I have a giveaway going and I wasn't clear from the start about my rules, so I've decided to allow people with the base game to enter for just the DLC portion. I'm a bit torn about this in the future, however, and I wanted to ask the community their thoughts. In this particular case the DLC is worth more in theory, but in some games it can be a different story. I would love the communities input on this for my future GAs. Thank you in advance :)

9 years ago

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Should a "GOTY Edition" GA be awarded to people that own the base game?

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Pretty much up to you personally as the gifter.

If it were a bundled /cheap game I'd be inclined to not care were it me, but something that you had to purchase as stand-alone, I could see you restricting to only those without the base game.

In the end though, still up to you, it was your money.

9 years ago

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My opinion if someone enjoyed the base game and put several amount of hours in it(how much depending on game) he will for sure not waste the DLCs even if he wastes the base game if he wins the GotY version, but you cannot be sure about a winner who never played that game, maybe he will play only the base game and not the DLCs, so DLCs will waste, or maybe he will just try the game and never play again, so the entire GotY will waste. That applies for lots of games imo, like Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, etc, if winner enjoyed the base game he will most likely for sure put several hours on DLCs.

It's depending on games too, some games have DLCs in GotY edition that give you lots of hours, but some don't.

Also that Saints Row Game of the Century Edition, is not GotY, is just a name, that game was never proclaimed GotY, but it's similar anyways.

9 years ago*

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All the winners who haven't wishlisted the game a week prior to the day giveaway starts & don't have play time of 8 hours after a week of winning the said giveaway should be punished! Harshly!!

I sell pitchforks & torches by bulk.

9 years ago

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y u du dis?

View attached image.
9 years ago

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the setup..can't resist..

View attached image.
9 years ago

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If you clear the rules with support before the GA there's no problem.

9 years ago

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No need in this case

We ask users not to enter giveaways for packages if they already own the majority of the games. This allows for winners that will receive the most value out of their gift. In the end, the giveaway creator has the final say, and if they believe the winner owns too many of the packaged games, we'll allow them to request a new winner.

9 years ago

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Yeah, but there's a difference between having just the base game or 50% of a package.

9 years ago

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It's still up to the creator to decide if simply having the base game is too much or not.

9 years ago

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That's what I wrote first?

9 years ago

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Is It ? I thought you were saying you need to have it approved by support before the GA.

9 years ago

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That's how I understand it. A package could be 10 different games. A Goty Edition is a base game + various DLCs. There are no specific rules barring people from entering for a GotY edition nor allowing a creator to bar base game owners. Thus this extra rule would have to be cleared with support first. It would also prevent conflicts and reduce the workload for support who would otherwise have to mediate.

9 years ago

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Regardless of how the rule is written, if the winner owns any of the content being given away the giveaway creator can request and will receive a re roll.

9 years ago

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flagrantnutwaffle is correct. We'll accept reroll if the winner owns even 1 game in the pack, or the base game in a GOTY edition.

9 years ago

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Thanks for clearing that up.

9 years ago

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You say there are no specific rule allowing the creator to do this when I quoted the part of the FAQ that says the creator is allowed to do this... anyway, you already got jatan clearing that up for you.

9 years ago

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The FAQ talks about "packages" and the "majority of the games", not GotY Editions and the base game specifically. That's what I meant. The value of DLCs can be a lot higher than the base game.
Maybe I'm just too used to legalese and fine print ;)
It would help if they made this more obvious in the FAQ that creators can exclude people who have the base game. It could probably save a lot of confusion/uncertainty.

9 years ago

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It's up to you to decide. If you don't want to give a GOTY game to someone who have the base game, you can ask for a reroll.

9 years ago

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I usually prefer to have all the DLC before I play a game in any length if it is one I like. Sometimes it is a terrible waste. Base game is worth say $20. DLC is worth $5. Terrible waste. Something like Skyrim though. Base game goes on dirt cheap, DLC doesn't. DLC is worth far more than the base game. So not that big of a waste.

9 years ago

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I'm inclined to agree with you there. The legendary edition of Skyrim is the definitive one. Borderlands 1&2 GOTY's are tons of content too.

9 years ago

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+1, I'm a DLC whore too when it comes to the games I like

9 years ago

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I guess my next question is whether dlc shows up properly when SG scans their list. It's not a separate game and will still detect the base game. Does this leave the key open to be exploited? I know this is generally an honest community, but I still want to ask. As the old adage goes "A locked door only keeps out honest people."

9 years ago

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Do you mean can people who already have the base game + DLCs still enter ? Probably yes because the Steam API is quite broken when it comes to DLC.
Since you cannot check for DLCs in the game list of the winner, the only way to check is to add them and then go to the Steam store page of DLCs to see if they own them.

