me personally didnt won one yet, but i was curious, people who already has won a game key here how was your first time and how many giveaways you entered to win a key here?

4 months ago

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It took about 6 months and 1000 entries before I won my first giveaway and the creator didn't send it. Then I won and received my first game about 2 months later. After that, I started making my own giveaways and increasing my CV level. As I leveled up and participated in the great puzzles and community events, I started to win a lot more often. As far as I can remember, I think there was only 2 wins I didn't receive, including that first one.

Edit: You got me curious and I decided to do some research. Here's how long I spent at each level and how many giveaways I won during each period. I used the stats page to see what dates I leveled up and compared that with my won giveaways page.

Level 0 for 8 months, won 1 game (0.125 games/month)
Level 1 for 6 months, won 9 games (1.5 games/month)
Level 2 for 1 month, won 9 games (9 games/month)
Level 3 for 4 months, won 11 games (2.75 games/month)
Level 4 for 4 months, won 26 games (6.5 games/month)
Level 5 for 4 months, won 45 games (11.25 games/month)
Level 6 for 17 months, won 106 games (6.24 games/month)
Level 7 for 64 months, won 145 games (2.27 games/month)
Level 8 for 5 months, won 25 games (5 games/month)

4 months ago*

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145 GAMES ONLY ON 1 LEVEL? im not getting outta 0 for this one if i keep getting no keys (js curious, u picked the games that u wanted? or just every single game u see on the pages? me personally doenst like my steam account poisoned with horrible games so i pretty much only try to get games i like)

4 months ago

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I won that many while on 1 level because I was on level 7 for 64 months, that's over 5 years. I only enter for games I am interested in playing. I won't even activate games that are given away for free if I am not interested in playing them because I already own so many games and don't want my Steam library to be cluttered with junk I don't want to play. I have never idled a game for Steam cards or anything like that because I don't care about those kind of things, I just use Steam to play games.

Edit: I also won't just start a game, give it a try, and then stop playing it. I like to complete every game I start and I tend to take my time playing them, so it is taking me a while to work through them, but I would like to play every game I own. I have been playing through my backlog of Steam games pretty consistently over the past 11 years, just about every day. I have managed to complete about 420 in that time and have a lot more to go :)

4 months ago*

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ngl thats pretty cool!

4 months ago

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its been far to long to remember, it was only a couple weeks for me though before I won my 1st(ended up getting that game on console to and played it there).

4 months ago

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yo thats cool! im hoping i get atleast brawlout (a game i played the demo on my long lost broken xbox one)

4 months ago

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We all come here because of the gifts.
We stick because of the community.
In the end, we become the supporters who create thousands of giveaways.
Fun Fact: I was Level 9.92 for 4 years :o Huge Hiatus without giving or joining giveaways.

4 months ago*

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fr. some time ago i used that bunch of sketchy sites that gave keys for entering 1230941421 different curators and things following a bunch of people wish listing and blah blah blah, to this day my steam account is pretty much kinda poisoned from the things i did to get some pretty bad games and for the packages that i got from steamdb(i cant even use playnite right without a bunch of games i never played (and will never play) appearing on my screen and i cant do nothing abt they i think D:

4 months ago

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I also grab every possible free package from Steamdb, which has been helpful. Several times, I wanted to play an old free game that got removed and had the package. I don't really care about polluted library because Steam allows us to ordinate them by Metacritic/Steam Reviews, which is enough for me when I need to find something new to hop in.

4 months ago

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i do the same actually, my problem is only with playnite that im lazy to sort then all out, on steam i only put the games i like (and would like to play cuz im on a dell laptop that should be running windows 8.1 instead ot windows 10 and its old as hell) on a collection named huh

4 months ago

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pera c tbm é br? caralho akdsksadha

4 months ago

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i cant even use playnite right without a bunch of games i never played (and will never play) appearing on my screen and i cant do nothing abt they i think D:

You can delete games from Playnite and have them added to the exclusion list so they don't get imported whenever you update your library. There's also a way to download user tags from Steam to help you filter for games with the "Free to Play" tag. And of course, there's the simplest option which is to hide the games (Select games -> right click -> Hide this game)

4 months ago

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thanks! l8 i will see if it works

4 months ago

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We all come here because of the gifts.
We stick because of the community.

So true ❤️

4 months ago

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It was about a week after joining, caught me by surprise just as every other time I've won something here.

4 months ago

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i hope to be as lucky as u

4 months ago

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i dont recall but it took AGES!!! like 6 months. i mostly used steam companion until it was shut down. they would let put 1 entry or you could set it to multiples entries. i liked the system they had better. would toss 100% of my points into the best giveaways and win them sometimes
the website is still up with basic functions

4 months ago

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when u say website u mean steam companion or steamgifts?

