9 years ago*

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I just ignore them.

9 years ago

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So you are avoiding me! :O

9 years ago

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Me too! :o

9 years ago

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me three :D

9 years ago

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Confront them about it. "Lets be honest, do you want to be my friend or not? How often do you want to hang out" Just cut the bullshit and don't have any bitching on either side, really.

9 years ago

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I feel like people avoid me in general

I just pass my days alone, I got used to that and I don't feel comfortable with most of the people, just with my old high school friends but I haven't seen them in months

9 years ago

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Funny thing i'm avoiding a friend of mine because of his GF being a total pile of S-

I told him, got tired of them both being false people in the backs of other people we used to hang out with. And in no bloody way i would allow them to choose my path. Fuck them both, i'll walk my own path. People like this, that change the value of many friendships over 1 single person, it's plain retarded. Even more retarded when she is the worst type of girl one could couple up with.

Of course, there is also the type of friendship where you are activily talking with this person and for some reason you stop chatting to each other. This can be due to the other person wanting a break or could possibly be interested in a chick/guy, meaning their attention is more focused towards a new person, sometimes completly ignoring close friends for a while. Then there are cases when i stop talking with someone and chat back a few months later all of a sudden.

9 years ago

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When one of my friends was avoiding me (and she made it very obvious. by telling our mutual friends that she was avoiding me), I did nothing. I went on with my life and let her do whatever made her feel better. Eventually she gave up and went back to acting like normal.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 days ago.

9 years ago

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No, but I tend to do it to others cough

9 years ago

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I don't even have any friends.

9 years ago

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Maybe not friends, but I feel like crush is avoiding me... ;_;

9 years ago

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Did someone just say something=

9 years ago

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No, but my friends often think I am the one avoiding them, even if that's wrong. The thing is, even if I want to see them, I won't ask them to hang out or call them because I think they are probably busy, simply because I can't or any other (stupid?) reason...

I also thought until quite recently that I had lost many years ago a long time friend, and always thought she was avoiding me all that time, even that year we were living really close to each other, in the same street... We finally get to speak about recent happenings in our lives, get closer again, to finally ask us why we were so "far" from each other all that time. In short, it turned that she was also thinking I was avoiding her, and a few other things, but it was just a completely stupid misunderstanding, and we both have been hurt by that. So, if you think your friends are avoiding you, maybe they are not (or maybe they are, who knows :p), and I can only advice you to ask them... I'm convinced talking is generally the best way to sort out things like that.

9 years ago

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Jeez what bad friends, if I wanted to avoid my friends I would say "F*CK OFF". Being upfront is always better I say.

9 years ago

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What friends? lol.
All you need is to share a coke with Jack..daniels.

9 years ago

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You should pee on your friends to establish that you are your social group leader and will not be ignored.

9 years ago

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I second this plan. Nothing says listen to me like some hot pee to the face.

9 years ago

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tell ur female friends they have a penis and tell ur male friends they have a pussy lol

9 years ago

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Most of my "friendships" end that way. People say they like me, but obviously they never want to talk or hang out. Even though I know and see them hang out with others. People mostly come to me to talk about themselves, because they know I'll listen. As soon as I talk about my own problems, that's when friends starts to leave me. So I just keep quiet, let myself get drained to the point where I barely am able to make breakfast for myself, then do the same thing next day. I have both Asperger syndrome as well as have been depressed for many years. I'm not a "jolly" person in any sense, so I try to focus my positive energy on others. I tell them nice things, comfort them, motivate them, listen to them for hours... it's just, at the end of the day, it's never enough. I often receive condescending remarks like "At least you're not as negative as you usually are." and if I try to talk about my own stuff, the subject is usually swapped by the next sentence... or ignored. I only have online friends so I can "shut off" whenever I feel too drained. I haven't had any IRL friends for... 16 years now?

I guess my best "advice" is finding people who have struggled in their life. Because I find that those of my friends (bless them) who are the most patient and kind to me, are those that have suffered a lot. Those who get judged because of their own problems or have had a tough life. They truly appreciate when you're kind with them and want to help you. Because they know how it feels to be left out.

9 years ago

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Like anybody could ever ignore me. All the bitches love me.

9 years ago

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Bathe, you probably just stink really bad.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Deleted-2324609.