Hello everybody!

I wanted to give away my Arma 3 Alpha Lite key through steamgifts.com.
But I found out you can only gift actual games, and not demo versions of a game.

And since the Arma 3 Alpha Lite is kind of a demo version I got recommended by the support to just put it up on this forum.
Which is what I am doing now.

Be aware that this version only gives access to the very basic singleplayer scenario's of the current version of the game.
So it should be treated as a version to wetten the appetite, and convince you to buy the game.

Because of that I only want to give it away to someone who would really appreciate testing this game out before buying it.
People who are not sure to buy it yet.

So any interested persons may leave a comment on this topic, with a reason on why I should give my alpha-lite key to you.
This way I know it will be appreciated and not be just a waste.


p.s. Most of my friends already bought the game or are planning to. This is why I have no use of this key.

1 decade ago*

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I would love a key to try out the new game, got into the old one for Day Z and really liked it.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Crunch0r.