It's interesting why there is such a different outcome regarding the gender of the baby, wonder if they'll also find out what causes this.
I also wonder why so many people think putting an unborn child at any risk whatsoever would've a good outcome, I mean it's kinda like dancing on a skywire... what could go wrong, right :)? And the doc your friend visited is a moron, if he ever truly suggested something like that.
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ah in pregnancy, i thought his meant that you will get autism if you smoke? which doesnt make sense, but anyways glad i am safe
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think something is wrong with your link...have to go there manually
well we already knew smoking during pregnancy was bad due to the effects it has on the its not like the new information about how it effects grandchildren is going change much. ie the people that would smoke during pregnancy will still do so.
that being said its kinda interesting the science behind how all a women's eggs form before they are born.
I guess my opinon is it sucks and is a big deal but won't necessarily change much
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Would be kind of cool if they could narrow down what exactly involved with smoking increases the risk. Like if it a certain chem/combo of chemicals, or if its the actual tobacco plant itself. Or if chew can also effect in the same way. Definitely an interesting read though lol
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its the chemicals that keep it lit. its not the tobacco. they know damn well what ones are bad and what they do. get a list of the chemicals and google them you'll see.
p.s.when they started the anti-smoking stuff they increased how much they added of the addictive chemical. i forget its name but it would the main chemical in any "quit smoking" item and no its not nicotine.
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Oh Im sure its the chemicals too, but Id still like them to narrow down what specifically is effecting eggs in unborn girls. Only reason I mentioned the plant itself is because certain plants have adverse effects on unborn babies, and this study didnt rule it out. So Im basically curious about the exact cause, and not just overall "smoking".
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Those are symptoms, not the irregularity itself. Autism is not a quirk or a character trait, it's neurons and synapses in your brain behaving irregular. It's physiological, not mental, it just affects your mental functions. So yes, either you are autistic or you're not. Where you fall on the scale, and if that's even noticeable, is a whole different thing.
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you cannot pick a few sympthoms and call disease retarded, because "I have sympthoms and no disease". For example - Black Death sympthoms included fever, coughing, chills and sneezing. I bet most of us had the very same sympthoms at least few times in out lives because of common cold, yet we somohow didn't die due to plague. Does it mean the whole black death is just retarded concept?
Sarcasm aside - no, having poor communication or repetitive behavious doesn't make you autistic. Being autistic cause you having poor communication and repetitive behoaviour thou among many other things. Simple as that.
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Yes I did read - you called the wide spectrum of sympthoms associated with autism let me quote you "retarded". Then started cynically mocking it - giving "clever" examples like "oh, problems with communication? it means every guy ever talking to girl for first time must be autistic!" or "performing repetitive tasks? that's called having a job, not having autism" etc. And again - sympthom does not mean you have disease, disease mean you most likelly are having sympthoms. But I guess such a simple idea that if you have flu you have a fever but if you have a fever that doesn't really indicate you have a flu is too much for your singular brain cell to figure. Luckilly us with 2 brain cells can process such a complex idea... ;p
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You mean nobody smokes anymore to be cool :( That is why i did it when I was younger.
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Such a Rebel...did you also roll them up in your sleeve?
I am not sure if I did it to be cool,I think I was more curious.As I would sneak them from my mom and then go hide to smoke them and never talked about it.I think to do it to be cool it would have to involve some sort of showing off or bragging.
Though it could also be to have escape the world I lived in and that was just another outlet.I had no clue they where bad for me at the time.To be a kid again,no fear just living!
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everything is poisonous, depending on the dosage. Hundreds years ago people gave kids alcohol because it was safer than drinking water (no one figured out all they had to do was boil it). Hard to say they were wrong to do so, it was more to the fact that they didn't have the knowledge and means that we have today.
In todays world, pregnancy, while still a stressful process, can be made much smoother by modern medicine, ultrasound checking (when I was born, it was just being introduced in Poland) and basically having everything avaiable by just ordering it on internet or going to the shop next street.
The times your mom was pregnant, smoking probably was her way to keep her calm and that way of releasing stress was probably what helped her go through pregnancy, so in a way she is right - in the times she was pregnant, smoking was the right thing for her to do. Today it is simply not necessary and there are alternatives.
