I was walking past my younger autistic son on his computer and he was watching a video of some gameplay from Nascar Racing 2003, mainly for its crashes as he is really into demolitions ;) This reminded me of the good old days where my mates and I would all take our computers to someones house, plug them all together via LAN and hammer old games like Warcraft 3, Starcraft etc (I'm also old enough to remember doing it with the old connectors which needed terminators to close the network at the end computers).

But my favourite (his video reminded me) was the Nascar Racing series, we'd paint our cars up (mine looked exactly like my street car, bonnet stripes and all) and we'd race hard...for all of a handful of laps until someone screwed up badly enough that we had to restart the race. You could add bots so we would have a full field of cars to race against, there was 4 or 5 of us and the game included an awesome replay camera that allowed you to watch crashes from any cars view, or various camera views from the track etc The physics may have been a bit hit and miss but the cars were destructible to a fair degree and parts would end up strewn all over the track. We found we could cheat at the start of the race by racing up the middle of the two columns of starting cars and just as the leaders hit the start line we would race through at full speed and get a huge lead. Great idea in theory but with 4 or 5 blokes trying to do it all it took was one tiny screw up and you'd pinball between both lines of cars and create a huge mess for everyone. The amount of prangs we recorded was huge and I so wish I still had those recordings, it quite often reduced us all to tears in laughter at what had happened. It's a pity EA then got their hands on the series and the next release didn't even have bots...

Between games like that and Warcraft 3 where we would start playing in the afternoon and wonder what the bright light was outside only to realise it was dawn of the next day there was some awesome classic games I really miss. We don't connect our computers on a LAN any more, hell I don't even see any of those guys I used to play with now, we all grew up and had families, but playing with friends online is nowhere near as fun as that used to be, and I can't say I've played a game with mates all night for many years (although I am 45 now so if I stay awake past 9pm I feel like a party animal these days).

For you young-lings who are wondering what a network terminator was here is an image of how a network was set up back then, and no the terminators didn't look as cool as Arnold. You had a T-connector plugged into each computers network card (none of this built into the motherboard madness back then!) a cable would connect two computers and the network would be set up in a serial line, with a terminator at each end computer. http://www.dewassoc.com/support/networking/images/wirecoax.gif

So what game do you have the fondest memories of? and tell us your favourite gaming memory!

5 years ago

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Halo 3 is by far and large my favourite video game of all time for a gargantuan mountain of reasons, most of which involve the social aspects of the multiplayer itself as I was and am still very much a shut in. Hours, days, weeks, months, years spent together with friend and foe alike, all sharing a common interest in an entertainment medium. I love video games in general but Halo 3 was the pinnacle for me, though that's not to say it is or was for any specific reason other than mine own. It was a fantastic game but I'd wager many wouldn't hold it up against other more influential titles as a pinnacle of gaming.

5 years ago

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DMC 3 , chaos legion and keepsake and many others

5 years ago

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Some more games I enjoyed in the past and are particularly memorable:

Shattered Steel - I really enjoyed this game but had a problem at some point (due to the game apparently shipping with bad data in the edition I bought), and got really good help from Greg Zeschuk. I was very thankful for his help and ended up buying Baldur's Gate as thanks to Bioware for the support. Unfortunately it didn't really grab me, and ended being unplayed. I bought it twice (or maybe three times) since then and have yet to get into it.

Planescape: Torment - although I stopped half way on my first play through (don't remember why), I finished it the second time I played it, and enjoyed the writing a lot. Not the combat though.

5 years ago*

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3 years ago*

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My god, I was wondering why I suddenly had so many message alerts :p


3 years ago

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3 years ago

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My daughter has a term for it but ...

You were "in the zone"?

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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This is a very difficult question. I think I will go with the first Mario Bros game. It blew my mind when I tried a Nintendo for the first time around 1986 as a kid. Duck Hunt was also fantastic. All I knew at this point was my Commodore Vic-20. Mario Bros 3 was the best NES game, but the first one was absolutely revolutionary. Too bad my parents could not afford to buy us a NES.

Then some years later when I got a PC I think Civilization 1 was my favorite game. This is probably the game I spend the most time playing ever. I had a SNES as a teenager around the same time, without any doubt NHL 94 was the best game. Then later on PC, my favorites were Heroes of Might & Magic 3 and then later Diablo 2, I wasted so many hours on these wonderful games.

In the last decade, Dark Souls 1 is the game I tend to consider the best game I have ever played, even though my favorite kind of games are usually turn-based. Dark Souls was really special to me.

3 years ago*

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3 years ago

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In mid-80s, it was unbelievable to be able to shoot a plastic gun at the TV! :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons, Dark Ages, Shadow Knight, Prince of Persia, Duke Nukem, Budokan, Accolade Grand Prix 88...

Woke up one morning to see my brothers huddled over the PC playing Commander Keen. Before that I knew only Minesweeper and Solitaire. This and the games we got afterwards was my genesis of computer gaming for me

3 years ago*

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We used to gather at a friends house when his parents were out for the night to play Durak (w. real cards) and hotseat Scorched Earth (wo. real tanks). This game brings some good old memories of the nights filled with carefree laughter with my mates.

3 years ago

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KotOR1: I remember barely able to leave my computer to eat and sleep. When I finished it I felt both a catharsis about the epic story and an emptiness that it's over, so I immediately started to pay it again and finished it one more time.

3 years ago

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First place is definitely Colonization from '94. Must have played that game hundreds of times, stopped maybe 10 years ago. For me it's the best 4X game of all time.

I also have fond memories of Turrican 3. I know, people often regard it as the weakest one, but we had so much fun playing it on Amiga.

Another one that comes to mind is Dreamweb. You can argue about the gameplay, but it had a fantastic story. I'd say it was ahead of its time, with a surprisingly dark story full of blood and sex. A sharp contrast to the kids-friendly games that were mostly made at the time (1994). It even had a non-happy ending with a great twist. It was a great experience, even if the adventure gameplay was frustrating at times (if I remember correctly, some of the items on the screen you needed to pick up were 2 or even just 1 pixel big).

A more recent one would be To The Moon, maybe the best story I have ever experienced in a game.

3 years ago

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Match Day 1. Football couldn't be any more real than that. Ritman Rovers ruled.

3 years ago

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Hey, I used this kind of network too ! Wasn't it called Token Ring ? Or am I mixing things up ?

Anyway, the oldie I have the fondest memory with is Frontier : Elite. I have no idea how many hours I spent on it, on some Atari 1040 ST computer.
Also many older memories from my Amstrad years, and one title poping up: Barbarian.
If we talk more recent times, but still old games,I guess Fallout, the first one, was the one. Also special memories for Vampire the masquerade : Redemption (maybe because I was a pen and paper player and sometimes game master for friends).

3 years ago

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