So over Christmas on the last day of the sale, I decided to craft the Holiday Sale Badge. I wasn't very enthusiastic and thought I'd get some crappy in-game item. I ended up getting the Crimson Imp Mask from Path of Exile, a game I've never played. On a whim, I check how it sells on the market and it turns out to go for a maximum of £255($328)! Of course I was shocked, and in disbelief that someone would spend that much money on an item. I looked at the graph on the market, and saw that only 4 had ever sold, and the first one sold was on the 21st of December.

I started to get friend requests quite frequently, from quite a range of people. Some people would add me in awe that I'd won, and telling me that they love Path of Exile. A few added me thinking I was rich, slyly asking me to give them things or flatout just asking for free shit. The craziest ones would add me and tell me they NEED that mask, that they HAVE all the other masks and that they NEED that one. They would ask if I would take all their TF2 items and the rest of the inventory, saying "you can sell them!" and then they get really irate and mad when I refuse their offer.

And then I got about 2 or 3 phishing attempts. They would send me a link like "" or "steamcommuuunity" and try to get me to log into steam on a dodgy website.

But it sold just now! I thought it would only take about a week but it took almost three. There was another guy selling one on the market, and we kept trying to undercut each other, which was fun. But mine sold first! hah!

Anyway the moral of this story is:
people on the internet are mental
that crimson really goes with your eyes
sharing is caring

edit: I forgot about the guy that added me to tell me I was stupid and it will never sell

1 decade ago*

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lucky u :P last time i got a good item was an unusual in tf2. had it in the market for months b4 i just cut the price in half (i was already the lowest price) to sell it off since i quit tf2 trading :/

1 decade ago

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Thanks! I didn't really come here to gloat, although it's nice to tell people that understand the system/steam etc. Although I will say that, due to money and the general economy, I think that steam can be quite a vicious place; everyone should be careful who they trust!

1 decade ago

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Congratulations on the sell. I got things for £0.30 at most, sadly.

1 decade ago

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I'm going to assume you're the one that sold for $330.36
If so, then mega congrats for you :P

1 decade ago

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Thanks for sharing your good fortune with us!

1 decade ago

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Oho, congratulations! Glad you dodged all the scammers. Hope you get some nice things for yourself!

1 decade ago

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Yeah I deleted the first one pretty quick, then realised I should be reporting them!

1 decade ago

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Nice! Congrats on the amazing luck!

1 decade ago

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That's... Amazing. Both how some people can be crazy enough to buy virtual in game junk and how lucky a guy can be to sell virtual in game junk.

1 decade ago

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F2P players are down right crazy :P okay, not all of you guys :)

1 decade ago

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Very nice loot from the event. I expect you got some great games for your collection.

1 decade ago

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Congrats! I'm always stoked when I get a foil to sell. I'd be thoroughly confused to have that much money in my Steam Wallet. Heck, during one of the big Steam sales, I think that would buy everything on my wishlist!

1 decade ago

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you should buy 1,000 vintage Jarate's. I mean, it only makes sense.

1 decade ago

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You're a lucky guy...but you know what? So am i.
Cause luck comes in many forms. I for example got an AWP skin in CS:GO like 3 weeks ago which was worth like 3 euros, and i was extremely happy with it.

1 decade ago

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And here comes the punchline.

The buyer stole the credit card...

DUN DUN DUN... what will happen next?

Tune in tomorrow to find out!

And congrats btw, I hope it's a legit deal so you the don't have to pit up with the "wonderful" support team I've heard so much of.

1 decade ago

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I did wonder about that. The person who bought the item hasn't set up their steam profile account, which seems a bit weird to me...

1 decade ago

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Contact Steam right now.

1 decade ago

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Why? They just hadn't set up their profile, they still had an account

1 decade ago

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Wow, congratulations! That's an insane amount of $$ :D

1 decade ago

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such sale, much wallet, very full, wow

1 decade ago

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Incredibly lucky of you.

1 decade ago

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im so jelly bro, seriously u just won at steam! grats

*EDIT not being sarcastic, im totally jelly

1 decade ago

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Wow, nice.

1 decade ago

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undercut each other when only 2 piece on the market? i dont think is it a good
strategy, while the item was craftable under the christmass sale only.

1 decade ago

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yeah, listed at the same price and then hoping for your 50% chance is definitely better. Even if the other one sells first, then yours is alone on the market. However most people will still keep undercutting you even if you don't (but instead list at same price). In case of such a super rare item it doesn't really matter, with semi rare items though it's quite annoying as new undercutters keep streaming in every day...

1 decade ago

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Congratulations! ^_^

1 decade ago

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Know the feeling, gz!

Sold this one for 250€ pretty late "into the game" (some months, when crazy stupid amounts for items weren't paid that often anymore). Rich people are so retarded, it's not even funny...

Worth of the item today due to changes to items in patches/the expansion: 0

1 decade ago

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Congratz xD, I can't even imagine how much the Rarest Tf2 or DOTA2 Item would sell for in the christmas event but wow over $300 I would love to have that xD, and thanks for the goodies :P

1 decade ago

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$300 are nothing compared to a legacy courier from dota 2, this guy paid $38,000 for his war dog :D

<a href="">this one :3</a>

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Wow, congratulations! I usually block around 4 random friend requests per day, so I know the feeling. It even says on my profile that I will ignore random friend requests, but they still do it. I don't hate much in my life, but beggars are right down there next to cheaters. If you can't be bothered to read, I can't be bothered to waste my time with you. Some people just have no respect.

1 decade ago

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I have a "no begging" notice on my profile as well, but lately what I am seeing is randoms adding me for a supposedly "legit" reason but once I accept they immediately start begging instead. WTF!

1 decade ago

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YES! They sometimes politely write on my profile saying they would like to ask me a question and then start begging after I add them. Do people have no standards?

1 decade ago

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The other day I had a guy want to add me so he could discuss something or other unrelated to Steam or games. So I allow it and first thing he asks is if I will gift Rust to him. After I reprimanded him, he countered with an offer that in return for Rust he would give me 4 community items (2 backgrounds and 2 emoticons) valued at 12 cents total. In his mind that was his loophole. He said it wasn't a beg because he was offering me something in return and therefore it was technically a trade offer.

Seriously, these people have no self respect.

1 decade ago

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What a joke. Someone added me yesterday saying: Wow, you have a nice inventory. If you have anything you don't want, I would be happy to take them mate.

I instantly blocked him.

1 decade ago

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Still guys, remember that one of those people may have a legit reason for adding you. I know those beggars get on your nerves but not every person adding is necessarily one.

1 decade ago

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My profile comments are always open, so if they aren't planning on begging me for something, they can let me know. I also check friends/groups in common before blocking or accepting.

1 decade ago

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Congrats on your sale! I would start losing faith in the interwebs more than I already have, and become super paranoid if I was in your position! Just wondering, what do you plan to spend all that dough on?

1 decade ago

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Well just before I got the item, I had already spent £30 buying co-op games for me and my RL friends. So I will continue doing that. Probably some more giveaways too!

1 decade ago

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congrats dude

1 decade ago

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Congrats!! :) Thanks for the giveaways

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Ozz.