Well, first, i'm 14 years old, and i love playing videogames, i like most genres but mainly i love Indie and 2D games.
Yesterday, i was talking with my uncle and i told him that when i grow up i want to study programming, and because i love drawing cartoon-style, i would like to be a developer and make my own indie games in a 2D style because i love that kind of games and it's my dream, since i was a kid, i dream that someday i can create a game similar to Megaman X, because it's one of my favorite games.
But he said that it's better doing 3D games and i would need to study 3D modeling, because looking to the marketing side, technology is advancing and everyone would prefer 3D games than 2D games at the future.
As i said before, i like any genre of videogames, but i seriously have a personal love to the 2D ones and Indies, and i felt a little bad, but now i just want to post it here to see your opinions.

Thanks for reading and posting your comments, i hope my english is enough good to be understandable :)

Here's a little and cheap giveaway i made to thank you guys :) Fortix

EDIT: Guys, thanks a lot :). You made me feel better, and think and learn a lot from you.
Most people told me that i should study 3D too, and now i think it's a good idea :P. Thanks again, i really appreciate it :)

1 decade ago*

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2D games will end with this along with the human race.

1 decade ago

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2D games will die when 2D displays die.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Until we get something akin to the holodeck from Star Trek and it becomes a very common thing to have.. we will have 2-d games. As it stands a lot of games are simply better in a 2D format. At least to me some things are just conveyed a lot easier in 2d form over 3d form. I love both types as long as I enjoy playing the game.

Hell even in the event of what I first mentioned I think what we see today will still end up being made. Just wont be as much of them probably after that point.

As far as the development aspect. I would say go with what you want to do and know, but stay flexible. Adapt to new things, learn new things. Learning new things and adapting to new things is a good thing, both for gaming.. and.. well.. everything really.

1 decade ago

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You could take "2D" from that question and ask "Do you think games will die someday?" and have the same question. I mean games are games are games, and they will never die as along as people want to have fun with their time. It really doesn't matter if a game is 2D or 3D or not even on a computer or console. People love playing games so the answer is no!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by oScarDiAnno.