(first of all no hidden GAs here, so don't be mad)

Never join a GA if you don't want the game.

Before if I have like 300+ points i'll just hop in to any trains, or if there's no train I'll just join anything on first page on pub GAs, but none of those games I actually played because mostly they suck (no offense to GA creators) downside is it will mess your RV and win/gift ratio, it will likely lessen your chance to join on someone's WL, since most of them requires Won/sent ratio or RV ratio.

So for the past month been joining only wishlisted games, I won 1 though and it felt good, I played it immediately. Unlike before I won something and I am not even excited for it, and never played the game. if most people here in SG will do the same, I think most people will have bigger chance of winning the game they like. better to win once in a while with a game you want to play, than to win lots of game you never wanted to play.

6 years ago

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So true

6 years ago

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Get 50+ copies of a single game and you're good to go. :p

6 years ago

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How would that help? The CV you get per copy starts to drop by 10% per additional copy after the first 5. Doing what you did, giving away 100 copies of a bundled 0.99 game gives a whooping total of $2 worth of CV.
This is the CV you got from the last batch: HellAngel (14 Copies) (0.00025021439557612$ Total) (Public giveaway)
0.00025...and that's total for all 14 copies.

6 years ago

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It'll help for sent/won ratio at least...

6 years ago

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I've joined like 3 GA's that weren't on my WL and even then it was games that could be good but i would probably never buy then. WL or no entry for me!

6 years ago

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that's my general take on entering GAs, maybe deviating for on the fence stuff.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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hahhaha! I think there are some people who are really on to those shtty games.

6 years ago

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My thoughts exactly xD

6 years ago

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Welcome to the club :D

6 years ago

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Glad you came to the same realization. I mean, winning is great and all, but what's the point if it's just going to sit in your Steam library and you'll never play it?

As you said, it's far better to win one game that you'll play and enjoy than to win ten games that you'll never touch.

6 years ago

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I did the same thing when I first joined. It resulted in me playing a bunch of games I really didn't like. I'm glad we both learned our lesson!

6 years ago

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