I started following his videos basically when he started and was covering WOW Cataclysm Beta, I left WOW short while before he stopped covering it and switched to gaming critique and big focus on indies and he was basically YT I followed the longest - since 2010.
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Holy shit...He may have been a bastard at times (probably the worst example is when he told someone to get cancer and die which people are bringing up right now as a sick twist of irony),but I can't say that I didn't enjoy his vids back in the day.
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Eh.You pull something like this and there's no unringing the bell.Apologies don't mean a damn thing on the internet ("The Net Never Forgets Or Forgives" and all that bullshit).And I can't really fault anyone for noticing the brutal irony of it all.
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Yeah, but that doesn't make them any better. The actual participants made up; it was already done. Apologies do mean a lot, it's just that edgy children (or people with genuine mental/social deficiencies) don't understand timing.
There's irony in his statement and what happened, sure. But in reality this is just plain disrespectful. You have a widow who says that his husband has passed on and people respond with shitty image macros about a 7 year old tweet. Fuck, you have to be daft to do something like this. Those people are scum and there's nothing else to it.
Mind you, it's fine to make jokes. Look at Reddit and you'll see hundreds upon hundreds of jokes. But they're not just angry scribbles. People just talking about his strict (and sometimes ridiculous) standards in a joking manner. That's respectful.
But sending out people's extremely old tweets that he's owned up to to his widow... fuck, that's disturbing. There are people who are trying to forge articles to make it seem like he's a sexual harasser now, even though there's no coverage of this anywhere.
Those people just have to be complete social rejects because you can't have a normal functioning life and still harbor such hate for someone that has married an internet personality.
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These people are the cancer of internet.
They just stir up old news for their own personal agenda. All they want is someone to argue with or prove some kind of not existing point about some non existant issue that no one cares about..
Id bet most of these internet heroes who "dont forget and forgive" dont even know that in real life persons in question have forgiven and forgotten all about it.. As you are saying - social rejects and children. People who need help if something like this ticks them off..
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Pretty much this, there are jokes and there are jokes. Joking about FOV sliders is one thing, I may not do so myself, but fdifferent people deal with sad informations in different ways, joking about FOV sliders, 60 FPS etc is still joking but in no way disrespectful, joking by sending his devastated wife tweets about how he deserved dying of canser is a scummyness beyond me.
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Think what you will of the guy, he went out in one of the harshest ways. Reveling in someone's genuine physical and emotional misery because of a distant and resolved argument (no matter how shitty it got) is just plain disgusting. Even if they had an actual personal reason for severely disliking him, throwing disrespect and gleaning open pleasure at his passing, directly in front of his grieving fucking family members? That's just plain disgraceful, and not pretty hypocritical given the apparent values they claim to hold.
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Me neither.I found this,though.
Ragequit central. And apparently that wasn't the first time he pulled the "cancer" card,either.
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Thanks for showing the context for the Seansa cancer tweet.
It just shows how him saying it wasn't out of anger for him. He was obviously frustrated because of the Visa process (if I remember, he didn't see his son and wife for 2 years because of it). I'm guessing people pestered him, because if they didn't, it'd have been massive news that he'd turned on friendly people for no reason.
Plus, he did call himself a cunt for doing it, even though your pic just shows that he didn't even have to do that.
Just to clarify, he was an asshole for doing it, but it's much more understandable now.
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here is full story: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s1s8n9 , but ofc it's better to use one tweet out of context, because whole story may not fit someone's political agenda.
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indeed, I will be the last one to condone someone for writing something bad on the internet in extreme emotions, especially as I'm guilty of doing it myself in the past and I think majority of us are, we just are not public figures for others to be it workworthy to dig through all our internet activity to find some out-of-context dirt on us. Especially as he went out by himself to contact a guy, explain, apologize, not because he was forced to 'apology' by the community, but simply because he understood that what he did was not fine.
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Thanks for providing it, even tho it doesn't Mather, saying someone should get cancer is irrelevant to me, now using this to say he deserve to to get sick for that, this I will fucking never approve.
You can say what the duck you want about me, I would care as much as nothing.
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If it helps anything - I cried as well, heck, even crying right now. It's easy to mock 'oh, how can you cry over a celebrity' - but if you closely follow someone, this person in some way becomes part of your life. It may be YTber you watch a lot, like here, I probably watched 90+% of TBs content, so it';s literally days of my life that I've spent with his voice, it can be music artist you listen to a lot etc, ofc they are not the most important part of your life, like friends or family, but still you spent a chunk of your life with them, just watching them, listening to them, reading their words, so when they die, even if you didn't knew them face-to-face, you are losing someone who in some way was a prt of your life. And there is no shame in crying because of it.
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I'm a bit sad, but I didn't know him despite watching the podcast every week, so I can't say any online celeb dying would hit me hard enough to cry, but I wouldn't fault anyone who felt a deep enough connection to do.
I do get a bit misty eyed when I think about the kid losing his dad, so maybe I just have to empathize with those left behind to feel the loss.
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one of his nicknames was Cynical Brit, I wouldn't call him a douche per se, but he surely was a massive cynic, but beside all his cynicysm he always tried his best for it to be well documented and backed by actual facts, which for me is opposite of douchiness and being douche just for the sake of it.
