Previously...on first world gamer problems:

SP202: No, Bethesda, you can't be serious...the DLC hasn't been on sale for months! How you tempt me so with the GOTY edition, yet, it would be but a waste as I already own the base game and some of the DLCs. Why do you not put the DLC on sale at equally competitive prices as the base game itself?

Bethesda: Ahahaha, our cruelty knows no bounds, SP202. Our marketing experts have told us of a most effective strategy which will ensure that early adopters of Dishonored will lose money to our evil corporate DLC discount policies! Never again will you see the DLC at a discount lower than 50% off. NEVER!!!


Screen cuts dramatically to black as SP202 falls helpless to his knees, wallet empty by his side as Bethesda looms overhead ominously

Days pass, and our hero SP202 eventually gains possession of the elusive Brigmore Witches DLC at a price that would make a peasant squeal with envy. But alas, tragedy has struck, what is this? Blurry textures!?!? But surely Dishonored is renowned for its high resolution goodness, and state of the art graphical prowess? Perhaps not. But such blurriness as this cannot be entirely normal. Our hero SP202 resorts to a group of wizened old wizards in a distant and faraway land known by the locals as SG. Here it is, that our hero's last hope lies in solving the mystery...of the blurry textures...

11 years ago*

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Squeals with envy

11 years ago

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Dishonored was fun but clearly not as much as a hook for me like Skyrim was.

11 years ago

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For better sound effects click here than press button

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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same with skyrim

11 years ago

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But...but...look!!! THIS can't possibly be NORMAL!!

11 years ago

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"a price that would make a peasant squeal with envy. "

After seeying your screens I'm pretty sure they would laugh (with envy).

Anyway, dit you validate your cache files? Did you try a reïnstall?

11 years ago

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But of course, their enviousness is overwhelming.

11 years ago

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I really could use some help here guys.

11 years ago

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Like, now.

11 years ago

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The game uses amazing magical powers to detect that you paid less than the publisher recommended sale price. It throttles your play by severely reducing textures until you pay full price.

11 years ago

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It seems Bethesda will stop at nothing to water down early adopters' experiences.

11 years ago

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Try changing Texture Filtering / Texture Quality in your graphics card settings.
Set your "Mipmap Detail Level" to "High Quality" if you have a ATI card.

11 years ago

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A useful post, at last! Unfortunately, after setting the texturing filtering for Dishonored to high quality in the Nvidia Control Panel, the texture is still blurry. I'm also running the game from an external HDD, could that be affecting textures? Bioshock Infinite seems to work fine with high resolution textures when running it from the external HDD.

11 years ago

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Why do people do this? You should never run games from external hard drive, the internal hdd is the bottleneck of every system and you bottleneck it even more by running external... :/
Found this on the internet:
By default the game can have some odd texture pop-in. Occasionally, for example, you’ll see low resolution textures appear when switching weapons. This tweak can help reduce the effect:

1) Open: C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Dishonored\DishonoredGame\Config\DishonoredEngine.ini using Notepad

2) Find this section (under [Engine.Engine])

3) Change all values to 0 and save the document.

11 years ago

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Bump for halp.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by sp202.