It's funny because you don't need to say your site's name to state your problem.
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Prys, the site that is currently gifting the Darkartha keys.
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but they can easily make another account
make 2 sections - for giveaways with <100 copies (easy registration)
and for giveaways with >100 copies with rule like sg-rule
Users sign-in using their Steam account, and we require their account to be valued at $100 or greater
But change $100 to $500-700
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Is this about the giveaway of Save Jesus, that it was not Save Jesus but Nuclear Shot?
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Asking for advise on how to run a giveaway website like Steamgifts on Steamgifts? I think you know perfectly well what's going to be the answer. :P
I mean, how is SG setup and why? There's your answer and solution.
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By the description, it sounds like something very similar to what SG is, but I'll take your word for it. In any case, it sounds like what system SG and GameMiner (rip) implemented (account value restriction) plus MaduRUDE's suggestion of the limitation of one account per person/per IP is the best way to handle this.
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Some real giveaways for the people that came here to talk about fake giveaways :p
Sparkle 2 Evo: QARF3-3GERR-TIJJJ (JJJ == MPD)
Sparkle 3 Genesis: B2ZT7-0BPF3-5NJJJ (JJJ == P9Y)
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Hm, don't know why the second would be invalid. Oh well, I'll just blame the Ninjas on that one too ;)
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disables a giveaway after a stresshold of reports
Terrible idea. \
First - easilly abuseable. I dont like guy XYZ, I ask all my friends tro report all his GAs together with my friends and we disable all his GAs. Guy gets upset, he never comes back to your website again.
Second - how are users expected to define what is fake GA and what to report? Based on what? This new user is giving GA for anything? he's new user, best to report him just in case. he gets upset and never comes back. is this older user making GA for something that isn't free kewy? it must be fake! let's report him. Even if he really wanted to give away non-bundle game he will be blocked anyway because people will assume it must be fake.
You can either decide to IP-ban (which can still be worked around using VPN for example) or adding some requirements like SG has (minimum account value for example). Also if you don't even check IPs and allow everyone without requirements your website will have no future - fair users will quickly go away because I can set up 100 fake accounts with 0 games each and leech all GAs with 100 times bigger chance to win than any fair user. Soon enough you will remain with just bots and multiaccounts.
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You're right about that. That's why I decided against it, and instead opted for a manual approval system, which is now active. Also, I have taken good measures against multiple entries. I don't think you can cheat my system. I could explain the entire logic of it, but it's pretty complicated.
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Since the giveaways are more like those giveaways, why not add/remove steps for the giveaways as reward/punishment?
For example, a new user could start with one action, so they could make a giveaway and only add one step like following their twitter.
If the giveaway turns out to be fake, which could be determined by an amount of user reports or user mods, they lose their individual step and only gain it back once they made a legit giveaway. For every good giveaway they could earn another step, maybe capping it at 10-20 or whatever the current cap is?
Idk, I think if there's some sort of punishment (and no option to easily create another profile), people would hesitate to make fake giveaways?
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Two options:
1. Require givers to login through Steam and require their account to meet a certain criteria. SG checks for minimum account value, but I'm sure there are other options which would work.
2. Use browser fingerprinting.
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44 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Swordoffury
So, I run a site, which - similar to - allows anyone to create giveaways and share them with the public. Now, recently I have been getting some fake giveaways, which is damaging the site's reputation. I removed those fake giveaways and prevented creators from creating any more giveaways, but they can easily make another account. My question to you guys is, how should I deal with those fake giveaway creators?
I am thinking about implementing a report button that disables a giveaway after a stresshold of reports, but then people could abuse this system to disable legitimate giveaways. Maybe you guys have better ideas?
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