From Reddit. You can open window via console & it's even translated.


10 years ago*

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$2.08 + $0.1 = $2.08
$0.01 + $0.01 = $0.01

10 years ago

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why there is your avatar in the trading? You are Finnish, this means you made this screenshot from your trade window or just edited it.

Edit: found it, why you not link the thread?

10 years ago

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Because I used console to open dialog & captured image?

10 years ago

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Yes, I found the thread link anyways.

10 years ago

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nice find

10 years ago

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Can we have a link to the Reddit comments?

EDIT: Do you seriously have $11,000 in your wallet!?

10 years ago

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No. I don't. $500 is the limit anyway and I'm no where near it.

10 years ago

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then, valve takes over the world and cancels world war 3.

now, that is interesting find. is this from the steam client?

10 years ago

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Seems like people are doing this via web browser, by trade offers.

However, I did not manage to get it working.

10 years ago

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Valve cannot count to 3 so they will have no power over such a war.

Also, who told you about WW3, it was supposed to be a secret ...

10 years ago

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Well todays Dota 2 update brings this new voice line for unreleased hero, that hero is Goblin Techies and there is 3 of them as one (That hero is still work in progress but it will be released soon, in 2-3 months)

So I guess Half-Life 3 confirmed !

10 years ago

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LOL hahaaha "Who said we couldn't count to 3, huh!?" xd

10 years ago

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It is, top secret.



10 years ago

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Take the choppa!

10 years ago

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But what if they not make world war 3 but make world war 2 episode 1?

10 years ago

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I would laugh my balls off if this A) turns out to be true, B) the price of TF2 keys does indeed crash, and C) traders who hoarded keys lost out because of it.

10 years ago

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If this happens, no reason to use TF2-keys or anything and value will drop or crash.

It's not like that many buys just to open crates.

10 years ago

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I'd bet there will still be people trading keys because of transaction fees.

10 years ago

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Yeh, this is a big point. Trading keys around doesn't cost anything but this Wallet Transfer seems to cost at least 5%.

10 years ago

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Trading keys actually do have costs.

You buy key for €1.8, but it's barely worth €1.5 - that's (surprise, surprise :) )around 15%.

10 years ago

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True, but once bought they can be traded back and forth between people forever without fees. The only time someone pays a new fee is if they want to sell it on market instead of re-trading it.

I know when I sell a game for keys, I turn around and trade those keys for new games rather than toss them on the market at a 15% loss.

10 years ago

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Well, I really don't see a reason why Russians would trade those keys for games, right :P

10 years ago

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Hmm, yeh that's a good point :P

They likely cash em out so they can buy more games to sell.

10 years ago

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Yes, Russians mostly trade in-game items and gifts directly, and don't use keys as currency.

10 years ago

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Makes sense. Would be pretty pointless to trade them for games since you could just buy the games for the lowest price already :)

10 years ago

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Unless you buy games for let's say the equivalent price of 2 keys (because of russian prices) and sell it for 3 keys. Then you sell the keys on the market and you have like 2.5 keys back = 0.5 key profit.

10 years ago

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Wouldn't this kill the steam market?

Sell a card on the market for 10 cents. Get .08 cents.

Trade the card and have someone put 10 cents to your wallet, you eat the fee(if it's rounded up to .01) and get .09 cents instead.

On a larger example: Sell a $5.00 background on the market, get $4.36. Do the trade for $5.00 and eat the 5% fee and get $4.75.

Plus now the devs are cut out and get no percentage, just all valve.

10 years ago

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depends on the implementation.

10 years ago

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They'll take a hit at first when lots of people try to clear them out, but they'll recover due to people who use them for their actual TF2 use.

Might just take a while for supply to re-balance with lower demand.

10 years ago

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It will rebalance, they have to bought afterall...

10 years ago

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I just sold 10 keys I bought yesterday. They were cheap yesterday and really expensive today so I'm not losing anything except cheap keys.

You may say I'm paranoid but it looks serious to me and I don't wanna be trapped with useless keys.

10 years ago

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I'm...not quite sure what this implies. Easier trading, maybe. A whole lot of change, probably. I'm not sure it's worth the hassle.

10 years ago

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Wallet trading won't kill the tf2 key market 1 very simple reason why, you need keys to open tf2 crates, and its cheaper for people who want to open crates to get them from the market place than it is to buy them from the mann co. store. Also people buy keys with ingame items so they do not even pay for them with wallet or real cash.

