Let's have one of these, shall we?

It's always good to vent, so have at it, tell me your unpopular opinions, no judgement, just stating some opinions that you have. I'll start

  • Reddit is the cancer of the internet. Filled with retards that throw those "LOL SO RANDUMB MAYMAYS" around and love to circle**** about the most stupidest stuff.

  • Social Justice warriors seriously need to be punched right in the face. Not saying there are no social issues in our world, but crying over not being able to be transgender or whatever in a game is just plain retarded. It's a game. It's not real. It's meant to be fun. So please take your walking simulator like Gone Homo and try putting your energy for social justice in the real world, where it's needed, not into video games

  • 99% of people wearing fedoras make me want to sit in a dark room and never come out again, so I don't have to see it

  • "Feminists" like Anita also need a good hard punch. Crying and bitching constantly over oppression and demand ridiculous stuff is not feminism. It's just plain retarded.

  • Kotaku is pure garbage, like most gaming journalism. Kotaku being the epitome of it.

Yup, I guess that's it.

10 years ago*

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I hate fedoras too, fucking stupid ugly retard hats. Im not a hat person anyway, i wanna keep my head fly open. I have no idea what is the rest that youre talking about.

10 years ago

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what about yarmulke ?

10 years ago

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So that's what they're called. I've always wondered but never asked.

10 years ago

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Fedora wearers are called yarmulks?

10 years ago

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No, yarmulkes are those little hats the Jews wear XD

10 years ago

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I got no idea whats that either.

10 years ago

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Unless you're Tex Murphy... cheesy Film Noir P.I. are allowed to wear a Fedora. It's part of their charm.

10 years ago

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Daaaaaaamn, youre right :D ! Thats a great point youve made! But thats in the uhh... twenties? While these talked ones are.... the today's fedoras. Definetly a fan of the Noir fedoras tough :)

10 years ago

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Well, Tex is still a P.I. in 2050... ;) But yes, very few people can successfully pull off the Fedora.

10 years ago

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What about Heisenberg?

10 years ago

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"unpopular" opinions

10 years ago

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they look rather general to me as well

10 years ago

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If I'd say anything else I have on my mind I'd probably get banned. Happened often enough.

10 years ago

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Sorry to hear that. Have a fedora meme

10 years ago

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So I sell hats for a living, we make one called the Henry Jones (all our hats have some kind of name, many of them are funny).

Of course its that hat.

10 years ago

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Minecraft and Terraria ruin lives.

10 years ago

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Minecraft is and will stay shit.
But terraria is interesting till some point,you can get bored by it after you get all the good stuff and beat all the bosses....

10 years ago

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Curiously enough there are some schools that uses Minecraft as a teaching tool now.

10 years ago

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Sounds like you want to start a flame war, actually...
Or at least, rant about a few things for no apparent reason.

10 years ago

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so you're sayin'... "it's a trap"?!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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+100, some of these are kind of legit issues, rest looks like bait :<

10 years ago

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I'll actually agree with you on Kotaku. Too much opinionated news. Too much Brian Ashcraft talking about Japanese pop culture. Too much talk on how Gaming is the most superior medium ever.

EDIT : Oh and Patricia Hernandez (the feminist writer on Kotaku)

10 years ago

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One thing I noticed with unpopular opinions threads are that the opinions are usually not unpopular o-o

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Wait, /b/ on 4chan is more and more cancer everyday than Reddit, although Reddit is cancer too. Sorry for my englando.

10 years ago

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but /b/ actively wants to be a cancer...

10 years ago

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My "unpopular" opinion? (At least for this forum, I suppose).

I prefer GOG over Steam as I can do with my games whatever I want. I don't care about Steam's extra features beyond the "play" button. Some people need those profile and social features, I can live without them. I guess that habit comes from me using Steam since 03, when it was a primitive green sidebar with 5 games.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Im with you. love DRM-free stuff. can take it anywhere on flash drive. and I wont need internet activation.

10 years ago

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Well, its true, but you get way more free stuff with steam. I didnt payed a single game i own, all giveaways and trading and free game methods.

10 years ago

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Agreed with you. Don't care about fedoras though :P

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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I think she only wants an internet fight

10 years ago

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And she got it c:

10 years ago

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"If you live in a second- or a third-world country, 98% of your so-called "problems" are nonsense. Stop whining already."


10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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You don't have food or water? What a nonsense problem! If you are dead, you have no need for food and water!

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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This ones for you.

First World Problems

10 years ago

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Do people still use the therm third world and second world?

I thought Cold War finished with the fall of the Berlin wall

10 years ago

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'There's no way I'm going to respect all the illegal immigrants that look down on everybody who is not one of them and act like monkeys.'

That's hardly racist anyway, more like expecting general decency. Even if you argue against legal immigrants keeping to their indigenous ways in your country (and I'm not talking about the obviously illegal acts like what 'muslim patrol' thugs were doing, but subtle things that slow down assimilation - like Polish schools or burkas) - that's anti-multiculturalism, and it's not that hard to be on board with. It's only respectful to say that the culture of the country you're in must take precedence over any 'imported' culture. You might go one step further and claim that there are cultures that are objectively better than others - that would be unpopular. That would be something that Mark Steyn would say.