9 years ago

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I mean that in theory they could not use the code at all and give it away again, because the system thinks it's been applied since they have the base game and it can't detect dlc. You are right though, I guess this can be done manually.

9 years ago*

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I think I remember a support member saying they have a way to check for DLCs but I'm not totally sure.
Anyway, if someone already have the base game + DLCs and is still able to enter (I don't know if that's the case with SR4, but for example I have Bordelands 1 & 2 GOTY and I can still enter these), and then win it and give the key to someone else, they would get away with it because they have the game given away on their account.

9 years ago

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i suppose you can see the owned dlc by adding the person and checking "X friends already own this game:" part on the right side of the store page.

edit: looks like sviat told the same thing hours ago. :/

9 years ago

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Yeah and I also told OP the same thing just above this comment. I meant an easier way to check, without having to add the winner.

9 years ago

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didn't read the second half when i wrote my comment. sorry. ;_;

9 years ago

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It's ok, I still like you <3

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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if you add the winner to friends list, and look to every store page of every DLC you can see what DLCs he owns, gonna take a while XD

9 years ago

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Haha, that's full blown creepstalker mode.

9 years ago

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there is the " it depends on" option missing
Sometimes a Goty has many DLCs worth a lot compareed to the base game, sometimes not...it´s up to you to decide this

9 years ago

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Yep, I'm regretting not putting a "depends" option now. It looks like I can't edit it in either :( I think the fact that it's almost tied, says it all. It's situational.

9 years ago

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depends on game...some games..it's cheaper to buy the GOTY even if you own base game instead of All the DLCs one by one.

9 years ago*

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Like most people have said, it really just depends on the GOTY version. Some just include some meaningless DLC, while others have a ton of meat (especially Skyrim). If its something like the SRIV giveaway you're doing, I wouldn't let people enter for the DLC. Most of it is just outfits and weapons, which can be fun for a few minutes but likely will never be touched. It includes the 2 missions, which are neat, but a tiny amount of content compared to the base game. So basically, they're winning a $30 game to use a $5 Season Pass.

9 years ago

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That's good feedback thanks. My initial thought was no on it, but I realized I should have been more clear. Two people asked for clarification, but I started looking at people's game lists and a lot owned the base game. It would have been a ton of rerolls and not entirely fair since I wasn't up front with my rules. I just want to be more transparent and firm in the future.

9 years ago

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You are correct, though. If you weren't upfront about it from the get go, it wouldn't really be right to make that kind of addendum. But its something to keep in mind for the future!

9 years ago

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most people in private giveaways never read anyways so probably you would have again many with the base game

9 years ago

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Depends alot.

9 years ago

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my opinion is that if it is a game bundle and you own less than 50% of the bundle,less than half the games given,then it is ok to enter but if it is a bundle of a game+DLC and you enter just for the DLC then you are an asshole

9 years ago

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You should just specify in the description, it's up to you

9 years ago

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Exactly what will be done in the future. I just wanted to tap the community hive-mind to help make that future decision. I'm pretty certain this is a situation where every game will be different.

9 years ago

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Yes, it heavily depends on the game and its DLC. You can also specify "not enter if you already own X number of DLCs"

9 years ago

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True, I did that for the Total War Collection. They couldn't own more than 2 of the games.

9 years ago

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+1. Best to make a decision for each goty game.

9 years ago

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Well, I think that it's better not to let people who already own the basegame. I think that people who have the base game already have had fun with it, then it would be better to introduce somebody who doesn't have the game at all to it. For me it kinda feels like giving a bike to some guy who already has it in another colour, when somebody else doesn't have a bike at all (I know you can't compare this, but it just made me think of this).

Also, gamers should demand that all games have stuff like "GOTY-Upgrade pack" Like this game of the Century upgrader for SR4 =).

9 years ago

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It depends on the game.

For Dead Island? No. It doesn't add much.

For Borderlands? Yes. It has a crapload of content.

9 years ago

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I don't even bother, because let's be honest the most GA winners don't play the games they won anyway...

9 years ago

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That's probably true, but the same goes for people buying games. I usually go crazy during steam summer sale and play very few. I also think it depends on the game and it's popularity on wish lists. I would think it's far more likely for someone to play Witcher 3 if won then Bad Rats 2: Electric Boogaloo. I'm definitely thinking about this whole thing too much but I do value a fair giveaway at least in appearance.

9 years ago

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This is the kind of giveaways that let you easily to reroll.

9 years ago

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there are some goty editions really pricey to obtain even if you own the base game. in the end you see that it's cheaper to just buy the goty edition instead of buying the dlc. prime example: bethesda.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Idiosyncratic.