The only way it will kill the key market is if steam either A. makes tf2 keys non tradable in the the regular market, or B. they make keys untradable in general.Seeing how I doubt they will make them untradable, the only other thing they might do is make them only tradable in-game. If they do that, people will still be able to trade keys for games but would just have to do it in game.There are already trade servers in TF2 in which people do this.

Its pure speculation at this point, but all I will say is, if you see a game you want at a sale price you want, you might want to use some of your keys you have been hoarding to get it.

10 years ago

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1.84€ market vs 1.79€ mann-co-store.

Keys from market are instantly tradeable which is why they are bought.

Edit: Prices are bit high not thought. But at usually it's just few cents cheaper.

10 years ago

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They are $2.50 mann-co store vs. $2.20-2.35 average price market. Strange that it costs more for market in euro then it does at the mann-co. store for you guys.Even if its only a savings of $0.20 people will always be willing to save.

10 years ago

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Of course it's profit for US guys (and probably a few more). 100 keys for 2.2 vs 100 keys for 2.5 - that's $30 you're saving. Would be stupid to not buy there.

10 years ago

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It is mainly cause of crafting ref and idling(not available anymore). And yes this will crash key trades and probably will stop a bit of the scammers.

10 years ago

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Still available and strong. Valve just took out little idlers, leaving it in hands on massive farmers.

10 years ago

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Actually just the opposite has happened. Massive farmers can no longer farm multiple accounts at once on a single PC. Steam can now detect multiple instances of the game being run (even in a sandbox) and will only allow one account to receive items. Even then you have to click on a popup that you received the item before you can get another.

10 years ago

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I read posts showing massive idlers are still idling in peace, just using stuff like virtual machines and some binds. Not sure how real they were.

10 years ago

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I prefer to buy them at $1.80 each. That way, my savings is even greater when I trade them for games.

10 years ago

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Also, I bought bunch of keys in Mann Co., was able to insta-trade them.

10 years ago

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because you probably used steam wallet instead of a new credit card

10 years ago

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I can already foresee Currency Scams going on

10 years ago

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You can always trust google for the prices

10 years ago

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I mean people scamming for example paying 6 usd and saying its euros to the other party in Europe

10 years ago

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I only have one TF2 key at the moment, so I'll just try and trade it away, to be safe.

I only buy keys as I need them, from a trustworthy ST trader. I try very hard not to keep a balance of any artificial currency, lest I wake up one morning and its worthless or gone.

10 years ago

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Oh god I have just started a trade thread to sell my keys ;-;...

10 years ago

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If this get in, I wouldn't be surprised to learn it's limited to same currency regions - I'm pretty sure there are some laws about currency exchanges...

Or maybe we're looking at Steam Points (like on Xbox)?

10 years ago

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But once the money is in steam wallet, is it still real money? Since we cant do withdrawals, it looks more like virtual money.

10 years ago

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Question for philosophers :P

But if there's $$$ involved into this kind of things, I'm sure government will send his best philosophers to Valve to convince them it is real money and they need to pay taxes :)

10 years ago

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There's some code for different currencies (conversion).

10 years ago

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True, Market needs it.

10 years ago

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No code for specifically for sending currency.

    var xferAmount = this.GetInputValueAsInt();  
    if ( theirInputValue.match( /^[0-9,.]*$/ ) && ConvertToTheirCurrency( xferAmount ) != theirInputValueAsInt )  
        bHadWarning = true;  
        strWarning = 'Due to currency conversion, you cannot send %1$s to %2$s. The amount being sent has been changed to %3$s and %4$s will receive %5$s.'  
                .replace( '%1$s', v_currencyformat( theirInputValueAsInt, GetCurrencyCode( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_other_currency'] ) ) )  
                .replace( '%2$s', g_strTradePartnerPersonaName )  
                .replace( '%3$s', v_currencyformat( xferAmount, ) )  
                .replace( '%4$s', g_strTradePartnerPersonaName )  
                .replace( '%5$s', v_currencyformat( ConvertToTheirCurrency( xferAmount ), GetCurrencyCode( g_rgWalletInfo['wallet_other_currency'] ) ) );  
10 years ago

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Hooo, looks intriguing.

So, will they region lock everything, or Valve will stop screwing around the bushes and let everyone buy using Russian Prices? :)

10 years ago

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Region lock is more likely. Publishers wouldn't allow everyone to pay less.

10 years ago

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What are you trying to imply? That a TF2 key crash would be bad?

10 years ago

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Could it be good ?

