What are your tought's on it?

have any of you've entered it?

entering this web i found various sites selling,drugs,hacking services,steal services and murder services,chan's with some cp(quite disturbed by this)

Also quick question what is marianas web?

1 decade ago*

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a lotta weird shit in it

1 decade ago

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I heard many about this

1 decade ago

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Also,to respond to darkrai531 question about Marianas Web,you can think of it just like the deep web,but practicaly invisible.How it's that possible?

As you know,Google has certain algoritms and contracts with the domains providers in order to catalogue the Web.But there are places that even Google cannot search.

Think of it like this: you have a computer at home and you want to make a website,an illegal one for example.It is obvious that you don't go and buy a domain and a host to put up that website right?So what do you do?Do you just install Apache,MySql and PHP and start a website from your computer?Not quite because they can still track you.

Marianas Web is not verry easy to access,especialy now when NSA and other gouverment agencies monitors the whole web.In fact,nobody knows how to acces it and there are alot of theories.Some say that you need a special piece of hardware that you have to install in your computer to authenticate and use that portion of the web.Others say that you need to know the exact location of the machine and some algorithms in order to enter that portion of the web,but nobody knows for sure.
My opinion is (and this is because i noticed something a long time ago) that Marianas Web is basicaly a program that transfers from a host to another and acts like a server in order to recive and deliver the information you need.Some time ago my wife was searching for a wedding dress online and stumbled upon a website (i really don't know how,but i am sure it was not a Google result because i've tried it) that had wifes for sale from China/Vietnam,etc.When i came to the computer the adress was really strange,it didn't contained an domain (www.example.com/.org/.net/etc) but didn't had the normal characteristics of an ip adress (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) and it was something like 186.1875/page.So i decided to investigate a little bit and downloaded Wire Shark because it's the best sniffer out there.The funny thig was this: before i've opened WireShark i refreshed the page because i tought the adress was an error of some kind,but the browser did go on the exact same page,but once i've opened up WireShark and started to sniff,when i refreshed the page it didn't work anymore and the browser just frozen.The moment i reopened the browser i hit the History tab but that wasn't there.
What exactly happend back there,i don't know.Probably that "website" or whatever it was had a javascript or something like it that detects the sniffings or location trackers.

Another thing that got my attention was my IP adress.When i started WireShark my IP adress was the one that my ISP provided me with,but as soon as i started to sniff and refresh that webpage my IP adress dissapeared,not even WireShark knew what my IP adress was,and that never ever ever happend to me.

I don't know if many of you understand what i've explained here,but this is the proff that i have for my theory.Of course i could be wrong,since many weird things happend on the internet,but it's the best sollution that i have.

Also,when i stopped WireShark and tried to go to that webpage again,the page was not there anymore,so it had to be moved elsewere because it realized i was sniffing it,or my IP could of been banned,i don't know for sure.

Also,you can think of Marianas Web not like a....webpage,but more of a command line.Marianas Web could be a program made that only accepts commands writen in certain programs that only some people knew it.It's not really that hard because proggraming languages are released every day,some of them get popular,others don't.For example we could look at Drupal,which has the characteristics of an PHP or C# programing language,but also has his own variables and such.

Don't know how many of you use Linux,but if you search for chatting programms that Linux uses you will find a bunch of them,and some of them have the ability to give certain commands,or make a transaction exactly into them so you won't have to use the web browser.You may think yeaaah but credit cards are tracked.Right,they are,but you can use a digital coin,something similar to BitCoin.Yes,BitCoin tracks your IP,but there are alot of chatting programs that are similar to the TOR browser.What they do is connect you trough an "underground" network that is basicaly false.All thoose IP's or Proxyes that you see in the TOR network are false,try only to make a ping to them and you will see that you only receive false pings.Why is that?Because they don't exists.There are emulated IP's made by a certain hardware that i don't know how to explain.If you ever saw a hacker movie and the hacker connects a box to the internet cable,well,that is a IP/Proxy false emulator that basicaly connects randomly to 1 million servers in the world.For somebody to really track you,they would have to go trough all those servers before they reach you.

So..this are my toughts about the Marianas Web,but,as i said,there is no proof or something concrete out there.If it exists(and i really think it does) only a few people know about it and rest for sure that probably not many of us will ever see it or use it.

1 decade ago

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I actually "know" what deep web means and all his dangers (only because i searched about it).
And i loved your real life story about your wife,and i think it's great that you shared with us that information,because now i will know something more about deep web thanks to you.
It's very strange what they do there,these people are just sick (not everyone).

P.S-Thank you one more time for sharing this info with us :)

1 decade ago

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Well,not everyone is bad,and i think this case applies to the deep web aswell.Yes,there might be some websites similar to the one i explained,but there could be some valuable information or pieces of code made by good people that just want to help and they are paranoid or something.The problem that most people has is the fear of the unkown,so probably that is why the deep web is seen as a bad place.

