I mean I can understand if 1 team is loosing terrible, two are level, one is sort of OK and one is like 20 % ahead, but team green is 100 % above all other teams, the other teams having almost the same points?

Probability wise this is not probable at all. It seems like all those badge hungry people that are willing to spend money on cards were put in team green and everyone else is in the other teams.

This just seems terribly weird to me.

What are your thoughts?

Daily Scoreboard Image here for you lazy folk

10 years ago*

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Growing Strong, Green OP pls nerf

10 years ago

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Rioto plz.

10 years ago

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The results are cooked. It's beyond obvious.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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True, its not probable at all. Its been like this for hours now, not possible. Probalby sth jammed with their ''random'' team winning thingy. Its sunday and all are in homes.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Yeay you are purple too :D and also team red won yesterday also and was far ahead of the others

10 years ago

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woo go green

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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It's probably rigged by steam so that everyone (every team) has the same chance to win.
I can only laugh at this and the people that spend lot of money on a token to get on the winning team on day 1.

10 years ago

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I actually hope it is rigged so that each team gets a turn to "win". I might actually have a chance to get some free games that way.

10 years ago

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I think doesn't matter on which team you are. Every day a different team will win.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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The amount they're winning by is really weird. Unless there's a mass agreement among the green team, I don't see how it's happening.

10 years ago

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if this is to be believed, it's orchestrated

(I'm not saying I believe it, just posting what I saw)

10 years ago

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It could be that other teams stop crafting whenever one team is ahead too much and the winning team is crafting more and more.
Would explain it!

10 years ago

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In the words of hiperalfa: "This is definitely the attitude i expected from the pc gaming community. I fully support this."

I mean, what are we, console players. Let's show some intelligence.

10 years ago

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Implying it takes intelligence to get suckered into wasting good money on a metagame for 2 lousy cards IF your team wins.
Also, did you change your SG name? i remember the avatar yet not the name.

10 years ago

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There are groups on steam and reddit planning who's gonna win that specific day, that means the others groups keep the cards for the day they're supposed to win. The agreement is both among the members of the group and the opposing teams themselves.

if i find the schedule i'll post it, i just forgot to save it.

EDIT well, someone already preceded me

10 years ago

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On reddit the teams have agreed on which teams will win each day. Today is green, tomorrow is pink I believe. This is why one team is winning by so much.

10 years ago

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tomorrow is blue monday

10 years ago

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Eiffel 65 - I'm blue

10 years ago

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those subreddits are way too small to have this big impact on the adventure

10 years ago

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Well, so far it's working. And the more the info spreads, the more people are gonna go by these winning days.

10 years ago

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Yeah. The points yesterday when Red won were weird too. I think the points are rigged so that every team will win at least once.

10 years ago

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Steam Summer Adventure sponsored by FIFA referees confirmed!

10 years ago

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sorry....can you repeat that? I was too busy flopping and faking injury.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Obviously rigged

10 years ago

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+1, but in some way if each team wins 2 times is fair, but this makes the contest purpose useless. Steam Summer Sale cards already going down and down, first 2 days, they went down and up again, now only down.

10 years ago

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Guess we got lucky winning the first day eh? sold both those cards for roughly a dollar, now you won't even get 50 cents out of it.

10 years ago

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nothing any of us do actually has an impact on this stuff... its all preprogrammed stats display graphs designed to get EVERYONE in equal parts, fired up and eager to craft/use market. but its valve... ever since theyve started getting bigger, they've become a more and more shadier outfit... the only thing surprising would be if people DIDNT expect this kind of crap from them.

10 years ago

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No it's not, guys. As you all may know, there are a bunch of Steam groups for the teams, where the members can discuss what to do, etc. Well, I assume the same thing happened with the other teams, looking at the scores, but with Purple, I made a topic a few hours into the sale, when Green had already amassed a 30k lead, discussing whether or not we should forfeit the day. We decided that it would just be a waste a resources to try to catch up, especially after Purple spent so much in the first two days. In the end, we decided to let Green burn itself out, and save our coins and cards for another day. I assume Red, Pink, and Blue all did the same.

10 years ago

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Look at it from a different angle. When purple was winning, no one of the other team wanted to craft, as it will not have an impact. On the other hand, people from the purple team continued crafting to win even more. Same thing with red and green. And tomorrow, as there wont be any crafter left in red/purple/green, it should be blue or pink's turn to win. I mean, why will anyone craft if it wont make there team win ?
Slow and steady wins the race !(god this sounds pathetic...)


Also, steam should stop only thinking about making the big ones and cut those prices a bit more...

10 years ago

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Not craft more, but more people are likely to craft to get in on the chance for free games.

10 years ago

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Rig? lol

It's tokens at action. At start of day many players observe the ongoing and buys Team Change Tokens to switch to that team, then start pumping points like crazy by Other Tokens...

There's no rig but a manipulation of high paying players...

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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100 people with steal 1000 x2 tokens can make 200.000 points difference. Now, 100 organized people with some wallet funds and spare cards can make bunch of difference. Just saying.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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There are also boost 500 and boost 1000 tokens. 100 organized people, 300 more riding the wave and 200.000 casuals, and there you go. Also, all the green steam groups, reddit support and all that does not hurt.

10 years ago

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Did you see the start of the day chart? Every time except pink had major drops. It looks like Green wanted to start the day strong to avoid a close race like Day 2.

10 years ago

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Is tricked by valve, so you need to buy more games for a chance to win... nothing? while they get rich

10 years ago

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I crafted 9 badges for today. So... yeah, that must be it.

10 years ago

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Green team is superior team. However, these high points must be my fault. I contributed 1 point by crafting a badge. Green team is love, green team is life.

10 years ago

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Green team is hulk, green tim is godzilla.

10 years ago

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we will win

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by TRUCKER.