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I still remember him being a douche, like telling that guy on his channel that he doesnt matter, he isn't his friend and that other guy to get cancer and a few other things.
Maybe he was an ok guy then fame got to his head a bit, or he had a bad day, who the hell knows. All I know is, I didnt care for those comments at all, even though I liked a few of his WTF videos I watched, and the whole customer rights/fuck G2A business.
The whole cancer thing is pretty horrible. At least from what little I've read it seems like he knew he was gonna die soon. I guess it's better that way than dying without saying goodbye to folks.
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as for 'get cancer' thingy getting spread by trolls now, it was already posted in context here, but no harm in reposting: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s1s8n9 . Generally - was it fine and dandy? Nope. But it got handled well afterwards plus there is probably not a single human being on the planet who never said something bad in anger. Now it's just being spread taken out of context by fcking idiots that wanna promote hate and troll even over someone's freaking death.
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The world is much worse off without him. He was far more than just a game reviewer or an industry critic. That man was a bastion. His content reached far further than just games, he was capable of influencing lives, changing worldviews for the better. Thank you for everything, TB. You will be missed.
He left a void that can never be refilled. o7
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a sad day for the internets and his family.
may he rest in peace.
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I never watched him, but I have heard of him before. Still it's a shame. I knew people that died from cancer. It's not an easy thing to watch. I know this will sound odd how I say it but, both my mothers friend and my friends mother died of cancer. Two separate people.
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Sad to hear he passed away.
I liked his videos but above all I had a lot of respect for the way he dealt (at least publicly) with his cancer.
He fought to the end, continuing to work to the best of his abilities until it was no longer possible. Thanks John and goodbye! You will be missed...
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indeed - the way how open he was about it, yet at the same time didn't want to use it as any kind of bargain chip (like refused when there was proposition for setting donation or charity marathon for him) was really praiseworthy. He generally uncover the cancer thing mostly to do two things - get people to check themselves so hopefully someone can find out about cancer earlier, and to explain why videos were not showing as often as they used to, but since then he did his best to continue working as usual as he could and as long as he could (he announced his retirement only a month before he died, and even then planned to still be doing Co-Optional Podcast and co-op streams with Genna for as long as he possibly could).
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on the other hand focusing yourself on something, work included, especially if your work happens to not just be some shitty job you hate, but also your passion, is one of the best ways to deal with situation like this and to take your thoughts out of upcoming death. I know that my grandma chose to work till literally 3 days before passing away, she was already in hospital for over 3 weeks, but her clients would come with work there (she was accountant specialist advising companies which were going through bankruptcy), we asked her to stop, to rest etc and she responded that this is what helps her the most, because if she is focusing on work (and her work usually required a lot of focus, finding laws fitting each case) she has no time to worry about her condition.
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I'm deeply grateful for having been able to experience his work and other content. There will be an irreparable void in many people's lives, including mine. I will continue to listen to TGS Podcast and The Co-Optional Podcast over and over, to still hear his voice and feel his presence.
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he'll be missed, this whole thing is close to me on many levels
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Kept hope ever after the announcement couple weeks ago that there may be a miracle ... that there is still some hope .
A sad day indeed .
Little something ESL did to honor him : https://streamable.com/8rlf2
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not just you, I started watching him when I was still playing WoW and he was making lots of sneakpeeks from Cataclysm Beta, I quit WoW a short while before he did, but back then he also started putting a lot more of overall gaming related stuff as well as indie stuff, so with no doubt it surely influenced my approach to general gaming scene after dedicating almost 5 years of my life to a single game and ignoring almost everything else with few exceptions.
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i always thought he was older than me. tried to figure out how long i'd been subscribed to his totalhalibut channel but youtube doesn't seem to say. definitely a loss to pc gaming.
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I started following him in his earlier days - 8 years ago when he started covering WoW Cataclysm Beta, as I was no-lifing all my free time in WoW back then and I sticked to his channel ever since. Gonna be really sad to never hear this wonderful british accent of his again ;(
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Used to play games while listening to the coop podcast that he hosted, he was a great person. RIP
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same here, till recently when I was still playing Hearthstone I would usually launch a game, Co-optional in the background and keep playing till podcast was over (eventually minimizing game for releases section to see trailers of what was discussed).
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Totalbiscuit was one of the critics who introduced me to the indie game scene, without him I would never have played games such as "Dust: Elysian Tail"; "Guacamelee" and other titles such as "Rock of Ages"; "Hard Reset"; "Shadow Warrior (2013)" and many others.
He also was taken as a perfect example of how to be a games critic. This influenced many YouTubers to start their own critique channels and many of them were successful thanks to him.
I admit, sometimes he acted immaturely, but later he corrected some of his mistakes. It's a shame that cancer took him away so soon and the large majority of us gamers, reviewers and developers are gonna miss him.
"Critique makes this industry better." -John Peter Bain (Totalbiscuit)
RIP o7
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Popular YouTuber, streamer, e-sport commentator and gaming critic TotalBiscuit died today at age of 33 after years-long battle with cancer. Rest in Peace you magnificent bastard.
For anyone intrested, GoFund me page authorized by Genna Bain fundraising for her and their son Orion: https://www.gofundme.com/TotalBiscuit
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