Solution can be found in the second page.

I don't want to call it a puzzle. I like adventure games, so let's call it a puzzle adventure.

You start the game here:

Oh, don't be afraid of many questions, I don't like asking or answering many questions either. So actually you don't answer many questions, you just drain your brain.

That's all. Have fun.


  1. This is a puzzle giveaway. You start the game by looking for the entrance.
  2. I woke up in the morning, heard something about lying down.
  3. There's logic in the puzzle. Look closer and if you see something weird, think about why.
  4. The difficulty suddenly dropped about 20% because some unexpected things happened. It's super easy to go further now, but still need some effort. Come on.
  5. x = y
  6. Don't just search, research like a detective.
  7. You had a storm at sea, your ship broke but you luckily arrived on an uninhabited island. What did you do?
  8. Found a hall but stuck there? Try go back and find the other halls.
  9. Research, study, and then ask for. That's one way to get something you want.
  10. There are more than one thing you're gonna get, but different things are gotten with different ways.
  11. The best decoder is your brain, not a webpage.
  12. A printer might help, but it's not required.
  13. Look closer, read carefully.
  14. Once you have passed the first step, decoders such as Base64, rot, etc. are not required. Don't waste time on these decoders. All you need is your brain.
  15. Why two files? It's important.
  16. If an adventurer hides treasures in a secret place, the place is definitely marked in a secret treasure map.
  17. Every weird thing comes with a reason. Ask yourself "why is it like this".
  18. Let's talk about Kale
  19. Find something readable.
  20. You are looking for two words, 8 letters.
  21. Over here.
  22. Follow the direction.

Game over. Thanks for playing.

1 decade ago*

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I thought this was related to Saw.

1 decade ago

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why did you write the numbers 108 178 256 338 426 540 622 689?

because ->

What sorcery is this?

1 decade ago

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The numbers are part of the puzzle. But the itstoohard link wasn't there at first. I added it later to lower the entrance difficulty.

1 decade ago

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I got a Game Over screen a bit sooner than I expected, though I'm not quite sure what to do with it yet. I suppose it has something to do with the files. Or the other thing from that place.

I think I may be on hint 7... tough to know for sure, since I thought I was on hint 3... or 6.... :P

All in all though, definitely enjoying the puzzle. LOGIC! :D Love it.

1 decade ago

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Hint 3 is good for most clues.

1 decade ago

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I'm trying to be a detective, but the misdirection is frustrating.

1 decade ago

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Need some hints for the secret hall.

1 decade ago

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Go back and seek the other halls.

1 decade ago

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Quiz or key not found!

1 decade ago

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Quiz or key not found!

1 decade ago

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Just a question, will we get the answers to te puzzle once it ended? I'd be interested in what I'm clogged up and frankly, I don't see myself solving it :(

1 decade ago

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Don't give up, it's not very hard really.

1 decade ago

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I found a fellow detective and adventurer that likes puzzles. How nice.

1 decade ago

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Well done. Now you are a detective, too.

1 decade ago

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The hints I've given cover almost every puzzle. Time is running out. Hurry.

1 decade ago

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All I need is your brain.

1 decade ago

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Feel free to ask me questions on steam if you feel stuck.

1 decade ago

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Maybe the whole thing in an insufficient knowledge of English. I'm not about words or sentences. I'm talking about the obvious or not things that can see a native speaker.

1 decade ago

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English is not my first language either. Don't overestimate the difficulty. I know you can make it. You are one of the first two who have entered the first hall. Your English skill is more than enough in my puzzles.

Actually I've written a story for the puzzles at first, but I've decided to cancel the story design at the very last moment (because too long, didn't write for me, and too long, didn't read for players). Some places have changed to match the changed design. So may be some connections between the clues are not as clear as the story version, but I've added more clues and lowered the difficulty to make it possible to be solved by only logic.

I think people stuck because they have solved too many base64, ROT13, ASCII, read-a-book-and-then-answer, and play-a-game-and-then-answer puzzles, I don't like or make puzzles like that. So you just need to keep thinking like a detective in a real life, and the puzzles will be solved.

OK, too long, stop writing. Here's another hint, it might help you (and the one above you) make progress. And of course, other hints are still valid here. :p

Why two files?

1 decade ago

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Well ... I just looked the other way. I think if there were familiar letters, then maybe I would have seen it once.

1 decade ago

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Totally disappointed. The giveaways are ending soon, but there's only one entry in one giveaway.

1 decade ago

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I'd like to point out that it's better to make a kick-off easier. IF(!) you want people at least to try.
I had to compose a tutorial quiz for my puzzle once just to make people think right.

For my part I only now found time for your puzzle and being immediately stuck w/o sense of direction doesn't encourage me. Sorry.

That doesn't mean I'm not enjoying this puzzle :P

1 decade ago

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OK, thanks. I'll give it a try.

