I got a letter from the government the other day
Opened it and read it, it said they were suckers
They wanted me for their army or whatever
Picture me givin' a damn, I said, never

Here is a land that never gave a damn
About a brother like myself because I never did
I wasn't with it but just that very minute
It occurred to me, the suckers had authority.

Wanted to use this song for Shapez, but as usual Humble throws in a game that's already marked as free.

2 years ago*

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Pretty sure it's marked free bc of where it was sold before, as I can't find any giveaways with it. But not sure on that.

2 years ago

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2 sources.


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2 years ago

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Oh that's totally my bad.

2 years ago

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No problem, i only know it because i were the one that reported it as freebie, a bit over 2 years ago :-D

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I made nearly 1k free/bundled tickets, so assume that from the last 2 years are 60% from me ^^

But be happy, i retired from the report tickets completely, since 1 week.
So from now on i am unguilty in all cases (around 75 open user report tickets excluded).

2 years ago*

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So many others still that will get away with things now, although some are picking it up though.

2 years ago

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Not my problem anymore.

Let's say i "collected" a bunch of people for my group that hunt too and i teached a part of my members the one or other thing (and they in small parts me too).
So, yes, it give people that step in(to?) my footsteps but they will not be so present/visible, write critic, be "loud".
And i assume they will, by far, not be so active as i were but cg should be very happy that other ones do the work that he should do/that he should make much easier with providing stuff.

2 years ago

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I made nearly 1k free/bundled tickets, so assume that from the last 3 years are 60% from me ^^

And I went through 7k past freebie giveaways from past 4 - 5 years, where only around 300 turned out they need date adjustment or were not on the no-CV list. Rest were taken care of mods before me.

You make it look like you're the only one who was taking care of no-CV or bundle list. There are many people who help support, by writing user reports, checking their winners or reporting a game was missed from the bundle list. They just don't go to write about it in the forums. There are more than 6k tickets made in the Add Game To List category in past 5 years, you can't know how many of those are for adding game to no-CV list (not counting reports wrote in the Other category that are impossible to track by numbers). You should not post random numbers (like some 60%) as a fact.

People leave websites or drop their activity for many reasons, it never leads to downfall or disaster. I could stop to visit here tomorrow, and it would not end in apocalypse. I do agree that there are many things around SG that could be upgraded code-wise, especially on the support end. But there is balance between personal life and supporting for free project that started as a hobby more than 10 years ago. It would be nice to have, but cg does not need to upgrade specific parts of website that you'd want to see upgraded.

I was comment moderator on one Polish website when I had a lot of free time, then I said I no longer have time. Comments were without moderation for some time and someone else took over later. It's natural process.

And i assume they will, by far, not be so active as i were but cg should be very happy that other ones do the work that he should do/that he should make much easier with providing stuff.

Not sure how many big websites you know, but admin may take care of all stuff when they have few hundred or a thousand users. Not when there are more than 1mln registered users, and I guess around 30 or 40k daily active (not an actual number, don't know how much is it, but I base it on past big newly released AAA 0 levels giveaways that attract I guess the majority of active users). If you have that big community, it's natural workload will be delegated. If you're CEO of a startup you may take care of fuel cost and moping the floor before investor visit, but when your company grows to 10k you will have army of people to help with that.

Sorry, but I don't like the vibe I see in some of your posts, how much you ignore help tons of people are giving to this website, and that only you were taking care of stuff. I never saw Rachel or Lily going around and throwing numbers how much they did, how other people are not doing enough and that they will leave if cg will not do what they want. And sdmin should be grateful they still decide to make posts.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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As first i must write that i am since a week in a "i don't care anymore" mood, so my writing style changed, how much i want to discuss, how much i am interested on other peoples opinions and so on.
Someone can dislike this and that is absolutely ok. And if someone dislike me is this absolutely ok for me too. I don't need to be liked from each one.
I answer, in this case, more detailed but don't take this as "normal/usual" for the future.

You make it look like you're the only one who was taking care of no-CV or bundle list.

Nope, you only take it this way.

There are many people who help support, by writing user reports, checking their winners or reporting a game was missed from the bundle list.

