Hello people of Steamgifts.

I've been feeling a bit down lately. I've been tired, sufferend from a never-ending cold that that kept coming back everytime it seemed like it was ending (from mid december through the end of february), and feeling a little bit blasé about things in general. Some of you may have noticed that I was a lot less present in the forums as of late. (Most days I simply checked the deals section and be done with it.)

Fortunately, it's getting better. The cold is finally gone, I'm starting to work again on personal projects, going to work feels less like a chore and I'm starting to entertain the idea of getting back on the threadmill. (Which, honestly, would help a lot in getting my energy levels up. Classic case of chicken and egg... feeling to tired to consider doing the one thing that would utlimately help me feel better.)

So, in the last few weeks, I kinda saw a couple of milestones come and go and didn't really act on them.

On february 27th, it was my 5 years cake day on Steamgifts. I was originallly planning on doing some kind of event for it but completely forgot and only realized that the fated day had come because of a few people wishing me a happy cake day. I thought about doing something but I had nothing ready, so I said I'd do something on the weekend. I didn't.

Then, some time at the beginning of last week, I noticed that I had crossed the 7k games threshold in my Steam library. I usually make some celebratory thread for those, but it was late, I was tired and once again I had nothing prepared. So I figured once again that I'd do something on the weekend when I would have more time. Well, this is the weekend in question and this time I managed to write this thread.

I grabbed a few games for you and made some giveaways, because I know you all like those. They all end on April 3rd, which also happen to be my 43rd birthday. I hope you find some enjoyment in them.

tl;dr - been feeling blah, missed some milestones, giveaways

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7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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I hope that you are feeling 100% now! Congratulations again for all those milestones, and thank you for the giveaways.:)


7 years ago

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