gets 3 giveaways from me :)

The idea of the community game is to make a game of words, similar to the Rate The Person Above You: Steam Profile Edition, but with giveaways.
I'll start the game with 4 comments, someone take it from there.


  • Take the word from the previous comment.
  • Create an invite only(lvl 1-3) (ending in 6 or 7 days from the creation date.) giveaway that has something to do with the word mencioned in the last comment.
  • You can obfuscate your link with somekind of bot protection if you want. Since the 1000 bot accounts that exist will probably just start entering all the giveaways in this thread in 2/3 days... We can't do nothing to prevent that.
  • Try to use a word you know has some options. For example, use the word "Magic" instead of "Harry Potter" :)
  • You can explain why you are giving away, the game, or why you associated your giveaway with the previous word. You can go ahead and write whatever you want in your comment, as long as you enunciate what is the next word on the board and create the giveaway :)
  • Try not to comment if you are not participating, so we can have a organized flow of comments links and new words. Unless you want to help the game and give a BUMP, in that case just comment "BUMP" so the person scrolling trought the comments knows its just a bump and not a "participation"
  • You can go ahead and create various giveaways per comment, but try to keep it inside the "word". Of course, do whatever you want, we are not a dictactorship :) if you feel like it, post whatever you want, as long as you are trying to participate in the community
    * I will close the thread when the last giveaway ended and no new giveaway is posted in the 7 days after that
  • Try to come up with a fun word or a hard word, whatever you think will be the most fun to create a giveaway with :)

Other "Rules"

  • Go ahead and comment with 2 or 3 words if you want to give options to the next person.
  • Cmon! don't use "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or use it, but give other word option too.
  • You commented at the same time of other person? No problem! :) the next person will have more word options for their giveaway. Don't Sweat it
  • Please dont spam the thread with replies to the "participating comments" asking "why im on your blacklist?", "Please, explain what you said on the other thread", "Epic/steam/ubisoft/EA is Evil", "the devs of this giveaway game are Evil people and deserve to burn"! Lets try to keep the participations flowing, there are other threads you can use to have intense discussions/vents.
  • Go ahead and give me your rule ideas when participating.
  • Last word was hard? tell us how you connected it to your giveaway! we want to know :)

Hope we manage to organize this :)

I'm not english native, so my english is probably bad, I did my best to explain the concept. hope you all understand the game :) have fun SG community

If this type of game was ever done on SG, give me a heads up, so i can link the original idea here.

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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Rule question (I didn't know where to ask this):
I have a game I would associate with the word, but the GA would be region restricted, unfortunately. Should I still go ahead?

1 year ago

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Well.. I would say go ahead. doesn't bother me... But will probably bother someone... We are after all in the Internet World :)
If you say something like "apologies, this one is region restricted, bla bla", most people will understand. After all, at least you are participating and moving the game. That's what matter in the end (at least for me)

1 year ago

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11 months ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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Mine were easy, since i had the giveaways ready :) i just had to comeup with the words for them :) yes I kinda cheated :)
Since we have a "made in brazil" sale my new word will be :

1 year ago*

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Interesting new approach to make the people giving away games do some extra work while those who enter get a free ride. :-p

1 year ago*

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Was trying to make something for the community, guess it didn't work :)

1 year ago

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Thanks for trying tho, I liked the idea behind it.

1 year ago

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Nice idea! :) Some users already try a similar concept in their personal giveaways - for example, @Lugum often tries to find a song that matches his giveaway. Give your idea time to succeed! Sometimes an idea needs a bit of time to grow.

1 year ago

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I like the idea as well ! Let me try !
Here's a game made in Brazil:
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0G1TS/horizon-chase-turbo (lv2+)

(Sorry, didn't have much idea πŸ˜…)
Here's a new word:
𝗖𝗒𝗠𝗙𝗬 (or relaxing / chill / slow paced game...)

1 year ago

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Comfy... get lost in the island winds. :)


(minor bot protection in the link... reverse eU413

New word:
Open (mainly Open world or non-linear)

1 year ago

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I've got a giveaway with an OPEN world game =)

Human Fall Flat
(minor bot protection, 3th letter is lower case)

New word will be:
GREEN (go wild with it) ^_^

1 year ago*

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I think it is the 4th letter character that is lower case instead of the 3rd. :)

Edited to add: for those who are sleeping like I was! :)

1 year ago*

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Numbers aren't letters :P

1 year ago

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You are a correct! I must be a bot!

1 year ago

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beep boop

1 year ago

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I'll play.
Bulb Boy

New word

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Add one to each number.

Come on, let's keep this one going alive for a couple months at least.

New word:

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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1 year ago

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The Shrouded Isle: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ow4gF/the-shrouded-isle

The isle is home to a spooky cult, around which the game revolves.

✧ New word: Feline.

