Well, first, i'm 14 years old, and i love playing videogames, i like most genres but mainly i love Indie and 2D games.
Yesterday, i was talking with my uncle and i told him that when i grow up i want to study programming, and because i love drawing cartoon-style, i would like to be a developer and make my own indie games in a 2D style because i love that kind of games and it's my dream, since i was a kid, i dream that someday i can create a game similar to Megaman X, because it's one of my favorite games.
But he said that it's better doing 3D games and i would need to study 3D modeling, because looking to the marketing side, technology is advancing and everyone would prefer 3D games than 2D games at the future.
As i said before, i like any genre of videogames, but i seriously have a personal love to the 2D ones and Indies, and i felt a little bad, but now i just want to post it here to see your opinions.

Thanks for reading and posting your comments, i hope my english is enough good to be understandable :)

Here's a little and cheap giveaway i made to thank you guys :) Fortix

EDIT: Guys, thanks a lot :). You made me feel better, and think and learn a lot from you.
Most people told me that i should study 3D too, and now i think it's a good idea :P. Thanks again, i really appreciate it :)

1 decade ago*

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No. There's a lot of things that can be achieved with 2D that can't be done in 3D. Even if we reach a point where 3D can completely emulate every 2D kind of game, it'll sill be easier to just do it in 2D than to fake it in 3D.

1 decade ago

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2d will never die, plus 8 bit is enough!

1 decade ago

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I see what you did there ;)

1 decade ago

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It doenst matter if its 2D or 3D! Important is just the gameplay and the content!

1 decade ago

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Haven't you heard? 2D is already practically dead. Most decent 2D game engines are actually 3D games that restrict movement and render to a single plane parallel to the viewport, harbouring as...
Oh you mean gameplay/art wise? Yeah, 2D won't die. 2D animation isn't dead yet right? Sure, the market is going to shrink considerably just like animation: 3D is cheaper, looks prettier, and more versatile (much more versatile) than 2D. But it won't die.

1 decade ago

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Just consider it as a genre. They never die completely. There will always be a fan base for it.

1 decade ago

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I don't think they will. If anything the simplistic style will be even more relevant in an increasingly complex world. Basic geometric shapes representing characters and scenes are so easily visualized, that 2D will always remain a constant.

1 decade ago

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Never. In fact, if gaming ever dies, the last video game will most likely be 2D since it will be made by someone catering to a niche of a handful of people while strapped on cash.

1 decade ago

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Look at the makers of Angry Birds, they are filthy rich. Look at the game, it is 2D. Would it be the same in 3D? doubtful. There are games that need to be in 2D to work , games where 3D would just ruin everything.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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O: ohaaaaaai

1 decade ago

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Perfect example is the Worms series.

The 1999 release of Worms Armageddon is widely regarded as the best Worms game available and the 3D games especially were a big flop in comparison

1 decade ago

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Hogs of War was awesome though!

1 decade ago

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I don't think 2D will ever die. There will always be people who still like it and games that will always work better with 2D.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Look up Risk of Rain.

1 decade ago

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+11111111111111111111111111 almost 30 hours so far in it

1 decade ago

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That will never happen. I would rather play some awesome 2D games like Rayman legends, world of goo,the binding of Isaac than play some shitty 3D games like aliens colonial marines, sniper ghost warrior...

1 decade ago

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Isaac is 3D and shitty.

1 decade ago

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Oh, really? You call a flash game a 3D game just because it has some layers and little physics applied? BTW, it is not shitty. The word shitty is used to define bad design, broken control, buggy and laggy games. Isaac is hard not bad at all.

1 decade ago

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I recall hearing '2D games are dead, people only want 3D games now. Platformers just can't compete.' when Star Fox came out. I heard the same thing again when Final Fantasy 7 came out. And people said the same thing about Capcom's Street Fighter series when Tekken and Soul Blade came out.

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure which way to read this post. I mean, indeed RPG's went 3D and fighting games went 3D. Even platformers are largely 3D (even when they play in 2D). So while 2D isn't dead, obviously it got seriously marginalised.

1 decade ago

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And yet 2D counterparts to all those still exist and are still going strong. 2D will always be a viable option.

1 decade ago

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It agree that it will always be viable, but it will also always be a niche. It will never go back to where all or most games were of this type.

