Firstly, thanks for the site. It's really awesome.
You know hat contests in TF2, and I think we should make something like it.
For example - MAIN Giveaway Member [not me :D] make hidden giveaway. 5 members take part in this contest. Every member should send 2$ to Main G.M. => 2*5=10$. Main G.M. send link for a hidden giveaway to every 5 members. Somebody of 5 members win a 10$ game!
What about it?

1 decade ago*

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i dont think it would work what if its a game you dislike? how will the money be paid? ect

1 decade ago

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You mean a raffle? I can understand perhaps integrating a mechanic by which a user creates a raffle, people put in their pledges for the raffle, and then someone wins. But that would require a good deal of trust to the users both running and participating in the raffle. Unfortunately, pledging something like that, you'd need a money transfer agent of some kind and paypal takes a cut of money transfers, so the person that collected each 2 dollar pledge would end up with less than 10 dollars.

It would actually be quite interesting if there was a system added that could allow and track say, pledges of TF2 scrap, sufficient pledges made, the raffle runner collects the scrap, marks that they have collected the scrap, and then the system automatically picks a winner.

I could that as a system for people who have very little scrap in their TF2 inventories to pool together for the chance at a hat.

1 decade ago

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This seems interesting. But yea, there are many flaws to it.

1 decade ago

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That might be a little challenging to run on a per giveaway basis, but there's always the possibility of running a subscription model in the future. For example, say we had a gold membership that was $2/year. One hundred people sign up, we take that $200, and spend it on user voted giveaways throughout the year. Then, obviously only the gold members would be able to enter those select giveaways. Same concept, same odds of winning, but spread across a larger number of giveaways.

1 decade ago

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That would be awesome.

1 decade ago

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Woah, I would sign-the-heck-up for that. :) And I'm someone who normally never-ever pays for 'gold' memberships. But I guarantee that I'd set up a reoccurring payment for this one!

1 decade ago

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To add on to that, a 'sponsor' account.. 10$/year.. people can 'donate' money to you so you can host a big giveaway.. not a raffle, but it makes people generous other than just with steam games.. and that way multiple people could pitch in.. people could hold 'gaming marathons' and get donations and then at the end of that it all goes into a HUGE giveaway, (or could be donated if they wanted..) but it would go to a like 'steamgifts' bank/paypal account.. that way the giveaway has to choose what to do with it and cant just run off with it..

1 decade ago

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Like the idea cg.

1 decade ago

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As soon as you start adding money in to the equation Valve will be all over your accounts, as selling gifts is a big no no.

1 decade ago

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First rule of Steam Gifts: We do not talk about Steam Gifts.

Second rule of Steam Gifts: We -do not- talk about Steam Gifts!

1 decade ago

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Valve could pose as giveaway'ers' and screw us though D:.

1 decade ago

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I heard the FBI is poseing like real hackers? :D

This comment might get us a bit too much attention :o

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by degger51.