Hello... I want someone, who knows, to answer my question :)... I will give cookies and xoxoxoxoxoxo to who ever helps me :D...

My question:

I live in Romania, who is a member of the EU... if someone from US (or another place in the world) buys a key for Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection, can the key be redeemed by me? So, a key for the game bought in US (or another place in the world), on amazon.com, or another shop in the US (or any place in the world), can the key be redeemed by me, a player from the EU?

I ask this, because of the difference in pricing from region to region... so, I am interested if the key for the game is not region locked, and can be activated on my origin account :)...

EDIT: I am referring to this situation: Someone buys from another place than Romania/EU the game/key, and then gives me the key... is the key region locked or not? Would I lose the games, after I activate them, because someone else sent them to me? Buying the key at, let's say, half the normal price here (30 euros)? I heard about EA wanting to make a gift system like steam, but with heavy region locking... like, you can only send give to those in your country, or countries who also use your currency system...

Thanks in advance...

11 years ago*

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Daca il cumperi tu (via proxy), o sa pierzi jocurile. Daca il cumpara altcineva si iti trimite gift / face trade cu tine, iar jocul nu e region-locked, il poti activa fara nici o problema.

11 years ago

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Asta stiu... ma refeream mai mult la - daca cineva il cumpara pentru mine... eu pot sa-l activez? Adica, sa nu fie region locked cheia :)... o sa editez putin sa fie mai explicit postul :)...

11 years ago

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Eu am cumpărat M&B:Warband de la un rus (la un preț infim, că așa era la ei) și pot să îți confirm că merge fără probleme. Ar trebui să te asiguri că e region-free totuși (poți verifica pe steamdb).

11 years ago

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Hmmm, la jocurile steam stiu cu chestia asta... insa C&C Ultimate Collection nu se vinde pe Steam :((... ci trebuie neaparat Origin...

11 years ago

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A - greșeala mea! Am omis că e pe Origin - nu folosesc, nu am idee. :(

11 years ago

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કચેરી jūrų vėplys коса kismis pho mát làm tại Pháp antzinako?

11 years ago

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As far as I know Origin has no region lock for keys.

11 years ago

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Yeah, one of my friend bought a russian BF3 key (he lives in France), and it worked fine. He just needed to wait a few more hours for patches, that was the only problem.

11 years ago

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Yes you can use it with no issues

11 years ago

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No region lock bro, I'm in the UK and bought the Mass Effect trilogy from Amazon US' download store. Redeemed my Origin code and everything went fine :)

11 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the help guys... :)... now I only need someone in the US :D... thanks again for the help... kudos and cookies to everyone...

11 years ago

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Just go to Google Maps, and find a random US address. Enter it in, and buy what you need.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by DeVeteran.