I would love if we could have some form of tracking on how many people click posted links. I am the PR for Empires of Creation, and seeing these statistics would be very beneficial to me as link shorteners are considered taboo here. I won't go as far as requesting full blown analytic data (eg. region, gender, game genre preference, weekly game hours, etc...), but at least letting me know how many clicks my links are getting would be helpful in seeing what is more eye catching, best posting times, etc...

Thoughts and opinions?


7 years ago

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View Results
I'd love to see analytics on my links!
What?!? Tracking?! Never!!!
Meh, doesn't really matter to me.
Mandatory Potato
Trump 2016!
Clinton 2016!
GabeN 2016!

This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Never going to happen since the function would only benefit a very small amount of peeps. The majority on this site are just here to leech and not to promote their shit :P.

7 years ago

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Nah... would cost to much effort to imply such feature compared to the amount of people that will use it. You can generally see the amount of clicks by the number of people that join the giveaway or (attempt to) solve a puzzle.

7 years ago

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With the number of bots that are running, I doubt there would really be that much value to the data. I'd rather retain the illusion of privacy.

7 years ago

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Um, did you just suggested everyone should be forced to report all our acitvities, personal data with anyone who anonymously requests that or stop using the site and belive all past data would be erased? Really? Beacause "at least" level of reporting for your links with PR material us already done by you

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Oh? There is a way to track the link clicks from this particular site without using shorteners such as Goo.gl? I haven't been in this for too long, and I'm always willing to learn new things that makes my job more efficient!

From what I understand, unless the source site (in this case, SG) or the destination site (namely twitter) shows you the data themselves with an analytics page (which Twitter does have, but doesn't show traffic sources, let alone on an individual click timestamp basis), it is impossible to track this data without use of a middleman shortener such as goo.gl, which unless I've been mistaken, SG doesn't allow the use of shorteners.

If I am wrong on any of this, pray tell, I'd love to grow in my skills and experience of this job!

7 years ago

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