1 decade ago

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I've added a step by step quiz. It may help everyone think in the right way.

1 decade ago

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Thank you. That should give puzzle a push! :)

Looks like I was doing it in the right way till the tool.

1 decade ago

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Co-op mode is open now.

1 decade ago

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If anyone wants to discuss, I've visited these three ITHs: "Game Start", "I know he has the secret files", and "Game over", but haven't gotten through "Game over". I have "the-password" (and have looked at it closely) and the two secret files. And that's pretty much where I'm stuck. Add me on Steam to discuss, rather than try to dance around specifics here. I'll be awake again in about 10-12 hours, but I'm going to bed soon.

1 decade ago

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I'm at the exact same place as you.

1 decade ago

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I have no time over this weekend, so I think I'm going to have to lay this puzzle to rest.

1 decade ago

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How many people got past the 108 178 256 338 426 540 622 689 part?

1 decade ago

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≥ 38

1 decade ago

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That made me sad.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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more like BigDumbGoat

1 decade ago

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I think I found something.

1 decade ago

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Damn, I'm stuck again. I don't know what to do with these five uppercase letters. It's not a giveaway code and certainly not a shortened link code.

1 decade ago

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Find something readable.

1 decade ago

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Hmm, i think i found something, but it's three words (actually 4)

Also found 21.

Edit: got through...

1 decade ago

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I saw you over there. LOL.

1 decade ago

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Now I'm stuck again... :)

1 decade ago

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You are one step away from a secret hall. This one is easy. :p

1 decade ago

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I'm sure (16) should help but...

1 decade ago

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None of the hints are for this. :p
Don't guess, just follow the question and answer.

1 decade ago

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Ok. Giving up for a while, used up all words...

1 decade ago

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Wake up, you have another puzzle day.

1 decade ago

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The giveaway for this one has just expired. But other giveaways are still open.

1 decade ago

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I was away for a whole day, so sorry :)

1 decade ago

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Stuck at Q9

EDIT: Never mind, solved that part. And I give up: endless guessing and mind reading on the last step with only 1 solver.

1 decade ago

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Wait 30 minutes.

1 decade ago

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2 solvers. LOL

1 decade ago

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Quiz or key not found!
Is this normal?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Achievement unlocked: entered the secret halls. =)

1 decade ago

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How many guesses on the last? :) I used up my vocabulary...

1 decade ago

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An unhealthy amount =)

1 decade ago

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Actually you already have the answer, you just didn't notice.

1 decade ago

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Achievement unlocked: Enter all of the secret halls.

1 decade ago

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Argh, found Kale but it's too late i guess to finds something more. if only i was dumber... i wouldnt be stucked in first quiz for a week

1 decade ago

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It's not late. You have another one day.

1 decade ago

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i see that timers are on 0 now

1 decade ago

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There are 3 timers.

1 decade ago

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Damn! Damn! Damn! I hate that I spend almost a week thinking about that puzzle and trying to solve it without success and someone just came here and solved it in a few hours.

1 decade ago

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Do you hate someone solved it too quickly or hate someone got too many hints to solve it too easily?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well? I'm particularly interested in 22 and "i...y.o.e", if the latter makes sense :)

1 decade ago

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Are the solutions ready yet?

1 decade ago

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The bonus giveaways have not ended, yet. I'll post it after tomorrow.

1 decade ago

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I am also waiting for solutions.

1 decade ago

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Still waiting.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, I was ultimately busy this week. The solution will be finished very soon. I've already written over a half of it.

1 decade ago

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1. Entrance

Simple math:

  1. 108 - 0 = 108
  2. 178 - 108 = 70
  3. 256 - 178 = 78
  4. 338 - 256 = 82
  5. 426 - 338 = 88
  6. 540 - 426 = 114
  7. 622 - 540 = 82
  8. 689 - 622 = 67

Got another decimal ciphertext: 108 70 78 82 88 114 82 67

Use to translate from DEC to TEXT, get lFNRXrRC.
It's the Game Start puzzle.

2. Game Start

1st secret character: E

The question is a dot, and the answer is also a dot. You can try without thinking. This is also a hint for the secret file puzzle, the morse code of the letter "E" is a dot ".".

Now get the binary ciphertext:
00000000 11101111 10010100 10011000 01010110 10100011 01001000 00010111

First put them into rows:


And then read it vertically, from top to bottom, left to right, get:
01110100 01001010 01000100 00111001 01010010 01101001 01001101 01000101

Translate from BIN to TEXT, get tJD9RiME, it's the I know he has the secret files puzzle.

3. I know he has the secret files

2nd secret character: d

The question is a picture showing a wave message. Use morse code to decipher the wave. A high singal cell means a dash "-", a low signal cell means a dot ".", and a blank cell means a space. You get: kale marson

And Kale.Marson has something I want.

