Anyone bought this?

How is it delivered through bundle stars, key wise?
How many keys are you sent and what doe they cover?
All-in-one (single key), separate keys for base game, season pass and dlc?

I don't see a AO "Complete Pack" option on SteamGifts, so wondering if this bundle lets you parcel out the base game, season pass and any DLC that "might not" be included in the season pass.

If I buy this bundle, it will be only for gifting purposes, as I already own everything in the bundle.


7 years ago

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[...] Including individual Steam keys for Batman: Arkham Origins, the Season Pass DLC, Black Mask Challenge Pack DLC, the Online Supply Drop 1 DLC and the Online Supply Drop 2 DLC.

7 years ago

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:thumbup: Thanks a bunch. I missed that.

The page didn't scroll when I made the attempt (must have still been loading in my browser, so I assumed there was nothing to scroll down too." smh... :)

7 years ago*

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Tempting, but I've got enougth games in my library waiting for me to play them, next one XCCOM 2 won here at steamgifts. Will wait for future offers.

7 years ago

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