The Soviet air force has bombed part of the SteamGifts capital and Russian troops have poured into the city in a massive dawn offensive.
At least 1,000 Soviet tanks are reported to have entered SteamGifts and troops deployed throughout the country are battling with Gifter forces for strategic positions.
The Soviet invasion is a response to the national uprising led by Prime Minister CG, who has promised the Gifter people a chance at free games.
CG's anti-Soviet policies, which include giving away free games, have been worrying Eastern Bloc countries and Moscow has demanded his government's capitulation.

Appeal to the Mods

News of the attack came at 0515 local time on SteamGifts Chat in an urgent appeal by CG himself for help from the other Mods.
Despite an apparent withdrawal only last week, Soviet troops deployed outside Steamgifts swept back into the capital with Russian and Romanian reinforcements between 0400 and 0800 local time.
SteamGifts Daily newspaper reports that artillery units pounded SteamGifts from the surrounding hills as Soviet MIG fighters bombarded the capital from the air.
Sources say Soviet infantry units stormed the forums, a key strategic and symbolic target, early this morning.


Reports that CG and other members of the moderator team were captured in the attack have not been confirmed.
But in an unscheduled newscast on Moscow radio shortly after 1200GMT, Russia claimed to have "crushed the forces of reactionary conspiracy against the Gifter people".
Despite Moscow's claims, heavy fighting is reported to be continuing throughout the site for key installations such as Dirt 3 and Humble Indie Bundle 3 giveaways.
Moscow is now backing a new breakaway SteamGifts government led by Kuribo, whose stated purpose is to destroy CG's "counter-revolution".


The Red Menace still stands. We must do our part to stop it before they take over the entirety of SteamGifts. Fight the Reds, do your part in spreading knowledge of their vile ways.

1 decade ago*

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sorry what?

1 decade ago

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Add some pictures and your roll for validity will be unbeatable ohoho

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Why the other post got deleted ?

1 decade ago

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hey, you had a post on this (exact same post) earlier and you just deleted it and reposted? why on earth would you do that?

1 decade ago

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deja vu

1 decade ago

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Ahh hell, soviets are back, what should we do? :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Shardok.