4 months ago

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started using both at the same time
used steam gifts like 4 5 times a week for half a year and never won anything here.
most of my time was spent on steam companion and won a game on there first so i made my giveaways on it.

4 months ago

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I won a giveaway on my very first day on the site -- it was for a DLC pack. It sort of 'proved' to me that the site was not a scam. :)

To win my first game took about 3 weeks. It was a group giveaway (Unlucky-7).

The game turned out to be weird but good, and I'm still part of Unlucky-7 as a gifter. So definitely a positive experience!

4 months ago

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Wow I didn't know U7 was that old.

4 months ago

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Original thread

View attached image.
4 months ago

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wow! maybe one day i will be part of the unlucky-7 but as a gifter

4 months ago

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I don't know really, was maybe 400 entries before I won a game but then I really invested and after 1 month I have won 24 in 2200~ entries. If you don't invest you are not likely to win much of anything. Increase to level 5 which only takes $250 cv on sg and join a few groups and get on some whitelists and sky is the limit. You don't have to spend $250 to get $250 cv, I spent around $8 to get that. You just got to find the right keys. I know I was hooked after the first win and I have won several games that I enjoy playing. Some games I don't but you can't be happy with everything all the time, that's just irrational.

4 months ago

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I remember seeing you when you were LVL1, I was too at the time I think lol!

4 months ago

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Ah man those were the days. Uphill both ways in 6 foot of snow.

4 months ago

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me personally will only make gifts when i get keys of game that i dont want/didnt have, i dont have the right conditions to be buying keys principally on my country, but hey thats kinda cool and pretty awesome that u gifted back to the community!

4 months ago

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I hope you don't mean winning a game you don't want on here and then re using it as a giveaway - because that is a big no that leads to trouble

4 months ago

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Sounds unlikely. User planning to do that would have more entries.

4 months ago

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nop, im gonna do the same that people who are giving the keys from other sites for free like the boruto ones, in my country theres mystery boxes of keys, maybe some day i will give em away when i buy one

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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I came here a little over a week ago, I won risen 2 a few days ago and only today did I receive the key n when I went to activate it,, it didn't work in my region, I won a draw and the guy didn't say that the key had region blocking,so still trying to resolve this but no response from this person. what was supposed to be good is not being

4 months ago

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oh man, hope u can get around this situation and get a key thats not region blocked, Good Luck!

4 months ago

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Like 14 days, no idea how many entered, but it was a dev promo. All together 50 games in almost 4 years.

4 months ago

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you probably are very lucky,have seen all these comments just made me see the incredible ratio with the time two weeks months and days,

4 months ago

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It was after 1K entries if I recall. First months felt like a kid in a candy store. I barely enter giveaways now.

4 months ago

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DAMN. 1K ENTRIES? thats getting me scared lmao

4 months ago

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Just check the stats of other people here. I have 45k entries and just 145 wins. That's 0.3% win rate. Don't forget its still a raffle and hundreds of people enter for the same games you do ;)

4 months ago

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My first win was Terraria. I love that game to pieces. I was so happy to win it, and was so so very happy to play it. It's one of the few games I've put more than 1k hours into. Love it.
I can't remember how many giveaways I entered before I won Terraria. I just entered to win what I wanted, and didn't care if I didn't win anything. It's not like it costs anything to try.

Don't worry. Just keep trying for what you want, and you'll eventually win a future favorite.

4 months ago

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Oh man, your profile pic took me back quite a few years! I remember I used to play that game with my friends in the school computer lab, each one took a side of the keyboard. Man those were some good times, thanks for the reminder :D

4 months ago

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I always love when my profile pic and name give people nostalgia, because I love hearing stories of when people played Bubble Bobble. It's delightful.

Thank you for sharing!

4 months ago*

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Won this the second day I was here. And overall first 4 wins were from multiple key giveaways. I was younger, just started growing my Steam Library and didn't think much about whether I would play it. So I have some of the wins from beginning which I haven't played, but eventually did start entering only the ones I knew I will try out or will like. First win - the bit blaster I actually played for 5 hour sand got 11/17 achievements. So I'd say my first win was pretty good.

And looks like the giveaway was from the dev of the game. So that's an extra point in my book

4 months ago

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I registered 5 days ago, entered 103 giveaways and have won 1. I'm super grateful! The system seems very fair on this site, glad I found it.

4 months ago

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thanks and welcome - it's so nice to have (and I do not mean or have anything against the OP) a new member who gives back (with some giveaways) and not just takes from the site - we need more people like this - welcome to my white list (I will be adding a whitelist giveaway to my Sons birthday thread later today so hope you can stop by then) :)

4 months ago

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Thank you for the welcome, and for the whitelist! I've actually copped 4 blacklists already (ig they don't like my games) so this makes me a lot feel better :) regardless, thank you again for the welcome & I'll be seeing you around :)

4 months ago

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:) no problems and yes you can get on a black list just for breathing around here and some people who put me on a black list have even said they have done so to stop me winning games (Even though I have never entered 1 giveaway)

4 months ago

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And you have already made 5 giveaways!
Welcome to my whitelist.
You should check out Unlucky7 once you made 7 giveaways. They helped me (and many others) get my first wins here and it's a cool group to stay and help out newbies once you have won your first 7 games.