There's also always a place for 2D even in 3D. There is cover art, character portraits, in-game pictures...

1 decade ago

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As long there are people who want to play 2D games and Indie developers who don't have the resources to make 3D games, the 2D games will prevail. As long as one of this conditions is true people will create new 2D games. Big studios in order to enter a 2D niche, and small developers because of the budget limits. And even then some artist might try to create game by painting all assets by hand and then scan them. So for now 2D games are safe.

1 decade ago

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2d games rocks..

1 decade ago

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He is right. If you want to make a living and a rather secure job you should learn all about 3D. There will always be some demand of 2D games but it will be a minority. Focus on 3D if this is the kind of job you want to do in the future. You can still do 2D side projects.

1 decade ago

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not really.. there are many people who like 2D/indie games

1 decade ago

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It's a good question, and after thinking about it my conclusion is:

You can stick to 2D and create 2D games, but then you're putting yourself in a niche. That's not a bad thing per-se, it just means that you have to accept that you will be limiting yourself to certain games or roles (such as concept artist). If you know both 2D and 3D you'll have more to choose from.

1 decade ago

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I believe they can transform into 2,5D, with more depth, but there will always be an alternative to 3d. And i dont think its their low pc what make people play 2d games instead of 3d but its more like enjoying.

I'm also insterested on game making and you should think, when learning languages etc after sometime you will be able to make your own games with no help, but after a while, unless you improve yourself you will remain same. So you will start challenging yourself with different styles etc and in meantime you will be able to do 3d games. Because its not really that different, its not black and white, its like grey and black, so to make 3d games you need to learn more things but the information you have for making 2d games will be your basic information. What i believe what ore important is to decide what you want to leanr, c++ or c# for example.

1 decade ago

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No, I don't think so. I'm 14 years old too, and I finished Mark of the Ninja a few days ago and I love it.
I think as long as there are still good 2D games on the market, and people still like it, it won't die.

Also, thanks for Fortix! :D

1 decade ago

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call me 2D-kun

1 decade ago

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Nah, 2D is not going anywhere... there are way too many good games made in 2D :D

1 decade ago

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as long as people still have toasters, 2d will still be played

1 decade ago

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The sad thing is a lot of modern games that look like they shouldn't have high requirements indeed have quite high requirements. I guess that's because indie developers are small and incapable of optimizing the game as well as high budget developers. Good example is Natural Selection 2 that requires at least an i5 overclocked to 4+ GHz to run decently while Battlefield 3 looks noticeably better and requires a lot less CPU and GPU power to perform well.

1 decade ago

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These doom-mongers were saying all this very same stuff in early 2000, guess what it never happened and the digital publishing indie explosion has since happened and there's no publishers demanding "3D or we're not giving you money".

The only way 2D would die is if an apoclypse happened.

1 decade ago

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^this exactly!

There was a time where publishers thought everything NEEDS to be 3D and most of the games sucked because the technology wasn´t advanced far enough, the developers where too inexperienced and some gameplay-concepts just dont work well in 3D.. I´ve been a gamer since ~1986 and I have to say that the "Forced 3D"-Years where the worst time for gamers.
If a game-series you loved announced the "jump to 3D", it was as disappointing news as todays "bought by EA" ;)

But eventually everything got better of course ^^ 3D-Games became pretty good over the years and even big publishers realised, that 2D-Gameplay (either in real 2D or with 3D-graphics) and 3D-Gameplay are two completely different things, each with their own set of strenghts and none of them is superior or outdated compared to the other.. and especially the rise of the indie-scene showed us, that 2D-Graphics are an valid Artstyle-Choice.

1 decade ago

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Yeah it was a horrible dark time. There was a buch of developers being forced to go in directions they never wanted to go in, forcing 3D on them also meant budgets increased, dev team needed to increase with people with knowledge of programming in 3D, the games would come out and everyone would say "shame this is in 3D". It was totally misguided, horrible time and no one benefitted from it. It's funny how many devs are getting the band back together and kickstarting 2D sequels of their games as people now want them (two examples that come to mind is new broken sword next month & the new Leisure suit Larry - both game franchises forced to go down the 3D or no money route. The platforming genre also was also noticably forced into 3D).

Publisher's are risk averse and short sighted, if Minecraft was pitched it wouldn't have been rejected as being crude.

People just want good games!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by oScarDiAnno.