Have i wrote somewhere, something else ?

in past 5 years

Good that you come up with 5 years after i wrote about 2 years. It's comparing oranges with lemons.

you can't know how many of those are for adding game to no-CV list (not counting reports wrote in the Other category that are impossible to track by numbers)

It's correct, i don't know the number of tickets that got made and direct solved before i looked, in the last 2 years, at least 1x/week, (again) into the stats.
When i looked into the stats they were very "similar" (of course reduced by the amount of tickets that got solved and i got a message about it) and i know, very well, which mods were active at which timeframes. Which isn't sooo difficult because mostly only 1, 2 or max. 3 mods were active -at least in the part that is visible for normal users-.
But yes, i don't know how much exactly the mods solved by themself, on top, of the tickets. I know that the ones that handled the add game tickets are great guys that done a lot. The "how much" is the least important thing on this.
As i said, somewhere else, i am a stats nerd :o)

But still, lets take your "6k tickets got made in 5 years" and set it in relation to the 1k that i made (in 3 years), which means i made 16,7% of all add game tickets in 5 years. I don't started direct with reports when i created my account, because i don't had the knowledge, experience and don't know extern sites like barter and ITAD, so the percentage would be higher with a lower amount of years in this calculation and of course a lower amount of made tickets in this timeframe.
If you want you can come around with numbers, i can't see them so can't calculate more exactly as the above.

The basic thing is the same, if 60% (in 2 years) or 17% (in 5 years), i, as one person, made a lot.
Daily, and not only each blue moon.

Here a screenshot from my discord, were i wrote the exact amount of open tickets and a date. Maybe i remembered me on this when i came up with the 60%. The censored part would list a "bad guy", so would be, maybe, seen as calling out.

If i remembered incorrect with the 60% in 2 years, then sorry, it wasn't to brag. If there would be "only" 30% or 40% it doesn't make a difference for me in the end.

People leave websites or drop their activity for many reasons, it never leads to downfall or disaster. I could stop to visit here tomorrow, and it would not end in apocalypse. I was comment moderator on one Polish website when I had a lot of free time, then I said I no longer have time. Comments were without moderation for some time and someone else took over later. It's natural process.

Correct. One person isn't so important that a site collapse when this person don't do work anymore/isn't around anymore.
The effect on a healthy site is minimal. In the case of sg i see the effect as a bit higher but yes, it isn't "important" if i am be around or not. The site is on a downward trend since a long time and my step will it only speed up. By how much, nobody knows and in the end is it not important.

I do agree that there are many things around SG that could be upgraded code-wise, especially on the support end. But there is balance between personal life and supporting for free project that started as a hobby more than 10 years ago. It would be nice to have, but cg does not need to upgrade specific parts of website that you'd want to see upgraded.

It started as a hobby but cg earns, now, money with it.
And i know a lot of programmers that aren't happy with different things on sg that really not would need a lot of programming time. Plus people that question themself why they still support sg in the one or other way (i don't go into details -not my job and would reveal too much-).
That a few of my members, partly still learning to program, made tools for me and i made it accessible for a small amount of mods (the ones that were active at that time with the fitting tickets) because they don't have such TINY "quality of life" stuff say a second thing. That my members needed only a few hours for this tools, that cg couldn't program in YEARS is a certificate of poverty. And to be honest i feel sorry for the mods to work under such conditions.
Sadly are our tools not more accessible because the involved member isn't active anymore since 8 months and the other tools get only used from the creators by themself (no one else, me included, have access to them).

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2 years ago*

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Not sure how many big websites you know, but admin may take care of all stuff when they have few hundred or a thousand users. Not when there are more than 1mln registered users, and I guess around 30 or 40k daily active (not an actual number, don't know how much is it, but I base it on past big newly released AAA 0 levels giveaways that attract I guess the majority of active users). If you have that big community, it's natural workload will be delegated. If you're CEO of a startup you may take care of fuel cost and moping the floor before investor visit, but when your company grows to 10k you will have army of people to help with that.

It's correct that the admin not handle all by himself and i never wrote that he should do this, so i am not sure how you come on this.
The admin, and only programmer here, should handle the programming stuff. Providing the mods the needed tools to make their work, make the access to set a date for free/bundle much more easy/faster as now, checking and punishing autojoiners and multiaccounters (i don't mean checking tickets, i mean server side checks -as it got made 3? years ago 1x. If i don't remember wrong got around 2k catched AFTER they were warned 2x not to use autojoiners [i assume nowadays much more would be catched]-), at least the dumb multiaccounters that use the same name and only change the number behind the name -yes, such ones are "usual" here and from my point of view a weak thing that they don't get flagged automatic that a mod look into it or direct catched when using the same IP etc.-, handling the data from a tracker that other ones and i sended to the support (and a mod to cg/into the mods discussions "board"), automatic checks if someone activated a win or not (not extern on sgtools and only when someone active search for it).
Only to name a few examples what i would expect as work from the only programmer on this site (others expect something too but don't write it openly because the site aren't anymore enough important for them or because they don't want to have a backslash -like blacklists and discussions-).