1 decade ago

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A creepy pasta you've written up there, I was always expecting smth terrible happen in the end. Reminded me of THIS

1 decade ago

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Well,there are alot of places in the deep web where you can buy illegal stuff,but what bothers me the most is that NSA and other agencies are monitoring the web instead of dealing with the real problem,and that is the real life.Sure,there may be some "websites" where you can buy guns or drugs or such,but how many do you think are out there?I mean,2-3-1000 guns sold on the web?Or a couple of kg of drugs? The real problem is out there,where you can find guns on every corner when you walk down the street,or drugs that are been sold in clubs,bars,etc.There is the real problem,in the real worls,on the streets,not on some webpages that most of us don't know about them.It's easier to find illegal stuff on the street than on the web,so my advice to the NSA and other gouverment agencies would be to stop making excuses to watch every move we make on the web,and start watching what is happening on the streets,clubs,bars,etc.

1 decade ago

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Never heared of it before,but one day my friend told me about deep web :(
After that i searched a lot to know what is that....please never ENTER DEEP WEB!
Those people are fuc... sick,if you don't belive me search for yourself,you will see that i'm not lying..

P.S-Never visit that..(at least if you don't watch those scary things,like cannibalism forums,kill people forums,drug dealers)i think those are the best compared to doll makers.. ):

1 decade ago

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god help us there's cp on places we can't monitor

1 decade ago

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is horrible

1 decade ago

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close your eyes

1 decade ago

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lolita d0ll

1 decade ago

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I entered on it once with that TOR thingy, but nothing really interesting...

1 decade ago

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use search engine's,you'll find some disturbing shit.

1 decade ago

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heard of it, curious about but no idea of how to get there

1 decade ago

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just download and install tor
and look for the hidden wiki link on any other browser then copy it to the bar on the tor browser

1 decade ago

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Or you can search for it in the Tor browser for more security.

1 decade ago

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I have entered the valley of the dark, and what I have seen cannot be unseen.
The beast lies hidden deep inside the darkest corners of the Internet, waiting for it's prey to come.
Twisted, deformed and sinister are it's obsessions, luring righteous people onto the path of darkness until it's too late

Or short: Yes I have seen the Dark Web. It's not a pleasant place to be. Lots of lots of illegal stuff going on there and all the scum of the internet is hiding behind it. Going there once was enough for me, to never want to go back. I'm a frequent 4chan/b user ... but the dark web is even more horrifying :/

1 decade ago

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it's as pleasant as can be as long as you have the right mindset. business will be business.

1 decade ago

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I understand that a pedophile finds it "pleasant" to have offers to meet underage girls from some sex-traffi network .... well I think it's unplesant and disgusting!

1 decade ago

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summer is strong in this one.

1 decade ago

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I am about to blow your mind right now. Pay attention.

There is no such thing as 'summer season'. Not now, not ever. The same idiots will post 24/7/365 regardless of which platform or topic. You just don't notice it cause you only come on in the summer.

In other words, those who keep saying summerfags are the real summerfags.

1 decade ago

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I always thought those people are known as newfags.
But well ... At least it was like this in the old times many years ago

1 decade ago

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The Marianas Web on DeepWeb Wiki

1 decade ago

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I've entered many things before, but never the deep web.

1 decade ago

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Actually, since I highly doubt this thread has been up long enough to be indexed by search engines, you probably posted this comment on the deep web. I find that amusing.

1 decade ago

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Ah, I thought the deep web was the dark web! whoopsie

1 decade ago

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Never heard of it till now, I feel kinda weird now, I'm curious what's down there but I don't feel like even trying to try to get in there.

1 decade ago

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The Marianas Web is a piece of bullshit created by chanwhores. They claim that it has government videos, experiments etc, but why would this beneficial to the world to have this on a platform that anyone with the means could access? Logically these kind of things will be stored deep on the respective companies/governments intranet. (An intranet is an internal internet usually confined to one company.)

1 decade ago

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Ok,first of all,that thing about gouverment videos and such,you don't really know that they exist,this are all speculations that are running to the normal web that we browse.
Second of all,"anyone with the means could access"? Uhhmmm i don't think i've ever managed to access that part of the web,and neither did you,that is why it's a "mith" if you can call it like that.Have you found anywhere on the web how can you access Marianas Web?The Deep web,sure,you find alot of helpers on how to acces it,but Marianas,i doubt it.
Please read about it before you say something,because i seriously doubt you ever saw what's on Miranas Web to talk about it.
Honestly i am not even sure that Marianas Web is actualy a network of websites.As i stated earlier,Marianas Web could be just lines of codes and hidden servers and the only way you can connect to it is to use certain programs developed specialy for that,or a piece of hardware that let's you enter that particuar area of the "web".

