How EPIC was that finale!

I think it's safe to discuss spoilers from the finale. Most people have probably seen it by now.

So where do you think Season 2 will head? The finale for season 1 was pretty complete, nothing much left unanswered except mostly relationship queries (Lin's dad for example).
And since they've run out of elements to name each "Book" after, what do you think Book 2 will be called?

1 decade ago*

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ending seemed really rushed to me, everything wrapped up though- no clues or cliffhanger as to where the second season could lead

1 decade ago

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I was thinking the second season could have been her mastering her spiritual side but I think her giving Lin's bending back may mean she's already mastered it?

1 decade ago

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The show's done it before with Aang's fire-bending ("and now you dance the dragon dance and there, you're a fire master! Congratz!").
But I think she merely connected with the spiritual world, and hasn't mastered it yet. A Book 2 about Spiritual World is very possible.

1 decade ago

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pretty sad when he killed himself and his brother eh

1 decade ago

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Finale was cool, but the ending was predictable for me. Still enjoyed it. But anyone could see it coming when the episode was 5 minutes from ending and everyone was sad. At the end of a kids show finale, either everyone will be in a cliffhanger, or everyone will be happy and weeeeee. And I like the break from the previous series, which had one villain and one single story full of cliffhangers lasting three seasons.
If they're going to use more "elements/skills" in the next books, there's only Metal-bending, Blood-bending (yea right) and Lightening. But they can always invent something new or name Book 2 differently to break the pattern.

About Season 2, I heard it's gonna take a while to air.

1 decade ago

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this reminded me that the new code geass is coming soon! (don't ask how I made the connection haha). two-three months away!

1 decade ago

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metal bending is a form of earth bending, just like blood is water and lightning is fire.
Anyway, I don't see why they can't repeat the elements...

1 decade ago

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Oh, I know all that. I mean that it's not an ability all earth/water/fire benders have. Zuko couldn't generate lightning, and metal bending is a new form of bending that was only propagated after Toph mastered it. Same goes for blood, though I'm sure the writers won't go back to it.
They might repeat the elements, but who knows.

1 decade ago

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Oh my glob it felt like the end was rushed. They could have started the next season with Aang giving her the Avatar State but whatever. I loved the season and have seen all 12 episodes multiple times now.

1 decade ago

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As Korra already restored balance to the world, the next book will have to be about bender zombies...

1 decade ago

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the fire nation might attack and everything might change

1 decade ago

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Best Show ever its really awesome.

1 decade ago

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I think it was pretty nice, also I heard the Book 2 is the Series finale, so there won't be a Season 3 :(

1 decade ago

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iirc they intended for Book 2 of Korra to be the final series, but they're open to more seasons. Not sure where they could go with it though, since the finale was so complete.

1 decade ago

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Bad writing, bad writing anywhere. The ending was too rushed, the whole Korra-Mako-Asami love triangle was forced as fuck (mostly because Mako has zero personality besides HURR I AM AN ASS AND ALSO HANDSOME), Amon's big reveal was a complete asspull and his death was anticlimactic, none of the characters really got the development they needed except (sorta) Korra and Asami, and the part with Aang showing up and magically fixing everything at the last moment was just lame.

Also unless they pull some serious shit, season 2 is going to feel detached as all hell compared to the ATLA seasons, since season 1 is essentially a closed storyline. There's really not enough left to build on with Amon dead, the Equalisers disbanded and disillusioned, and everything that went wrong magically fixed because of lolAang.

1 decade ago

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I don't think amon is actually dead but that is one of my little theories o.o

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I think that just 12 episodes for the first season was too short. Way too short. And there better be more than 2 seasons overall, or that'd just be a letdown.

1 decade ago

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The show is OK but I prefered ATLA, because the love of Aang and Katara was the main theme but it was shown in the backround and it was concluded in the last episode. Furthermore the characters were developed during the running of the show. Just for example Sokka was the comic relief in ATLA, but the series showed other parts of his character, while in Korra, Bolin is just there to make us laught and we don't know anything more about him. So I would like to see season 2 having around 20-30 episodes for more character development and more plots than just the main one.

1 decade ago

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Did anyone else know, that before this was a full show, all of these episodes were supposed to be 15 minutes long and part of a probably-one-season-long miniseries? That's why the writing isn't as good, the characters aren't as developed. It wasn't SUPPOSED to be a big A:TLA sequel. It was meant to be a small extra-what-happened-after the 100-Year War.

1 decade ago

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I don't get why Mako is so popular. He's pretty jerky and low in character development...
He actually kind of reminds me of Mai, except more boring.

1 decade ago

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It made me sad I have to wait even longer for more episodes.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Quolli.