Don't worry too much about blacklists. Whatever their reasons, the best "revenge" is to make cool GAs and you do so sucks for them ;)

4 months ago

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Thanks for the info & encouragement! I genuinely appreciate it. I currently have 9 Giveaways in total, but 2 aren't drawn and 2 are awaiting feedback. Waiting for feedback so I can drop a few more this weekend for anyone staying in like me.

I buy a lot of Fanatical Mystery Bundles (those little suckers are like dollar scratch its to me 😂) plus I'm a member of Humble, ARP, etc so I'm excited about giving the unused games good homes. I also have a few close pals who are developers, so I'm doubly excited about possibly getting some exposure for them with giveaways! Sorry for the info dump - pls don't blacklist me... hahah

4 months ago

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Heh I never evvvver blacklist cool generous people for geeking over things in long posts ;)

4 months ago

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My first win here was Porno Studio Tycoon with 69 copies. I can't remember what feelings/thoughts were inside me back then though.

4 months ago

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My fist win was one with 100.000 copies.
My second win was one with 25.000 copies.

Both were guaranteed wins, as it had more copies than entries.
I miss those days.

4 months ago

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I got incredibly lucky with the two wins I got, I entered under 400 giveaways so far and both of them weren't from groups. Just low interest I guess, but they were both on my wishlist and I completed them both to 100%. They didn't have a lot of entrants, but 0,25 - 1% is still pretty good.

4 months ago

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Thanks for your giveaways as I said to Rosayde I have added you to my white list as it is refreshing to see people join the site and be part of the community and give back and not just take for themselves :)

4 months ago

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I won my first game after in first month, when i got 1 level at first time. After that the next day i was decreased to level 0) After reaching level 5, I usually win about 4-5 games a month

4 months ago*

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My first win was on my second day here. It was a 25k copies one so basically everyone who joined won a key. :D

Back then I just joined everything which had a good chance of winning (screw you past me!). But nowadays I am way more selective as I also try to play more of my wins than the new ones I got to reduce my backlog step by step.

4 months ago

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Well, I won my first game 54 minutes after registering here, according to my entered giveaways page it was also the second giveaway I ever entered on the site, it was a 2 copies giveaway with 1637 entries.

4 months ago

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My first win was for a game with 25000 copies, so everyone won. It was at 750 entries for me.

But for my real first win without 100% chance of winning, it took me 1151 entries.

4 months ago

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First time I won anything it was a game that had a region restriction and I couldn't claim it in the end... was a sad sad day. Was one time where it had 1000+ entries, was both lucky and unlucky at same time :o
After the first one tried to enter as many as I could and did end up winning a couple, after that I've been only entering the ones I really really want however, groups like Unlucky-7 and Playing Apreciated have got me some like that.

4 months ago

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My first win was Cyber Hook, 6 days after I joined. It was an 85-entry region restricted giveaway. I must have won it after 250-300 entries because I was joining around 1k giveaways per month back then.

Seeing Space Cat for the first time is exhilarating. The game was good too. I almost finished it, but gave up near the end because it got frustrating and I was getting motion sick from it.

These days, I have many more opportunities to win but I also enter fewer giveaways (<200 per month). I try not to win more than 5 games a month to keep things under control.

4 months ago*

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I won my first time fairly early on, but of course the key didn't work, so I agreed to delete the GA. Then I won one with a lot of keys, so was fairly likely to win. Then I joined U7, which was needlessly complicated, and won four there, including one where I was the only entrant. I won some randoms after that, and got lucky on some new groups, region locks, and whitelists. 3 months in, 41 wins.

You have entered 100 GAs, and there were likely far more than 100 entrants in each of those GAs, so statistically, you were highly unlikely to win. The key to winning is having a high key to entrant ratio. There's multiple ways of making that happen, but the most consistent is to join small groups where everyone contributes, including you. It's almost trading with extra steps at that point, plus RNG.

You've been very selective about which GAs you enter, and given a grand total of nothing away. So it will likely take you a long time, or to get incredibly lucky, if that is your strategy.

4 months ago

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I didin't look at back and i surprised; my first winning took 18 hours after joining SG. Dungeon Creepster(delist now) game :) And it was 46th entry.

4 months ago

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My first real win took some time to get, maybe 6 months to 1 year after joining? I don't know how many entries that was. Back then, I joined whatever giveaways I saw just because I had points left. Now I only go for what I want most and will play soon and leave most points unused.

4 months ago

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