I appreciate all work that the mods and other members do but all that we do can't replace a nearly inactive admin + a nearly inactive programmer.
And all work that we do could be done much faster server sided.
As example did one member and i invested many hundreds of hours into the around 250 autojoiner tickets (199 are still open) because we have only a tiny fraction of informations available and need to search it manual step by step. Server side it would be a "which GAs joined and which comments made" request, that would be much lesser work and that could be done, at least, partly automatic. If started only after a first "suspect report" or something else, maybe with a tool for the mods to do this request. Each way would be easier as members that go trough thouands of GAs to find traces from user X.

And yes, that no will to change something comes from cg, since years, frustrate me and make me a bit aggressive too (because stuff like i have a exhausting job, stress in the family, health problems, whatever, don't explain such a behavior for years. Each of us have such life stuff and i have extreme big health problems and low ammounts of energy, so i can compare me really well with other not healthy people or someone with a exhausting job etc.).
And because it started to influence my mood, when i were active ons g, in the last weeks/months i said "enough" and retired from it.
No site is worth that i have a bad mood.

...more than 1mln registered users, and I guess around 30 or 40k daily active (not an actual number, don't know how much is it, but I base it on past big newly released AAA 0 levels giveaways that attract I guess the majority of active users)

I don't seen 30k or 40k users and assume the amount of active accounts are only 15k - 20k.
I use with intention the word accounts and not users because the amount of users is lower as the amount of accounts.
So the 1 mln registered users is a bloated number without a meaning/importance.
But the "how much accounts are active" isn't really important too. Only my stats Nerd thing jumps on it :-D

Sorry, but I don't like the vibe I see in some of your posts, how much you ignore help tons of people are giving to this website, and that only you were taking care of stuff. I never saw Rachel or Lily going around and throwing numbers how much they did, how other people are not doing enough and that they will leave if cg will not do what they want. And sdmin should be grateful they still decide to make posts.

You don't need to say sorry. I don't feel attacked because someone don't like me or my "vibes" (or what he see as them).
That i ignore help that other ones give is wrong. I named, above and in other posts, other sg users, in big parts from my group. I named, above and in other posts, different mods.
Mostly without to write the exact names, not because i want to "slim their impact" or something like that, mostly because they don't want to have this spotlight. They prefer to act unnoticed, make checks and reports silently, without to get blacklists because write about it, as i do, and in such a case it isn't fair or helpful when i throw a spotlight on them.
In more private areas did this users reveal what they done and we partly shared tasks between us, that no one do a work double that someone else of us done.
And i never wrote that only i done something.
So i see this two allegations as a bit unfair and def. as not true.

What Rachel or Lily wrote or don't wrote about what they did isn't important for me.
They are free to write or don't write as much as they want.
I am free to write about a part that i did. If that is different from other ones or not.
And you, plus anyone else, are free to like or dislike anything from anyone (me included) :-D.

I never wrote that i leave when cg not do what i want.
I wrote him a last advice that i could say myself "i tried it" and close the case.
I don't expect that he will implement my advice or discuss with the mods about it, or something else happens in that direction but let's say it as "the hope dies at last".
So it was more for me that i can close the case, without that i will think on it and say "if you had... maybe it changed.... blablabla". Yes, i am such a guy that think too much about things and put because of this more weight on my shoulders as i should. And this is the way how i don't carry things further with me.
I can handle it now as "i don't care anymore" and "not my problem anymore", without to regret that i made the retirement, from the "hunting", step.

I never said that cg should be grateful that i do posts.
I said that he should be happy that other ones, mods and different users, do the work that he should do (he, server sided = low amount of hours needed, mods+users manual = high amount of hours needed for the same stuff).
Maybe i wrote it unclear, i am not sure. If so, i hope now it is clear.

Funny thing, that i never seen before. To my luck i copied the text before and had a backup:

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2 years ago*

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just wanted to say i flippin' love this album. Maxinquaye is top notch

2 years ago

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Before i only knew Tricky from this one, when i heard the girl singing i even thought for a moment it was another "band" called Tricky, until i saw him.
But yeah it has a nice mellow sound to it, even i learn new stuff myself from digging for songs. :p

2 years ago

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Adrian Thaws is one of those few artists that managed to turn the table on depression and feed from it. Just going through his personal life section on Wikipedia in intense. By the way, this is one of my favorite duets and live performances from him

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Heh I finally made it to your blacklist then. An honor, really.
Have a nice life.

2 years ago

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My memory may be crap, but i believe we both had eachother already on eachothers list way back, and we just removed eachother, and if we go on calling someone childish then yeah what do you expect?

An honor, but yet you seem to care enough still having to make a comment about it, in an even untotal irrelevant topic.

2 years ago

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Nah I was just checking my ignore list settings.

2 years ago

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Whatever man.

2 years ago

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Last-chance bump :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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