9 years ago*

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Can I rape things?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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jajajajajajaja i really don't know what it's worst, the game, or the comments... anyway, it's just like a bored afternoon on GTA...

9 years ago

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ALL the things!

9 years ago

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Eah, you can basically do the same thing in all the GTA games. Really don't see the big deal. It's more graphic, sure, but then again so was Prototype... So what's the big deal? It's the shock value of the idea of a game like this that's more staggering than the actual game-play. But I can guarantee that murdering pathetic "enemies" that can't defend themselves gets really old really fast.

9 years ago

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Expect a lot of "videogames are the cause of every shooting ever" news reports when this comes out.

9 years ago

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Looks disgusting. Shooting people in videogames can be fun and challenging, if it gets the right setting. But not if they want to make sure, you feel that you are killing innocent people. Postal was fun, because it was a parody, and the whole world was bizarre, but this is just some pathetic pscychopath developers work, for the same people.

9 years ago

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the edge cuts me like a knife

also it's going to do terribly kek

9 years ago

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It's got my interest, partially because I'm against censoring what can and can't be in games. Also, admittedly because I'm waiting to see the critics whining and media backlash once it gains more popularity/infamy.

9 years ago

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Looks vile. Like the first Postal.

9 years ago

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I don't know. In my mind this increased violence seems like an attempt to gain publicity and/or save a niche among teens who want to be perceived as tough by playing a mediocre top down shooter.

9 years ago

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Not weak of stomach myself, but do find it more psychologically disturbing that someone would go out of their way just to try and make the game utterly brainless, psychotic and mentally ill, only to captivate someone's already disturbed notions of "normal gore" (emphasis on the " " for the nitpicky ones out there).
As if - just because censorship is OTT sometimes - there has to be no line at all... somewhere. :/

That said though...

What happens to bother me the most (like you said) is the fact that the game looks like a brainless shooter for a brainless audience... which seems to be growing. Then folks wonder why there are so many comments about good oldies whose standards in originality/gameplay/pioneering have either never been met in terms of actual content to this day or quite rarely so. Go figure.

9 years ago

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That's more or less how I interpret what the devs are saying they're making too.

'"On its website, Destructive Creations states that the game is a response to "politically correct" trends in gaming (the use of this tedious phrase is almost always a bad sign). "These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment , we wanted to create something against trends," offers the statement. "We say β€˜yes, it is a game about killing people' and the only reason of the antagonist doing that sick stuff is his deep-rooted hatred."'

9 years ago

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Waiting to see if the usual angry teens do click your link and reply.
Brace yourself for the usual non-argumentative bashing with adjectives such as "hippie", "hypocrit", "emo", "touchy-feely", etc.

I too btw (forgot to add), a lot like the first comments on that article you linked, don't get the comparisons to GTA / etc.
Yes, you can shoot "people" for quite some time now (long debate that i don't want to get into about people / virtual beings, the attempt for realism has to count for something, but whatever).
Yes, sometimes in a more or less edgy/gruesome way.
Yes, sometimes "the plot" given to justify it, doesn't... at all.

No, it is not the same! Never seen a game completely make it a point that its purpose is not shooting people (or something else) in a goofy / satyrical way, but actually go above and beyond to make it a heartfelt point that "yes, it is a game about killing people"... period... (quoted word for word - notice how said devs used PEOPLE not blocks or pixels or virtual things). And yes, it does count for something the extra attention put to deliver just that in the most brutal way possible.

Even though i don't want to get on the debate of "people" vs "red blocks" (or whatever virtual stuff u can name), i ask... what's next? "Child Molester, The Game" where devs try their best to let you play as a serial child molesting rapist and try to make it as graphically explicit as possible?
As explicit as too the best of their ability - whether lacking or quite capable is irrelevant.
And what sort of comments are we supposed to expect? It's not an actual child being raped, it's virtual pixels sliding against each other, so no harm, no foul? :/

P.S.: Uff, wasn't expecting to write so much, but after reading some comments, dunno if i'm more disturbed by the game... or the comments.

9 years ago

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"[...]dunno if i'm more disturbed by the game... or the comments."

I felt the same. If you see a difference between insensibleness/apathy and tolerence, you will be called names. That already is aggressive behaviour, which fits greatly to the aggressive gameplay.

And even if you were sarcastic about the child molester thing, their would still be alot of people who would love to play this game! And that is kind of disturbing.

9 years ago

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"These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment "

The fuck have these assholes been playing? lol Do they not know of Hotline Miami, both Payday games, The Binding of Isaac, Spec Ops: The Line, and Grand Theft Auto 4&5? Not to mention the fact that the Postal series still has a decent following to this day.
We all know that running around naked in a basement, killing dudes with your tears, all while evading your fundamentalist mother is totes candy-colored Nintendo crap. Same with killing a shitload of cops just so you can nab yourself a few bags of dosh.