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Life is a risk but it is time we stop blaming everything that happens on something else without knowing for sure it was the cause..Sometimes things happen because it is just part of life.Just because these people smoke does not mean that some how made them at a lot higher risk for autism when there kids give birth.A person smokes 3 packs a day and get lung cancer does not mean without a doubt it was the smoking.It may have or may not have been all we know is that it is an added risk but no way is a sure bet it will give you cancer or was the reason you got it despite smoking.There are so many things that could trigger cancer besides just smoking.
Cancer is a rogue gene so even if you never smoke you could still get lung cancer so in fact smoking might not even be the reason.It still not good for your health for reasons regardless.I am waiting for the day farting in an elevator causes cancer because they study 10,000 people who was in an elevator while a fart was present and a third of them died of cancer.
I am sure smoking could cause issues like Autism but no way do I think it is at 30% based on this paper thin study.It is easier to discover Autism because of test and more awareness.I am more incline to think because of new ways to detect it and awareness of it that they are finding a lot more people have it then they ever could have guessed.
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Just another reason for me to not like that 'habit.' The problems caused being potentially cross generational to one's grandchildren is personally terrifying. Just another way it causes harm to those around you and beyond now.
Thanks for the share, always enjoy a good informative read on this sort of stuff.
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These studies wow,I am waiting for the day they link farting in the elevator to something from exposure to gas.I am tired of all these studies just blaming other things for causes that show barely any real proof.Autism has gained a lot so it is easier to detect and find.I think the spectrum for it is to wide.Though at least they say risk and do not give blame.Though really how do they know the risk without knowing the whole history of these people and so on?
These studies are just blind shots in the dark and if you ask me money could be better spent on better things.It is like studying a group of 100,000 people who drink every night then later conclude there drinking might have had an effect on there well being and damaged the liver.I think Autism is a lot more wide spread then people think and it not from smoking but just better ways to detect it.
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that is interesting, how many factors (included linked one) there is for forming healthy, new life.
And It is sad, that sometimes, parents could not avoid some bad influences, as it is out of their hands
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Correlation doesn't imply causation. Right now I'm too lazy to find the study that the article is based off of
the girl is 67% more likely to display certain traits linked to autism, such as poor social communication skills and repetitive behaviours.
There's been some literature on how girls tend to have less repetitive/restrictive behaviors (sex differences in how the disorder is expressed; ADHD also has phenotypic differences) so I wonder why they used that as a criterion.
'More specifically, we know smoking can damage the DNA of mitochondria -- the numerous "power-packs" contained in every cell, and mitochondria are only transmitted to the next generation via the mother's egg. The initial mitochondrial DNA mutations often have no overt effect in the mother herself, but the impact can increase when transmitted to her own children.'
Still trying to wrap my head around this, I think they're trying to include the ASD is a mitochondrial disorder school of thinking that's popular right now, and mashing it up with imprinting
It's good that they're planning on studying the offspring of the diagnosed.
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The majority of smokers I know (inlcuding myself) aren't saying that they feel better than a non-smoker. People who state that or "smoking tastes good", "I can stop it whenever I want" are just suppressing/hiding their dependency. Also it's good that it's forbidden in restaurants etc. today.
Be happy, if you've never tried it or your body directly signaled that it is wrong when trying it. There are folks who can smoke a whole pack in one evening without getting addicted, but those are very rare.
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Are they young ones? ^^
It's not always easy to admit one's own faults, but the bad habit /addiction of smoking imho isn't something you have to blame yourself too bad. It's a drug which can be easily obtained (like alcohol) and its psychological dependency is hard to overcome. It's good that the society nowadays proscribes smoking more than in earlier decades. Some smokers reacting arbitrary on that, but for the majority I think it's helpful to overthink it and try to get rid of it.
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There are folks who can smoke a whole pack in one evening without getting addicted, but those are very rare
My dad is a bit like that. Sometimes when he was with friends, they'd offer a cigarette and he'd smoke one or two, then quit for a year or more. It was really an occasional thing when he met up with some of his old friends, but I remember they kept mentioning how impressive it was that he didn't get addicted to them at all.
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Hard to say whether it's smoking. Could be that smoking while pregnant is stupid behavior ... and such people are more likely to engage in other stupid behaviors that increase the risk of other birth defects.
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Of all things that smoking during pregnancy can do, ASD seems like the least problematic. ASD is believed to be caused by several genes defects (not one like it is with Down syndrome) and as such doing anything that would increase the chance of creating a DNA defect (which includes smoking) may increase the chance of ASD appearing. But considering smoking during pregnancy can cause premature childbirth, ASD seems like the least of your worries when your child could be born month too early.
