haha, this was so obvious...

Nigdy nie zdradzaj nikomu swojego hasła.

powerkilla: hi

ep!c™: hey

powerkilla: how are you ?

ep!c™: fine, thanks

ep!c™: and what do you want? :P

powerkilla: i have some games for trade do you wanna trade ?

ep!c™: depends on what games

powerkilla: i saw that you wanted half life complete pack and i have it

ep!c™: then I'm interested :D

ep!c™: but depends on what you want for it

powerkilla: what can you offer for it ?

ep!c™: do you want games of keys?

powerkilla: i want games

ep!c™: ok, i will make steam gifts visible

powerkilla: ok

ep!c™: done, check my profile

powerkilla: maybe i want hitman or state of decay or skyrim

ep!c™: ok, depends on what you can give for them, every of them have bigger price than half life collection

powerkilla: ok you want watch dogs or sniper elite or dayz or something else like that ?

ep!c™: no, i want to have equal trade

ep!c™: something with almost the same price

powerkilla: give me some games that you like to have them and they are equal to your games

powerkilla: maybe i have some of them

ep!c™: i wanted only half life complete + crysis collection or at least 1 part + warhead

powerkilla: ok i have the both of half life complete and crysis collection what can you give for them ?

ep!c™: 'proofs or it didn't happen'

powerkilla: how ?

ep!c™: show me those gifts in your inventory

ep!c™: now you are just talking

powerkilla: but i have them keys

ep!c™: ok than I can trade one of my games for those

powerkilla: ok what game ?

ep!c™: skyrim le can be?

ep!c™: this is what i wanted since the beggining

powerkilla: ok

ep!c™: but how are you going to trade?

powerkilla: i don't know

ep!c™: with keys

ep!c™: you give me one key I use it, if it works i give you skyrim then you give me the second key, i won't agree other way cos it looks like you are lying

powerkilla: ok first of all i'm not lying and how could i believe you ?

ep!c™: the same with me

ep!c™: you only have 'keys'

powerkilla: but me i have 2 +rep and you have only 1 +rep

ep!c™: i have +9 rep on steamtrades

powerkilla: so how we will do it ?

ep!c™: i said the only way to do it, and I won't agree to other ways

powerkilla: ok so i won't do like you said because i don't trust you

ep!c™: nice try, scammer :D

powerkilla: you are scammer

powerkilla: motherfucking bitch scammer go suck your friend dick little bitch

ep!c™: i have those gifts , i showed you them, you didn't

Użytkownik powerkilla zmienił status na: Offline.

here's his profile, beware!


10 years ago*

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I don't think you can post his profile link or name. Maybe i'm wrong.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by epica.