Release Date: March 12, 2013.

You can now preorder the two Digital versions at

  • Standard Edition ($39.99)
  • Digital Deluxe Edition, includes an exclusive Ultralisk Torrasque skin, exclusive portraits and decals, a Baneling companion for World of Warcraft and Diablo III Blade Wings and Sigil ($59.99)

Also there is the Physical Collector's Edition for $79.99 and includes the content of the Digital Deluxe Edition plus a Behind the Scenes DVD and BR, the Soundtrack CD, a Zerg Mousepad and a HotS 144-page hardcover art book.

If you are a new player to StarCraft II, you can buy the original game for $19.99 if you also preorder the digital standard or deluxe edition.

Digital prorder link:

1 decade ago*

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epic, gonna buy it for sure :D

1 decade ago

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Wake me up when they add LAN play. Until then they're not getting a single penny from me.

1 decade ago

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Didn't know virtual skins, a minipet, and a sigil were worth $20.

That's pretty hilarious.

1 decade ago

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Ughh again this exclusive edition bullcrap.

I miss the times where you just bought a full game for 50 bucks and not 80%, 95% or 98,2% of it...
Nowadays it seems like all they care about is how to justify their higher product prices with pseudo extras that should be in the initial game.

Let's see how long it takes Blizzard to realize that day1/ondisc DLCs are even more profitable.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Blordy.