The unfortunate curse of being Canadian, I'm joking mostly. But I honestly do think my general politeness screws me over, I went to the library, in fact still at the library and there was this woman who came in after me and there is this sweet study spot in the library it's perfect, and today I made it there first. She came there second but because she came from a different angle she smiled at me and put her stuff down on the table before I could. It was rude and I didn't say anything because making a scene in a library over a chair is stupid. But it still irritated me enough to bitch about it here. I walked away like an adult, but still tomorrow it'll be the same thing and the day after and the day after. She's beaten me every single time I've come to the library even when I'm there first. I'm carrying like 50 pounds of textbooks. So any suggestions on how to handle it without making a scene? I think it was her laughter today that really pissed me off.

In the end I never got my spot back, and I'm okay with that. Why? Because that entire area is infested with ants. So when I saw her today I smiled real big, and when the doors opened she rushed to get that spot while I walked to the clean ant free area. She might be perfectly okay with ants crawling up on your hands while you're working, but I'm not. Plus all I had to do was bring an extra hoodie for when it gets cold.

8 years ago*

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Can you take second chair and sit next to her? It is either you or she:)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Let her put the stuff first on the table again the next time but sit down first and tell her it's your time now :>
Don't forget the laughter in the end

8 years ago

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Stick a piece of gum in the chair! XD

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Perhaps she feels similarly: "this guy almost sniped MY study spot the one day I was a little late"?
If you both feel you have a just claim to the spot, then perhaps you could share a table, an outlet, a floor, a couch, a corner, whatever? Perhaps you'd have to bring over a chair? Either way, you'd do this simply by putting yourself there and minding your own business. I find earplugs/headphones work well.
If sharing won't work after that, then she'll leave or a passive aggressive cold war will break out where you guys try to drive away the other one by taking up space, being loud, etc. Just be prepared for it and ready to be the more passive aggressive one. If she asks you to leave, say, "Oh, that's ok. We can share since the the library's for all of us. Here, I'll move my bag to make some more room for you," then put your headphones back on and go back to studying.
Hopefully it won't come to that and you can share.

8 years ago

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You mean there was a place in library that you already was there busy reading and then left there for a moment and when you came back you saw she had taken your place ( The chair ) ?

8 years ago*

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Well the library opened, which meant free for all to get the best study spots, I was right there and taking off my backpack, but due to the library having a stupid open concept like thing, she came in from a different angle.

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8 years ago

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Based on the diagram, there are two chairs at this table. How much worse is the "best spot" from the one across the table?
[Edit: And if it's not a huge difference, you can suggest that you take turns at the "best spot" while the other sits across.]

8 years ago

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The problem with the second spot is that you can't stretch out if someone sits in the chair behind you because there's not that much space. I'm not super tall or anything but I don't want to worry about hitting anyone or getting jostled or anything.

8 years ago

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Okay, fair enough-- it's decidedly second best, but much better than loud teenagers or no heat/AC.

8 years ago

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Learn Kung Fu.

8 years ago

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Punch her in the face with a trowel. Then choke her with your elbows while you rub them on her broken teeth.
If you spot the slightest clue on her face that she's about to say something or even to scream, remind her that she's in a library for god's sake.

Alternative :
territorial pissing.

8 years ago

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Throw the books on the table faster than her!

or accidentally bump her to spill her things then you put everything on your spot then help her if you feel guilty.

8 years ago

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If she gets there first, just call in a bomb threat so you can try again \o/

8 years ago

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where is the puzzle? :(

8 years ago

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No puzzle =[

8 years ago

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Mullins clearly meant you must give her a puzzle to distract her while you gloriously take the spot and make it your own. :)

8 years ago

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Accidentally drop water on the desk/chair, after she leaves grab the towel you had in your bag and clean the mess -> profit

or pee on her to show dominance :p


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8 years ago*

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Hmm. If you're there first, drop the books on the table before she does.
If she drops her books first, put yours on the table anyway and smile at her while sitting down. The chair will be yours then.
The thing is to politely force her to speak up first. She'll have to choose between walking way or causing a scene.

If she does cause a scene, you can politely make her look bad which usually works. People don't like being confronted with their own bad behaviour when there's others looking at them.

Or find a new and better spot, for example not in the library but another place.

8 years ago

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Is she hot? Maybe you can get a date!

