Hey everyone,

I recently started using CrowdFlower and there aren't many tasks available for my country. I know the best jobs come with leveling up, but getting there is really slow with 1 job at most / day. I don't want to look at the tasks page all day and it feels dumb for Crowdflower not to have some basic alert system for users. I couldn't find any services either.

I downloaded this Chrome extension to monitor the "Available Jobs" web element for changes, but I am not sure it works, can someone test it who has at least a few tasks available?


Page Monitor

I checked some sites that support Crowdflower and I got the channel URL from the iframe element.

CrowdFlower Elite



btw, why does the number of jobs differ / channel?

Can someone test if this actually works? Either there are no jobs or it's broken on my part.
Is there a better way to track available jobs?

Thank you!

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by meister245.