Buying this expensive, yet very delicious bundle? ♥
"limited availablity"
i wanted to wait and see what comes along
now i have to think a bit more critically and quickly if i want it or not.
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Yeah, but I didn't see how much yet. I'll have to scout the other thread, twitter and reddit to see if anyone knows something.
IF they will add more it will be on Wednesday according to HB. So you won't have to wait too long at least for that. :p
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You didn't see it because it wasn't there yesterday. They might be selling more bundles than they expected. And charity is good... to some limited extent...
I saw some "I will decide later", "I have a week to decide" comments when the bundle started, I hope those users will notice this change in availability (they might start removing games from the bundle anytime now -like they did in the last Yogscast Jingle Jam bundle-).
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Interesting! Well, I was asleep when it launched, and by the time I saw the bundle (like what.. 8-10 hrs after it went live?) it had that limited availability note. Hopefully people saw my note in my thread then and purchased it in time in case they were interested. :p
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Mille, I think they mean "we will only sell this bundle for 7 days". They also got this 300,000$ bar implemented and ppl thought after its full, the bundle would be closed or something. I think its just marketing speech for "BUY THIS YOU PLEB! DO EET!"
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+1 pretty much...though I probably would have bought it before then. But instabought when I noticed the note (did they add that later?).
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The bar was only for the "Humble Bundle will proudly match your contributions up to $300,000" thingie. To be honest, I didn't even noticed it yesterday.
"we will only sell this bundle for 7 days"
I think they mean what they meant with the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 bundle: any game can be removed ("sold out") at anytime without notice and users buying it afterwards won't get it.
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I was going to wait until extra stuff was or wasn't announced - but I saw it was getting very close to 100,000 bundles sold and decided that might be where some devs drew the line. Whatever, I have almost all of it up as giveaways for you and other cool people...
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I was excited, usually I'm the one that misses out on that kind of thing!
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ooooooooooooooooooooooo well now i feel miserable
thanks tho for telling me, better to get this shit out of the way first thing after coming home, so atleast i can forget about it all a bit earlier.
honestly disappointed, subnautica and monster loves you, were some of the adorable/amazing things i wanted.
i hate limited availability bullshit.
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Already picked it up. The Witness, Song of the Deep and Sproggiwood were too good to pass up, and I have plenty of stuff for gifting, too.
Also -- Sproggiwood is the Enlightened Edition (mentioned in the other thread), which includes the soundtrack @$17.99 Retail.
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So, for the Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 there were sold 86589 bundles in an entire month while for the Humble Freedom Bundle there were sold 62624 bundles in exactly 12 hours. They should be learning something out of this.
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True. I believe It also helps that everything was out in the open not hidden and released daily depending on the sales.
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Okay thats kinda impressive .
The bundle contains some Awesome games , along with dozen great ones and a few good ones .
Like honestly there is not a single bad game ther e, its just a matter of how good the games are ( and thats kinda arbitrary and up to everyone to decide ) .
30$ may seem kind of expensive , but is way worth it imo .
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Too expensive just for 4 minor titles + Subnautica... I hope they get bundled in any other bundle soon...
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Well, the bundle is still around ~94.59% off the retail price. And that's just counting the steam games!
But yeah ofc, if you are only interested in a few of them it might be better to just wait, or try to get in on a group buy or something like that. ^^
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I own three of all those games of which I registered two. I added Subnautica to my wishlist and I think Invisible, Inc. and ninja pizza girl looks good, but not good enough to add to my wishlist. I got enough backlog that reminds of them that I should play first, before adding them.
Usually I only buy a bundle if I got 3 games I want in it so with the high price of this one it should at least be 6. I'll get my chance later if its supposed to be...
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Hmm.. Well, at the time I played it like 4-6 years ago or so I wasn't really that much into achievement hunting. And I wanted to rest my eyes. And didn't really think of it since. :P
I don't think I had the DLC's back then too. They are required as well for some of the achievements. It's marked as 29 hours to 100% on Astats! ^^
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Many nice games to play in there for those that don't have them and it has got The Witness included but I have already most of them. ^^
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Aw thank you! =)
Yes, and it's good you did! I didn't expect this bundle myself, and I'm shifting my day rhythm around again. So I was sleeping at the time the bundle went live, so it was a good thing you made the thread! :D I wrote a thank you note at the top of this thread with a link to your thread as well. I hope there's no hard feelings that I decided to make this thread.
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i just bought a new phone 8 hours ago..
i'm not sure i even have $30 left
and i don't get more $$ till next week :(
and i only own 6 games on that list
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Ouch, there's couple I'm personally interested in but that price is little too rich for my blood.
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The Witness and Subnautica. I know even just those together are worth more than the bundle price so the bundle is an amazing deal, but I'm low on money. :'/
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Humble doesn't necessarily give keys for soundtracks via Steam, but can provide them DRM-free in MP3 or FLAC format in your Humble account.
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Take the American portion out of the ACLU. Instead of it being focused solely on Americans, it does work for foreigners who have no right being here and has attacked the civil rights of Conservative people when they act as attack dogs. They also defended Nazis and other less than popular leftist groups.
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You mean: They offer a bundle full of games, many of them never bundled, and the only thing interesting for you is a book on statistics? ... I guess you are wrong on SG - but you are welcome to come to any of my statistics courses (among them: an introduction to R). I need people like that ;-)
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The Johns Hopkins courses on coursera are excellent for R! But they really mostly cover the programming stuff. They had another one on inferential statististics (and the longer version of it, I think it was called biostatistics bootcamp), but now there is no longer the possibility to join for free. It's a pity.
I don't know what the practical background for your interested in R is, but there's a great book explaining the statistics and how to do them in R at the same time: Discovering statistics using R by Andy Field. It's what I always recommend to my students. It's background is mostly psychology and social sciences, not so much economics or the like. But it's just great and a lot of fun to read (the author has a strange brand of humor ;-) ).
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Humble Freedom Bundle
1 tier, 59 games, 2 album, 1 video & 8 audio- & eBooks total for $30!
Bundle ends in 7 days!
Important notes:
Same goes for "Monster Loves You!"!(restocked!) And no keys for "Super Meat Boy" only DRM-free as of now.Other games have been sold out too but have been restocked already!
17 games, 1 album, 1 eBook, & 1 video have been added!!
Update: Another 2 games have been added! Also "Double Fine Adventure" got a steam key now!
4059 games, 2 album, 1 video, 2 audiobook & 6 eBooks!(maybe)confirmed!Tier 1: $30
Steam games:
*The base game of "A Virus Named TOM" has been bundled 3 times.
New additions:
Sold out games:
Music album:
Total retail: $813.40
Total CV: $118.41
You cannot create giveaways for the following games: "Guns of Icarus Online", "Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut", "Rituals" & "Potatoman Seeks the Troof"
Note: Sorry for making a second thread. Some people have requested a thread with a chart in OP, info and a poll. If you don't like this, please disregard this thread.
However, thanks to Slyfox01 for making his/her thread, and especially thanks to GodFeeling for making a chart!
Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Thanks to marfo, SickTeddyBear, GodFeeling etc. for notifying me And GodFeeling for the new additions chart!
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