1 decade ago

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The only possible way that there is a "mariana web" is, when the military set up a separate network. The Internet ist just servers connected through giant cables under the sea. But I guess if it would exist, then it's impossible to access by normal means.

I say it's a hoax, myth or internet legend that got hyped up. People love good conspiracy theories.

1 decade ago

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Agree,maybe it's a hoax or an internet legend,but..nobody can know for sure,other than people who might use it.Yes the internet it's a bunch of hosts interconnected by cables,but you have to realise that in our time there are alot of them.I mean,look at Google,in the first years of the internet it was really easy to index sites because there waren't so many,but now everyday milions of websites are beeing created and Google has some limits to,no mather how much they improve the search algorithm.Mariana's Web might not even be a network of websites,it could be just a program that interconnects certain people in order to "protect" them and do certain stuff,nobody knows for sure.

1 decade ago

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Are you retarded bro? I'm saying the Marianas Web doesn't exist. Have I seen the Marianas Web? No. Have I seen a confidential intranets before? Yes. Do I have a degree which means I know about these so called 'lines of code'? Yes, yes I do and your theory as to how the Marianas exists is implausible, stop smoking pot and graduate high school.

1 decade ago

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Sorry to say this,but i don't know how you got your degree.I do actualy graduated an IT college a few years back but this is not my area of expertise.I am more of a C#,C,Java,Assembler developer,but i have learned the basics of networks and the security of informational systems.You don't seem to know the difference between and intranet and the internet.The intranet could only be accesed inside of that particular network and not from outside.Mariana's Web it's a refferal to a certain part of web that can be accesed going under the Deep Web,so from the start you don't know a basic fact.Second of all,have you ever heard of the Linux?Because from the picture you look like you are still in high school.If you ever used Linux,you would know there are certain domains and servers that you can only access by having installed several programs and a list of specific ID's that change every 24 hours.Sooo,why is it so hard to believe that Mariana's Web could be something like this?This servers exists for Linux for years,and i only know how to access some of them,and trust me,you can find alot of things on them.Look at all the things you find on hidden wiki,and that is allready popular.Do you think a few years back people knew how to access the hidden wiki?Soo,everybody has to be that narrowminded and not think for a minute that something exists? Do you think that all the information in this world is avaible to all of us to use it? Not for a second did you stop to think that there are certain secrets out there that had to be kept that way?Secrets are everywhere my friend,it's just a matter of beeing able to acces them or not,and it's the same with Mariana's Web.

1 decade ago

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Awww thanks you think I look young. Unlike you I know what I'm talking about rather than spouting some random bullshit, copied and misspelled from Wiki/Google with no knowledge of what it means so it looks like a misconstrued mess. You know writing loads doesn't make your point any more truthful? Bullshit just smells more when you pile it up.

1 decade ago

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... Wow it's a naked babby, and look a drug version of Craigslist. whoop da pumkin shoot. You can get the same kinda stuff from WikiLeaks.

(I'm sure we all know what I wanted to type.)

1 decade ago

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In the Deep Web yes,Marianas Web it's a whole other thing.Also,i don't think you can buy guns or drugs on WikiLeaks :).WikiLeaks is just a website that targets "acts of corruption" if you can call them that.

1 decade ago

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what i know is /b/ is the surface of deep web

1 decade ago

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Kind of related, my boyfriend's pot dealer has recently gotten into litecoin mining, and says there exists these bitcoin drug raffles, monthly or so. Everyone puts in some coins and the winner gets sent a package in the mail that contains a sampler of all sorts of drugs, some coke, some pills, some weed... sounds ridiculous to me, but he reckons his friend tried it and it's legit..

1 decade ago

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Well,bitcoin is the official coin for illegal commerce on the internet right now :).

1 decade ago

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Yeah I know, that's why it's so ideal to use, because the coins aren't traceable. One would think that even though the authorities can't trace the coins you entered in the lottery back to you, they'd be able to intercept your mailing address before the drugs get sent out, though...

1 decade ago

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I never used bitcoin,so i am not verry familiar with it,but as far as i've read about them,still somebody could trace your IP adress once you buy/use bitcoins.But yeah,the mailing adress could be intercepted as you said.

1 decade ago

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Actually, that's exactly wrong. Every bitcoin keeps a full record of every transaction it's ever been used in, so it's perfectly traceable.

1 decade ago

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^ This.

People keep spreading that misinformation.

1 decade ago

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You made me intrigued and as I am curious about everything I heard I'll take a look, but I think this will be a big mistake....

1 decade ago

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:),scared that you will find the cops outside of your door if you acces the Deep Web? :).Relax,i use it all the time.

1 decade ago

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I was refering to the things I'll see :P

1 decade ago

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Don't get banned by your ISP!

1 decade ago

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Another buzzword that attracts kids about something that existed since the beginning. Just like "web 2.0". That's full of crap.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by darkrai531.