10 years ago

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Of course it could be good. The keys run almost the whole trading system of steam itself. If keys crashed, everyone would be free from the 'give keys or gtfo' trading 'rules'.

10 years ago

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They would just demand wallet cash instead, nothing would change.

10 years ago

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people rather trade for keys than paypal, because it is obviously the safer method.

10 years ago

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And most Russians dont have paypal :v

10 years ago

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indeed. ^^

10 years ago

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Russians do have paypal now and the ones i've dealt with all use it, it's Ukraine that doesn't have paypal due to local laws.

10 years ago

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You're joking, right? It's just as easy to be scammed through items as paypal.

10 years ago

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absolutely not. items might also be stolen, sure. but in that case you can ask steam support to reverse the trade and get your items back. which seems to work totally fine, as far as i've heard (never had that problem myself). steam support doesn't help you at all to get your items back, if you paid via paypal (traded outside the steam trading system). and of course someone has to go first in a pp trade. so even if there are no stolen items involved, you might get scammed. trading with tf2 keys is way, way safer.

10 years ago

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Fair enough

10 years ago

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I really, REALLY don't like it i bet they are legal implication in some countries if they will actually do this.

10 years ago

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This will almost certainly have tax implications if such a thing were to happen.

Right now, Valve has it pretty easy from a tax perspective, since they only have to worry themselves with reporting income for those who exceed the market limitations. If this gets implemented, it will certainly make life far more complicated for all involved. For one, the person transferring the wallet could have gift tax related liability, which Valve would then be obligated to track and forward after a certain figure is met. Similarly, depending on how it's structured, the recipient of the wallet could hypothetically be forced to classify the money as income for services or goods, depending on the nature of the trade. Previously, within the encompass of digital goods with more transient value, monetary value is far more debatable with less incentive to force tracking. Wallet on the other hand has a tangible figure, which opens up a number of possibilities. It would be very likely that the tracking system for wallet transfers would work very similarly to the market restrictions, when certain figures are met, it triggers reporting of the figure to the tax authorities regardless of actual "profit", which would be up to the individual to keep records of actual cost.

This wouldn't likely only apply to the IRS, I would be surprised if European countries/governments wouldn't also want a slice of the pie.

10 years ago

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I'm basically getting rid of all my steam wallet funds and never selling shit on market again before they will introduce this because i have similiar opinion.

10 years ago

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Hmm, but you still can't use Steam Wallet outside Steam. It's like having tradable Gamersgate blue points.

10 years ago

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And if they suddenly called it Steam Points and had 2 possible currencies in shop (real money and Steam Points) problem would be solved. Because right now if i traded with you i would be exchanging euros for rubles... and thats basically dabbling into money exchange market.

10 years ago

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:O :O :O

10 years ago

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Looks good!
I sold all my keys already, just in case :-P

10 years ago

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If the fees are 5%, I'm pretty sure Valve will automatically add the region restrictions tag to every game. Well, even if the fees are 15%, one day, every things available on Steam will be region restricted, even more when they'll add the news bunch of currency they've planned since some months (Canadian $, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, etc...).

10 years ago

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Once again a huge cash cow for Valve

10 years ago

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So basically Valve wants to screw over the devs? Right now the devs get a small percentage from community market deal(10% I believe), now they won't get anything because people will lose less money making deals like this..

10 years ago

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Wallet Trading could be the best idea I have seen for Steam in many time

10 years ago

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I'll slap Valve if they do this.

10 years ago

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It'd be a dumb thing to do.

Why buy things when they are not on sale when I can buy it from someone who did buy it on sale.

They might as well have a community market for the games too.

10 years ago

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And whats the difference between who bought the game? They got money, you have copy. It is exactly the same thing

10 years ago

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Why should Steam get a profit from reselling a game and those who created the game not?

10 years ago

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It has never been that way, when trading for keys the fees go to tf2/steam and if this all end up being implemented as it is now it'll just mean tf2 won't be getting a huge chunk of cash from games being sold.
The only thing devs might lose is the extra income from cards on the market, since people will probably start selling their cards in bulk with this new system especially the cheaper ones, then again that's maybe a buck or 5 max a day for the popular game cards so I don't think devs will be affected at all.

10 years ago

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From what they said, that actually might be a plan in the future...

You buy it on Store and then sell it on market. And Valve gets it's cut 2 times instead of one.

10 years ago

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A key crash would kill the whole TF2 economy. I don't think Gaben is stupid enough to allow that.

10 years ago

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The TF2 economy is about to crash anyway....

10 years ago

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