8 years ago

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She might just be into you? And is challenging your space to force you to speak to her.
Why not start a chat and see what she's like? :P

Or you know, take the chair and put your books in the bag etc.
And, couldn't you check what her angle was, and take that route before her?

Grab a different chair and share the table, put on headphones and put up the music loud enough so she can hear it as well.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I see the beginning a love story lol. JK
chill, maybe u two would become good friends. it seems to me shes making an effort to annoy you, which is a sign.....
talk to her.

8 years ago

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Whip out your penis and act accordingly depending on her reaction:

  1. If she laughs hysterically knock her stuff off of the table and take the chair before she recovers.
  2. If she looks at it in awe then you may have a keeper and now need to find a bed that you both fit in.
  3. If she runs away screaming hysterically then the table is all yours!
  4. You'll get arrested and go to jail. They have plenty of places in there that you can sit down at and she won't be there to torment you.
8 years ago

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Wear running shoes and try to be faster than her. :B But what if she's doing it on purpose and wants you to talk with her? ;)

8 years ago

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It's time to drop the books. This is personal.

8 years ago

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Rape her

8 years ago

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If it's as you describe, then she's deliberately being unreasonable.
First, try reason-- "actually, I was here first. I was just getting things out of my bag-- don't you see that?" When she smirks or ignores you, try something like, "Yeah, this is a great spot, isn't it? How about if we're both here at 10am, we take turns at this spot?"
Chances are, neither of these will work. At that point, you either abandon the spot and find someplace else (perhaps the seat across from her?), or do your best to make it absolutely clear that you're there first. Leave your 50lbs backpack just outside or inside the library, and make a beeline for the spot with a single textbook in your hands. Wear running shoes. Beat her to the spot, sit down immediately, and open your book and start reading until she leaves. Then leave your book open at the spot and retrieve your bag. If she's sitting there when you return, I think you have grounds to sic the library bouncers on her. :)

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

8 years ago

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I would ask someone else (maybe a friend who could be there a few minutes earlier) to block the spot and then change places with him infront of her.
Or if it really is that close... Just run the next time.

Or the real canadian way (according to southpark) eat some beans and then make her do not want that place anymore, if you know what I mean

Or just make her uncomfortable with remarks "I see you always want to come first, so how about I make you "come" first?". But that could result in Problems I guess ;-> Would be funny for everyone hearing it, though. ;->

8 years ago*

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As a fellow Canadian I know how it feels.... You smile and are polite while under the skin you just want to pick up the nearest beaver or polar bear or moose or baby seal and club the person with it (specially when they are American and keep asking "please say about, its so cute with your accent").

I know people who know people who might know people and we could frame her.... we could make it look like she stole whats holy to all Canadians..... a barrel of maple syrup. We plant it in her car... well ok strap it to the top of her car cause a barrel is quite large and then call the police. And because she stole that she goes away for life!!!!

See its just a simple plan, nothing can go wrong with it, being Canadians we'll get away with it cause no one will believe we could ever do it, we're too polite to fame someone. Heck even writing about it here can't even get us caught cause no one will believe it!!!

Ohhhh just thought of something worse..... we could strand her in Newfoundland.... she'd never find her way home, cause no one can understand a word that they say so any directions they give she won't be able to understand!!!! And then that perfect study spot will be yours....

8 years ago*

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Oh god. Ow. my sides hurt from laughing so much. It's a brilliant plan! Let's do it! >=D

8 years ago

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Well you are the laughingman, so laugh better and harder than her! who knows? perhaps she likes you enough to share..
you just could make her think you'll pull the chair for her, then when she's about to sit, you swiftly move it, she falls down, everyone would laugh and she, embarrassed will have to go away, thus, you'd win!

...Unless ofc that the folks in the library be as polite as you, then they wont laugh and she wont be embarrassed but will instead fire lasers from her eyes, and you, my friend, will be in even bigger problems.

Find out about her, sit right next to her, use those 50 pounds of books and simulate being clumpsy, either she helps you or doesn't stand being near... I don't know, beats doing a crime and having to cover it up, plus if she turns out to be cute you could--- well you get my point, no need for me to spell it out, eh? eh? :)

ps. do you like or hate Nickelback? cause I do.

8 years ago

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As soon as she puts her stuff down...

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

8 years ago

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Do you guys really have heads cut into two different pieces?

8 years ago

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