Long story short - ever since I started earning my own money, I started buying more and more bundles. Now I've got around 110-120 keys in my Excel sheet plus whatever is lying around from bundles (so in total it should be around 170). I wanted to ask about ideas what to do with them.

I don't want to give all of them on steamgifts, because - let's be honest - I'm too lazy to do 170 giveaways manually and they are cheap bundle stuff anyway (I'll pick some good ones and throw them here once I'll figure out what to do with rest).
I was thinking about giving all of them to my cousin and ask him to idle some of this stuff - that's an option too, but maybe with your help I'll figure out something more interesting.

So - if you have any nice ideas what should I do with those keys, shout out here, I'm open for any suggestion! (Except "give them all to me/my group" - this is not an option).

9 years ago*

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You can get your own card slaves with those keys.

9 years ago

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Make a group of your own - for example for the users who can't really win, for people who likes chocolate... your choice. Then just announce a raffle - for example, people can enter by commenting below that discussion. Then all you need to do is use random.org to find the winner comment's number, and give him either a random game from your list, or you can just pick a game before the whole method. The only thing you'd need to do is:
pick a game
make a topic about giveaway for that game
when time is up, random.org up to the number of last comment
Check if winner only commented once (~2-3 seconds / page of discussion. If you keep member number below 100 it won't be more than 4-5 page)
I don't think if this would count as not too much effort. Although it takes time to burn through all the games, you don't really need to spend much time on individual giveaways - maybe 1-2 minute (though the sending of the key can be the slowest part, I don't really know with what method you can effectively distribute 100+ keys)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Donate to beggers.

9 years ago

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Hi everybody. Does anyone know where I can submit my begging application?

9 years ago

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You dont want to make 170GA's? Ok,ive got solution-i do this for you,just gimme that Excell shieeet:D

9 years ago

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Y u beg pal?

9 years ago

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Sheit,you got me!/Nope

9 years ago

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Make a giveaway thread where people need to guess one of those 5 digit sequences of the keys. Cross check the thread with excel and award the genies.


9 years ago

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I'd like to submit my begging application for (insert random game name) somewhere please? As long as I don't get (insert random other game name here) instead...

Seriously though, I like the idea of finding some random gaming-related charity that could use them...maybe trade them away for tf2 keys/ref/etc, then use the funds to buy Bad Rats and do a mass gibway of that, EVERYONE needs Bad Rats in their life...

9 years ago

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trade them off on steam trades

9 years ago

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Like most of the people said,trade them or idle for cards. :)

9 years ago

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the extras tab in my spreadsheet has 224 keys, humble links, and gifts in it — all duplicates. i hang onto the ones with multiplayer to possibly share with friends who might want to check them out. most of the other bundle extras i give away at gameminer because the way steamgifts is set up makes giveaways of games that have been in bundles seem unwelcome. it’s taking a really long time to get them out there though since it’s probably going to be over 200 giveaways so i see where you’re coming from.

9 years ago

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You can give them to me...

Just kidding. I'd give away a game each day

9 years ago

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  1. Trade them for TF2 metal/keys/cards
  2. Sell those to get Steam wallet or trade for games you want
9 years ago

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You could get rid of a few by trawling through your friends list and choosing one of them who has the game on their wishlist. Give them the key via chat. Good times and much positive karma will ensue :)

9 years ago

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This is what i do with spare keys everytime i buy a bundle

9 years ago

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Best idea yet.

9 years ago

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You could give them away via playblink.com shoutbox, its quick and every user can claim only 1 key per 24 hours.

9 years ago

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I would say make a group and give them away. Maybe like each member can get at least one game or something.

9 years ago

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It is simple. Give them to a friend or make second steam account and use them and give that account to another friend without steam as xmas gift :D i know it is against EULA but... I understand why you don´t want to make giveaway. Here is absolutelly idiotic system where you will get only irrelevant part of CV points for bundle games. So it is not worth to make any giveaway. That is reason why i give all keys and links to my friends as xmas gift, birthday gift etc... I have few good games as Bioshock, grid 2, ETS 2, XCOM, etc and definitely not gonna give them away here for no CV points. :D

9 years ago

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I would suggest your friendlist. I would assume that most of the people you have on your friendlist are those who you have good relations with, and maybe it would be nice to spread the love by handing out a key or two (that they don't already have) to them.

Or another alternative would be to play at making riddles. I'm always amazed when I see those big group posts where people post their keys and there are really cool riddles like [Capital of XXX] or something like that to fill in the blanks.

9 years ago

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Sorry for necroing the thread, just wanted to give an update.

Thanks for all the answers :) Now that steamgifts supports adding key to giveaway, I'm gonna come here every few days and just do giveaways, cause now I can just make giveaway and forget about it :P

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Krosa.