View attached image.
1 year ago

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Just a little pointer for a potential next GA: the word "feline" doesn't necessarily imply that the game should be about cats or even have any cats in it, it can also be descriptive and lots of games could be fitting if you think about it a little. πŸ˜‰

1 year ago

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i love making giveaways so maybe i will try later

edit: cat - https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/kbAzI/alien-cat-2

it is a cat alien that is more cat than alien

new word - baseball (i love baseball) and their are plenty of games based on baseball or include baseball in them

1 year ago*

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1 year ago

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placeholder ⚾

Edit: Here you go!
Put a small j in the front and another one in the back. Lvl 3+. I must have miscounted on the days, it's open for 5 days from now. Sorry Arw!

As a european, baseball is a foreign subject for me, so I had fun checking out all the potential games. The only one I knew was Wii sports. πŸ†

Next word: Spring

1 year ago*

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bump 🌷

1 year ago

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Thank you for keeping the game alive :)
Sakura Swim Club
Antibot - That movie where the Alien wants to phone home

Sakura (Cherry blossoms) - They blossom in the Spring
Swiming in the pool/beach - Well also something that people start going to in the Spring


1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Guns & Fishes
xxx = Shy

Your enemies are sharks which are undoubtly predators. 🦈

New word: Haunted

1 year ago

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Thanks for participating

1 year ago

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Oh! I can't believe I haven't noticed this thread earlier. Does this count as haunted? At least the name does.

New word: "Potion"

1 year ago

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Potions don't make a fantasy RPG good, but good fantasy RPGs often have potions, like Baldur's Gate I & II. Don't believe me, just look at the proof yourself.
Both links are missing the last letter of the latin alphabet, often called Zed, Zee, Zeta or Zanahoria, in glorious uppercase. Both Level 3+ and ending next monday 13th.

New word: Salvage
(With L, tho if you find "savage salvage" appropiate, double kudos!)

1 year ago*

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Salvage gold from either your enemies or chests across your journey.

New word: Transformation

1 year ago

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Savage enemies?

1 year ago

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Works too! ^_^

1 year ago

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Tiny bump

1 year ago

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other Bump

1 year ago*

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other other Bump

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I was going to put DOOM and say "enemies around you suffer a transformation into a bloody pulp of delicious inner organs." ^_^

But to keep with the theme of the word game and since no new player has appeared in 4 days, I looked around hard to find a good game fitting with the word: Baba Is You. Because you literally cause transformation in things around you to be able to complete the puzzle, just by rearranging stuff and giving it a new meaning and way to interact with other stuff.

A really great game I can recommend for everyone, get it even if you don't win the giveaway.

Level 3+ and running for a week (and a couple hours). The Y is actually lowercase, btw.

Next word: jump
(Easy word, but let's see if someone finds a fitting game that's not a platformer.)

1 year ago

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thankful bump

1 year ago

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Bomber Crew: Although you should have your parachutes packed and loaded, do not jump!

Antibot: After you jump you fall. After you Jump, you Fall... Please note that some jumps are more capital than others!

Next word:


1 year ago*

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Am I the only one who doesn't get your antibot protection? (βŠ™_β˜‰)

1 year ago

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Read the Antibot message again Tina, you can do it!

1 year ago

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Seriously, my brain is cooked. I'm having covid at the moment and I'm trying to solve the Hogwarts puzzle again. I was really overthinking it :p

1 year ago

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Oh no get well soon!

1 year ago

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Thank you for your wishes. But it's fine, I'm at the end of it :)

1 year ago

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Either no one wants the game, or almost no one solved it. Let's just say that the f must be capitalized...

1 year ago

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Well I entered with your hint now ^_^

1 year ago

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Rumor has it there is some treasure in the pit.. So let's go Into the Pit

Next word: Metal

1 year ago

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I was going to delve into that pit... then I saw that I already have a pit in my backyard. Good choice!

1 year ago

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Look I could not pass up the opportunity. Metal as in guns yeah, BUT especially the great METAL soundtrack for Doom 1993...
If you never had the chance to listen to this, here you are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSsfjHCFosw&list=PLD741146AA133C8E3
That's some childhood memories right there ^_^ (I know, my age is showing)

(first letter is lowercase)

New word is Cozy (To counter this one)

1 year ago

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Well, my GAs for legit cozy games are reserved exclusively for some other thread, but this one is a chill FMV rom-com game where people are "digitally dating" from their cozy homes: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/dzOx2/five-dates

✦Next word: Melancholy

1 year ago

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@Tragic Bronson, I'd say this game fits here perfectly then, don't you think? ;-)
Melancholy fits the game HEAL in my opinion. Altough there is almost no dialogue, the game's somewhat sad story is experienced through a dark and gloomy atmosphere...
Heal (?=F)

Next word I kept broad because I'm out of ideas: INDIE

1 year ago

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Indie games are computer games created by independent developers. A single person or a small team of 2 to 10 people can build such games from scratch. Sometimes indie games are referred to as β€œfree” because game resources are either created by the developers themselves or taken from free sources. - so Google says so i guess a copy of https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/MGWjy/ball-fall - woud count?

Next word: colour

1 year ago

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View attached image.
1 year ago

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