Why did I put a dot between Kale and Marson? This is also another clue for the next puzzle.

4. Kale.Marson

When in the design stage of the puzzle, I was trying to make Kale Marson appear in the google search result without success in the first month, so I gave up the approach, and Kale Marson was not meant to be found in google search result in this puzzle at last. I put a dot between Kale and Marson to make it easier to be found in facebook. If you search "Kale Marson" you probably get nothing relative to the puzzle, but if you search "Kale.Marson", a facebook page will come into your sight soon. So the right magic here is to find a man in a social webstie. And you can also see I've put the google plus link in Kale's facebook page, because I wanted you to see the google plus page.

So you can use facebook and search Kale.Marson, read his facebook page. He says he's a huge google fan, and has a google plus link in his profile, and then find his google plus page. You can also use google plus and search Kale Marson to get to his google plus page directly.

But an unexpected thing happened. Kale Marson suddently appeared in the google search result, so it became much easier to find him.

The problem is Kale has something you wanna get, but you don't know what it is. So you study his profile, and you can find two links in his profile, his two past events, and his public email address.

4a. The two secret files

The two links are pointing to two secret files. Secret file 1 has a word which is placed vertically. Do you remember the vertical binary puzzle? Clues are everywhere. Look very carefully in the file1, and you'll see the word ovErhEre be vertically placed in col 5. It is over here.

Open secret file 2, and pick the 8 letters from the same place where "over here" is located, and you get: VncLIaQv.
So you get the Game Over puzzle URL (see 5a).

4b. Kale's past events.

Kale has two past events, one is "I like eating", it's nothing; the other one has the text IH17W which looks suspicious. Kale is a huge google fan, so if he wants a short URL, he definitely uses, and he does. If you were careful enough you could see the two secret files were shorten with links, clues are everywhere like I said. So leads you to a picture showing you a password. But you don't know where to enter the password.

4c. Find the password entrance

Remember Kale's public email address? Why does he show you his email address? Because he wanted you be able to send emails to him. According to his facebook and google plus profile, if you want to to reach him, you must say puzzle.

Actually his email address was not public at first, I wanted you to guess his email address at first. But later on I realized that the puzzle would become too difficult to solve. If you guess his email address send the email to or , he can catch it. But I was afraid of no body would try to send an email without knowing the email address first, so I made it public to be another clue. Yes, clues are everywhere again.

It doesn't matter the word puzzle is in the title or content, as long as your email has the word puzzle, Kale will reply you with the text D9jL3uRs. And leads you to another itstoohard URL: (see 5b).

5. Game over puzzles

There are two game over puzzles, each one leads you to a giveaway.

5a. The arrow puzzle

Secret character: 6

Follow the arrow's direction, look down, just look down, and what's this? It's your keyboard. The answer can be keyboard, a keyboard or my keyboard. You then get one of the giveaway codes CoC9k*. It's a pity only one player reached this giveaway in time, but he already has the game. There's another clue written in the giveaway, it leads to another itstohard link (see 6)*.

5b. The password entrance puzzle

Secret character: S

The password is in the picture which you got from 4b. But Jeasoel is not correct. You should be doubting why is the picture so large (4690 x 3319 pixels). Why? Because there's something hidden in the picture. If you saved the picture and looked at it very carefully, you should notice the little something something in the bottom right corner. And it's K916 written in there. Another clue here.

If you flip K916, it becomes Kale. That's what Kale tried to tell you: The password is flipped. So the solution here is to flip Jeasoel, and you get 7692061. You may think why isn't it 7bg2ob1 or something mixed with numbers and letters, because there are too many combinations to become a reasonable password. But two combinations are reasonable - all are numbers, and all are letters. Besides, even without guessing, K916 already gave you the clue: Flipping 916 gives you ale, but flipping K gives you K. It means, flipping the letters gives you the numbers.

Entering the password gives you another giveaway code RKcya (see 6).

6. How many puzzles

The last secret character: g

The giveaways from 5a and 5b both lead you here. It's a simple guessing puzzle, only for reminding you there are more secrets to discover. If you've reached one or two giveaways, you now know how many giveaways you missed. And before reaching here, you definitely missed at least one giveaway. Because the last secret character is over here, and without this secret character, you are not going to the last giveaway. There are 5 secret characters in total, correctly combining them gives you the last giveaway code. But the order is the problem.

7. Make the last giveaway code

According to their order of occurrence, all secret characters have their positions except secret characters from 5a and 5b. But if you check the end time of the giveaways they led to, the 5a's giveaway ends before 5b's, and 5b's ends before 6's. That's the correct order of the last giveaway code Ed6Sg.

At last, all players who reached any of the giveaways got a chance to enter the Trine 2 bonus giveaway (it's a bonus, no link here). Someone won it after a few days and is now going to save the king together with the knight, the thief and the wizard.

The End.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by FatSackMonk.