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Getting "gaming" RAM will make next to no difference in gaming performance. 1-3% at best. Waste of money imo.
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It's not a scam. It's just a joke.
All it does is makes the image of a download progress bar move on your screen, it doesn't download anything.
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^ This is the sensible answer. Since you appear to have a module already, you could look for one with similar specs to yours and pair it with it.
Since you write that yours has a frequency of 887Mhz, double check that it is DDR3 and not DDR2, using a software like CPUID.
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I don't know, I've heard 1866 is a noticeable difference but not to go higher than that.
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While cooling is important, RAM is not one of the components that tends to cause trouble due to overheating. Get some dual channel 1600 and you should be fine.
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You understand the importance of "cooling" in a PC huh? Tell me then, please, for what parts of your PC cooling is most important, and why? And why "special cooling systems" on your RAM, specifically, is any good. Please, explain this to me.
Judging from your post, I think you don't understand that much about PCs at all.
If you waste your money on that RAM, you'll feel sorry. Getting anything more expensive (and with super duper cooling on it) than DDR3-1600 RAM will maybe get you a 1/2% performance increase, and even that probably only in synthetic benchmarks, anyway. Go for dual channel RAM - that's the only "premium feature" worth a shit.
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Why are you so negative? It really bums people out. You must be fun at ... wherever you are.
Maybe some things you said are right, but can't you just make your tone softer, or at least as straight as possible? You're getting on my nerves even if you're not talking to me.
You know, I usually don't give a damn about people like you, but you being awfully active posting here and there on this forum, I think I'll let you have some.
Maybe you could get something from this post. If you don't, oh well too bad. Not that I care anyways.
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If you didn't care, you wouldn't post. I'm so sorry I get on your nerves, sir. Maybe an idea, if it bothers you at all, is to actually converse with me, maybe in a chat, actually confront me with what you're talking about instead of making these vague blanket statements and very wide accusations, on a public forum nonetheless, and giving me a chance to address your concerns directly, without this one-way communication pushing me into a corner of shame. "People like you".. "You must be fun at... Wherever you are." Wow, classy. That passive aggressiveness.
You want to complain about me? Fine, I am always open to critique / feedback. Anyone who knows me can confirm that. Add me, and send me a PM. You might find I'm not as ginormous a dick as you might think I am (and indeed are suggesting I am) from a few forum posts, if you give me the chance to actually explain myself.
As for the "can't you make your tone softer"? Yes, I can. And I can be a very gentle and kind spirit, as well. But that doesn't mean I always want to, or that the world would be better off with everyone always acting and speaking from this softer side. People dislike me from a few forum posts? Fine, if I got my point across. I have enough friends, real life as well as online, who know me for who I am, and know me as a kind person.
Let's see what you do with this reply. If you ignore it, or actually act like what you're asking of me - from a soft side, with a positive intent. If you'll try to actually converse with me rather than purely send a disapproving message my way.
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guide:buy a nice gpu then buy a good cpu then make sure all your other components support the cpu and gpu
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Why not dual channel ? RAM is not so important for gaming (4GB is quite enough), better focus on GPU then CPU. If you change your RAM, you might have less than 1% gain, if you are lucky...
My advice : if you really want to spend money on RAM, just buy the same 4GB stick so you have dual channel, it's good for Windows and softwares, faster loading in games too.
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4Gb is not enough if you're planning on for example using lots of mods for Skyrim.
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It depends, Firefox into a ramdisk becomes pure awesomeness but IMO, the gain over a SSD doesn't worth it. You can try it by yourself easily, the freeware version of RAMDisk is more than enough (4GB max size).
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Just get some cheap samsung memory and overclock it up to 2k Mhz
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SSD is for storage, but much faster than a mechanical hard drive. it makes your computer load things faster therefore speeding up your computer. ssd's are more expensive and provide much less storage, but the speed might make up for it. (if few seconds actually make a difference for you)
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It makes a huge difference, games load in seconds, although I recommend installing your OS on an SSD. They do not only sound awesome, they are actually a lot more than that.
For example, I do not own an SSD, but my friend does and we both play BF3. On first boot, it takes around 30 to 40 seconds on my PC, whereas his game loads up in under 10 seconds. We both have 8gigs of RAM, yet his game loads a lot faster.
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My computer loads in seconds on a mechanical drive because I turned off thirty programs that slow down reboots and are never used. The thing with SSD is that you save a couple seconds on boots and for loading games. I guess if you play games where load times take a minute between screens, the SSD is very much worth it. You save seconds if you do lots of reboots and loading games, but you pay hundreds for a tiny bit of space. I use the loading screens to take a drink or bite.
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I second this, since Win Vista's renewed DirectX capabilities (I guess this was DirectX 10 ?!?) RAM speed does not matter anymore as it did before. Get a cheap one, similiar to what you already have (better the same), if you need more RAM.
A SSD would really be worth it, if you can afford it. The huge performance boost (compared to a classic HDD) is the ability to load many small files in very little time, what you need for i.e. loading your OS or a game.
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I like a lot gaming on my PC, but not a hardcore over clocker. And now I recently knew about the gaming ram like corsair vengance and hyper X. I would like to change for an hyperX, because i read it has a specaial cooling systems, wich sounds awesome, and I understnad how important is cooling on a PC.
I was wondering about performance, and I would like to know your experiences with those kinds gaming rams. Kingston even sells a 2 cooling fan specially for Ram.
My current ram is: Kingston single channerl 1 DDR3 4gb (887mhz) 1.5 volts.
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