Also currently ASD seems to be found in too broad of spectrum of people. Anyone who shows anti-social behaviour get sometimes classified to ASD group. ASD is the new ADHD - both real sicknesses but too broad range of people are declared to have it, making people panic and over medicate.
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Wife of your friend - and your friend - are just irresponsible towards their children.
They are taking risks towards their descendance. But, well, is that ok for them or are they completely ignorant ?
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He's always been a pushover of sorts. One of those guys who do whatever their mom or even grandma says. Go to bed early even at college age because that's what's right. Don't hang out with person X because they are bad, don't go out with girl Y she'll take you away from family. Don't train sports because someone will hurt you. Eat this and not that.
He got out of it for a few years while he was hanging out with my crew - at first he joined us in our evening walks by the river, then started traveling with us, visiting concerts and festivals, art galleries, communicating with other people, trying new things, staying up late and realizing you can still study tomorrow, improved his grades dramatically, even went choir singing which was his lifelong wish (none of us did, it was his thing)... then we all graduated and most of us moved away, he met his current wife and, well, she's the boss of him now.
Slowly turned him against the remaining friends over there, forbade him to use the nickname he had all his life and insisted everyone calls him like that, forced him to stop pursuing job he wanted and work for her dad...
I know it sounds one-sided, and she's probably trying to guide him in a way she thinks best for the kids and their family... and I really wanted to believe that... until I visited once and he told me their first kid was born with some problems (lacking one vein/artery in the cord; not sure if it's related, but that's how I found out about the other thing) and we started talking about it and he shamefully admitted that his wife, who promised to stop smoking "once they start living together" never did, she promised to stop "once they get married" instead, then "once she gets pregnant for sure because she'll have to"... and then ended up with a story that OBGN "told her it's perfectly safe to smoke throughout the pregnancy" so she did. And smokes heavily to this very day in front of 2-4 year old kids. Honestly, it didn't sound like he truly believed her, but... sometimes people choose to be blind because they're afraid of the other choice.
We don't hang out anymore. Let's just say after graduating most of us moved away and he slowly stopped hanging out with remaining members of the crew, always with an explanation that they don't respect him (called this one, he didn't call back in 3 days, doesn't respect me enough I'm out), stopped using his life-long nickname (because it gets people not to respect me, whatever that means) and switched from choir to other things his wife likes, started having completely new "our" friends from those activities, then stopped calling the rest of us and stayed in touch with me only until the summer before last, when we had a disagreement and stopped talking completely.
I'm still concerned about him and his kids welfare, even if we're not in touch anymore. So this article kind of... reminded me of everything. I even wrote more, but decided to keep some things private. I think I've told more than enough.
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She even "explained" to him that doctor told her it's okay...
The Doctor probably told her to cut down but not to stop and she misinterpreted that statement. The shock to the system from stopping outright can actually be harmful to the child. The same applies for drinkers and drug users who are pregnant.
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I agree, that's what doctor probably said. However, to misinterpret on accident she'd have to never talk to the doctor again about it, and it was her OBGN so saw them throughout pregnancy. It's simply more plausible that she lied to both sides in order not to stop completely because she didn't want to stop. Then she smoked in front of a baby and then again with another child. Smoked heavily when I was last in touch with him.
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OMG it's pollution! NJ has the worst rate of autism in the US 1 in 6 kids! NJ also has.... you guessed it. The worst pollution in the US!
China has the worst autism rate in the world (I think outside the US?) Guess what else China has? Come on... you know the big companies that cause all that pollution are the ones paying for the false and "it's vaccines!" to avoid their own fault!
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University of Bristol. "Diagnosed autism linked to maternal grandmother's smoking in pregnancy." ScienceDaily. (accessed April 28, 2017)
Easy to read, give it a chance.
tl,dr; if a woman smokes during pregnancy, her daughter will have more chance to have autistic kids. It's because if you're a woman, your eggs form before you're born, so eggs that your kids will one day come from are actually created when your (potentially smoking) mom was pregnant with you.
And if you think no one does that... Wife of one of my friends smoked while she was pregnant with both of their kids. She even "explained" to him that doctor told her it's okay... which he chose to believe. So I guess his grand kids that come from his daughter will be at risk.
What's your opinion on this article? (please read it first)
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