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1st link found when using Google...
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YOU REALLY BLAME VALVE THAT U WANT TO IDLE DROPS?! You want to say that it is legit? Stop speaking, I've heard enough of your shit with that sentence, you blame Valve and the game itself because u want to get free drops without doing anything, man, go away,
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No, I won't be offensive to you, so I should stop speaking, have a nice day, btw, try not to hunt everything, Everyone is working for the drops, it's not nice to get them while u are afk.
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then if you dont give a shit about the game why even have it installed, your a parasite imo, always wanting something for free, here is a CRAZY IDEA, now try an stay with me as this can get complicated
There is this unknown entitiy, almost as rare as unicorns called a ....... JOB
now if you have one of these, they pay you money CRAZY RIGHT!
with this money you can buy things OH EM GEE REALLY!
now stop being a cheap bastard and blaming others for you being a tramp
good day
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It's pretty much the opposite of parasitical if Valve gets money for literally everything I do involving this, as well as the server owners for running ads on the servers I idle. Your post made very little logical sense. Especially when there's 0 manpower actually involved in idling.
Hence the term. Idling. I've idled and gone on to work, play, laugh, love and rest.
Also, for the record, idling has let me spend my actual earned money on wonderful things in real life. Like tacos. TF2 idling paid for Summer/Winter sales one year, roughly $100 per. Which, again, Valve and server owners made money off of.
So explain to me again how it's parasitical?
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Advertising money, the same way anyone else makes money off servers, and have been for decades. This isn't a new concept, and shouldn't be a new concept to you either. Otherwise you wouldn't be here, talking to me about server monetization, because you wouldn't actually know what you're talking about. Am I right about that?
Nearly all of idling servers have pretty hefty advertising because of this. Have you ever been on one?
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Yeah you don't understand how server monetization works.
Which is funny, since it's pretty much how all other advertising works. Historically from our past, our present and possibly our future.
Like I said. You don't have a clue. And I'm sorry you wasted your time here trying to convince someone to join a lesser, ignorant opinion.
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you actually make me laugh, your so up yourself its hilarious, just remember even with all the big words an speeches an claiming people are not useful, its all for 10 cent skins, i kind of feel sorry for you tbh.
i wish you great luck in finding them doller drops and they create the path to a bright new future
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RIP lol you might have to put some effort for those 10 cent skins, the entertainment for me is coming from the fact you are trying to portray yourself as intellectual but are coming across as pompous and arrogant
as i said all this for your 10 cent skins, would you like me to donate some skins for you or a hug maybe?
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Boxes on average worth between $0.90-$0.10 with a guaranteed drop of 2 boxes per week. It adds up very, very quickly.
It may be "easier" to sell ads on private servers [it's not] , but it's not reliable either. Would you rather sell copper or pray for gold?
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Actually the newest boxes are usually worth $0.1-$1 while the rest are $0.04-$0.10. So you might get a profit of, optimistically, $1-$2 a week, when we count in the other crappy drops. Is that really worth the effort (of idling)? You said it yourself, you need to spend a few minutes setting it up, not to mention you're wasting CPU power (and lifetime) by running the game permanently.
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The shortened lifespan is a thing that exists [vaguely and without proper evidence], sure, but I've had this i7 since release in 2012, and still live on without issues. If it were to die 3 years...well I won't actually be using this CPU in 3 years. Moot point really.
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It's a new weapon collection, drops from the new operation which was just opened yesterday. Again, you have to play real games on Valve servers in order to get these new drops, which is valuable as this moment. Other drops are working normally I think, as I'm still receiving drop from some idle servers on that gametracker site that you said isn't working.
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You mention the word "broken" a lot.
None of the servers are "broken", it's just how the drop system works.
There's a drop limit you can get for a week I believe it's 4 or something now, but don't quote me on that. You get the first 1-2 drops relatively fast but then the time required to spent ingame will gradually increase.
In other words it doesn't matter which server you idle, unless you do it on servers where people actually play.
Search by tag: idle. Join one with low ping, then go to work/sleep/study whatever.
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"You mention the word "broken" a lot"
Yes, and somehow you didn't actually read anything I have typed.
It's Thursday, drop limit resets on Wednesday. I previously mentioned I hadn't idled in weeks. Oh yeah I totally hit the cap.
It actually does matter which server is idled on, as currently some of them haven't accepted the new update which apparently broke idling. But yeah it totally doesn't matter.
I've already said...3 times about how the search function in the community browser is a bit shit. But yeah. I totally haven't figured out that you can search tags.
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Always getting so defensive?
" I previously mentioned I hadn't idled in weeks"
Let me see what CTRL-F says when I search "week":
So where did you mention it sunshine? Gotta love your attitude though, I hope its not from the bitterness of not getting 9cent items.
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I am always use for idling, but with last cs:go update not sure if you still can get drop in non-official servers
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You lose more money on your electricity bill than make from selling these shitty drops, so what's the point?
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Something reliable. Tired of finding broken servers.
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