Personally I don't like DLC. I don't like paying for something and knowing in two weeks another part of the game (that has usually been made before the base games release) will be coming out and cost more.
There are a few exceptions when games give you another few hours of gameplay (Fallout: New Vegas had some pretty good DLC), but when you get an extra gun or outfit is it really worth it for real life money?
Eventually I know i'm going to stop playing that game and for me it feels like money wasted.
I think i'm mostly bothered that Developers think we should pay extra for content THEY want to put in the game. When I was younger i never needed another five levels for £2.99 or 100,000 gold coins to buy new gear.

So, DLC, do you think it is a good thing, or a bad thing?

Edit: Also, companies now receive masses of praise for their DLC. Often consumers see it as companies continuing to care about their game but who wouldn't care about their game when they see an opportunity to earn another $20+ off of the consumers that care about the game. It seems the gamers are the ones who suffer, especially those who have supported a game since the start. I played Mass Effect since game one so I did want the DLC for ME3 because I wanted to know the end of the story. Most people who DO purchase DLC are those who believe in the game they are buying for, so it's the loyal customers that are being ripped off.

1 decade ago*

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I hate DLC's what EA did to Battlefield make something called Premium it was good to just pay a caupel of dollars for 5 DLC's and then CoD come with Season pass... that cost 49$ THAT IS JUST STUPID!!

DLC's is shit in my oppinion :/

1 decade ago

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DLC are bad for gamers, that's all. Nothing can really prove it's good. Only expansions which added a lot of contents, like at least the equal of the base game and costed some bucks, were "legit". And ofc, content added for free. Because in those times, people didn't forget you had to BUY the base game to get acces to this content, that became another "reason" to buy the game for the ones who never would have bought it without that.

And today's DLCs are just base game contents that have been cut for being sold separately and increasing the price of the full game. Today's DLCs are a need to avoid the frustration to not own them. Look at the game that puts a shiny text taunting you in your game because you didn't bought a DLC..

Microtransactions, as for Dead Space 3, are damn craps too. Black dye "pack" dlc for Fable 3.. what a joke.

And let's see.. since when didn't you heard about cheat codes ?

Today's games are made for dlcs, so for money. Today's DLC sucks, today's games sucks.

1 decade ago

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I have NEVER bought any DLC.


1 decade ago

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bad, look at greeeeeeedy ea and activision

1 decade ago

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Good thing but mostly bad use.

1 decade ago

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In a few words: I miss expansion packs.

(Props to Gearbox/Borderlands 1 for essentially making an expansion pack with the General Knoxx's Armory DLC (at least that one), and almost to Blizzard for the upcoming Heart of the Swarm -- once it's on sale, then it'll be roughly the cost of an oldschool expansion pack.)

My favorite old expansion pack was Total Annihilation's The Core Contingency (along with the numbers listed on that image, it also had the Krogoth! :)).

1 decade ago

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I don't think DLC is bad unless it's just idiotic like Dead Space 3 they make day 1 DLC ffs if they have that ready they could just put it in the game but they just won't same goes for Sleeping Dogs too and probably many more games. Call of Duty DLC-s aren't so bad because they don't have them ready when the game launches and they just like update the game for some money.

1 decade ago

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expansion packsssssss

1 decade ago

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Crusader Kings 2 has some great DLC, that either adds to the base game or gives new visual flair.

1 decade ago

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I would preffer a more expensive game that contain all the DLCs that in a normal way will be released in the months after it's release than to buy the game, wait for the DLC to be released and buy it.

1 decade ago

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I dont like them, but people keep buying them so its good for gamming industry, ok for people with good money and pretty bad for people with little money, such as myself XD. I always wanted the Modern warfare 3 DLC, but never fone on sale, so never got them,.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by TeeJax.