Also, I am so tired of the terms politically correct and social justice warrior being thrown around like confetti. It makes people look simple.

9 years ago

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I too am tired of the terms 'politically correct' / 'justice warrior' being thrown around like confetti...
Especially by people who want to be incorrect, period! (not that politically incorrect would be that much better if done for the sake of being 'hip' like it's largely done these days and not because you actually mean to make a stand on something) and quite loosely use the term to label those who disagree with them. Notice how nor i nor anyone who replied agreeing with me or the user you quoted, used those labels except you... and the DEVs of the game. That quote of yours was a quote already... of the DEVs.

So who exactly throws what around to make who look simple again? :)

You're entitled to an opinion, just like anyone else. No more, no less.
I've stated my points clearly as to why i disagree with the comparisons to the titles you've mentioned (you get penalties for killing civilians on Payday, just off the top of my head, so the game is hardly themed about it, let alone EXCLUSIVELY themed about it). I may have not mentioned them all, but that would make up for a long list if i tried, and would end up forgetting one or another.

"[...]The fuck have these assholes been playing?"
The fact that you resort to labeling (just like the DEVs) and downright insulting does prove my point though.
Everything else is just projection. It's psychology 101, doesn't make me a genius, nor make you simple. It's just common sense. ;)

9 years ago

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That was my exact same thinking.

9 years ago

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Damn awesome, if it comes to steam i'm getting it.

9 years ago

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Holy fuck, NO!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Going to be fun following this.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Like, comment & subscribe!

9 years ago

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I'd Buy That for a Dollar!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It looks like it's gonna be a fairly well MADE game, especially for an isometric shooter....
But so terribly designed, the story, if that trailer's all it really ends up being, IS RETARDED!
If that's been the main character attitude all his life I'm pretty sure the police would have picked him up for minor crimes much earlier.
Though if they're really as scared and incapable as the trailer makes it look, who knows.
If they can't freaking shoot someone, or at the very least taze someone who's quite obviously about to blast their brains out, maybe they wouldn't be enforcing any lesser laws either.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This isn't a psychopath simulator, this is a "2edgy4u" teenage simulator. Also the dialogue sounds almost exactly like something I recently wrote for my ironically edgy RPG that I'm making.

A psychopath simulator would basically be Starcraft with the Sim's emotions. Just playing with people and seeing how angry they can get at each other and watching carnage unfold.

9 years ago

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It really doesn't look like an amazingly fun game. I feel like I would get bored very quickly.

9 years ago

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Have you played Postal 1? This trailer pretty much summarizes what's Postal 1 about. Yeah sure Postal 2 had a funny side but not Postal 1. It had some disturbing psycho diary entries of the main character before each level, very creepy music and the goal of each level was just to massacre everyone. There was even a counter how many people are still alive in that level no matter if they were police or civilians.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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Will play while listening to Burzum. Edge 10/10

9 years ago

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This just screams satire. It's like every 13 year old emo's dream videogame, there's no way that these devs are serious. It looks like a Grindhouse mockery of Newgrounds era shock games.

9 years ago

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Postal might have had a sense of humour but it was literally about a dude going insane and going on a murder-rampage, and had deliberately dark tones to underline the guys madness. This is very similar, only a modern remake with graphics and budget to reflect it.

Besides, it's a smart business move. Controvesy sells and gets undue media coverage. Plus we already have over the top violence in games, just the lampshaded kind with "It's okay because they're the enemy!" or "They attack us back so anything goes!". The only difference this game has is that it acknowledges the horror of murder/killing and actually puts it into a context and light that makes more coherent sense. It may seem like it is glorifying psychopaths but it is actually more rubbing your nose in the subject. The only difference here is that it's both self-aware AND it makes a point of having unarmed civilians as targets, rather than just forgettable ragdolls waiting to happen with a token penalty for accidentally killing them (in ways that would in actuality be quite terrible).

Consider the actual gameplay factors that could be used here too. Sure, to start with, it would be a random "check out our graphics and edgy concept!", but work itself into progressively harder situations. Your psycho just wants to cause havoc and murder people, but the police are going to get involved quickly, and there will likely be civilians with sidearms or that might take up improvised weapons to defend themselves. It could turn into a weird kind of cat vs mouse, dog vs cat kind of game. Whether or not they make the game enjoyable without relying on simple shock value is a different matter entirely.

Put an appropriate age limit on it. Let the adults decide for themselves if they want to consume it.

9 years ago

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Postal 1 wasn't funny in any way... but having watched the trailer for Hatred, I have to say it's much more brutal than Postal 1.

9 years ago

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They should add the tagline: "If only he had video games to get rid of that extra Hatred, he might have become a respectable member of society!". Preferably in pink.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Rinkanah.