Racism is to pre-assume that everyone (or specific races) coming to your country will act like pigs - which is harder to justify. Well, I say 'harder', but people do come up with pretty engaging theories about the validity of racial stereotypes and the dangers of promiscuous immigration. For instance, a certain Helmuth Nyborg linked the poor demeanour of Middle-Eastern immigrants with their lower average IQ levels, which in turn he explained by their higher average testosterone levels. He then suggested several theories as to why that might be the case, and went on to say that this race-induced promiscuity ultimately meant the inevitable fall of Europe. Yay.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yep, your second paragraph sums up my point pretty neatly. I get what you're saying, and I understand your intention behind using the word 'racist' - to underline the social stigma attached to the notion itself (after all, being racist is definitely more 'edgy' than being some anti-multiculturalist), to stress that your contempt for those people is universal and rarely changes from one individual to another, to denounce the taboo nature of social segregation via language - I get that. It's just that I don't quite like seeing different words melt into each other and lose their meaning, turning English into a language full of 'useless synonyms' - the point being that 'muslim' is not a race. ) Colleen LaRose looks nothing like Michael Adebolajo.

As for your first paragraph - linguistic nitpicks aside, aye, that's textbook racism. I would only point out, if you don't mind, that hating on 'the most hated country in the world' (was there a survey?) doesn't quite sound unpopular. You do keep your temper if you learn about someone's nationality after you've started talking to them, right? -winces-

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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So what I'm getting here is that you hate Muslims?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Maybe you just met some bad people in your life.

10 years ago

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My opinion is that you are super lame for your use of "retarded." A non-retarded person can certainly find a more suitable, less offensive adjective.

inb4 "IT'S A FIGURE OF SPEECH!1one" No, it's an overused misuse of the word. Have some tact.

10 years ago

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Not that you're wrong, because you aren't, but I'm just going to leave this here.


10 years ago

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Yeah, this one, exactly.

10 years ago

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Thank you. I hate it when people use that word as an insult.

10 years ago

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I try to avoid calling stuff/people retarded. So far succeeded!

10 years ago

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I think OP was trying to be offensive

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I don't think any of those opinions you posted are unpopular, OP.

10 years ago

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Unpopular onions

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Farts smell gud.

10 years ago

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Oh god, there's no greater pleasure than sniffing the hideous abominations crawling from your anus. I love the smell of my own farts for some reason.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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Internet is cancer.
Everyone is a mongrel, except me ofc.

10 years ago

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Borderlands is garbage, I guess would be mine. Though you can extrapolate that to any loot-based action RPG. I don't find that grind fun. But Borderlands specifically, because I loathe the "humor" in it.

10 years ago

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Some of mine:

Lord of the Rings is better than Star Wars and Star Trek combined (taken as a whole not book vs book, movie vs movie).

If you call yourself a gamer and you mostly play Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, or any iteration of the Battlefield Series you're not a gamer and you're giving the rest of us a bad name. This one is a long rant and at many point I admit it doesn't make a lick of sense and mostly involves swearing and gypsy curses.

10 years ago

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Kurt Cobain and Drangon Ball Z are overrated

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I hated Gone Home

Kotaku is pure garbage, like most gaming journalism.
99% of people wearing fedoras

These aren't unpopular, actually. I agree on both, too

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

10 years ago

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"-Poop doesn't taste that bad"

Good god, explain.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

10 years ago

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There's just nothing that can get that poop out of your teeth. And you have to use a different tooth brush every time, or else you're just putting the poop back in your mouth.

10 years ago

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why would you try poop?were not apes here!

10 years ago

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This is a broad statement, there are multiple variations of poop.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

10 years ago

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Wow. I got the runs once when I tried vomit.

10 years ago

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'AC/DC type of music' - umm what?
Portal isn't for everyone, if you don't enjoy it, fine.
Twilight is utter shit and tried to cash in on Harry Potter's success.

Other than that I agree with you.

10 years ago

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-Twilight movies are pretty good
-Poop doesn't taste that bad

You are a trol right?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

10 years ago

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Some dogs eat poop. You have to put (stuff) in their food to make their poop taste so bad that they won't eat it. What is in this (stuff)that taste worse than poop?

10 years ago

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I would rather pay for higher priced Healthcare that will tend to my every need, than to get discounted service and wait in line for an eternity, or have the Death Panel decide my risk is too high.

If you are too poor to accomplish anything, get a goddamn job and vote Republican. I'll get my market-priced popcorn.

10 years ago

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"One can't get a job" is pretty unpopular opinion even if it's true...

10 years ago

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I think the most unpopular point in this was beeing from the USA (no personal offense), what they did to the rest of the world and how they act like they are from the Middle Ages (healthcare, death penalty or raiding other states) doesnt make them that popular on the rest of the planet...

10 years ago

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We are only catching up to the rest of the world. A few hundred more years to Crusade in the Middle East, off with their heads...

10 years ago

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I think that idiots like Anita Sarkeesian, Patricia Hernandez, Suey Park and Adria Richards are doing way more damage to feminism than most primitive and shallow men & women you could think of. Feminism at its core is not a bad thing (seriously, how can you be against something which fights for tolerance and equality of everyone) but these people i listed are the very reason why this movement is now seen as a running joke on internet and ridiculed to the oblivion. I think Anita alone with her bullshit has set feminism at least 10 years behind.

And it gets even more confusing & sad when i see these people trying to stir controversy and cause drama in gaming. Not everything has to be a statement about racism, sexism, communism, ism ism ism. Some people are in the business of videogames solely for the purpose of making money. Shocking, i know! They are not there to pander to you if you're not their target audience

I feel like more people nowadays are just looking for stuff to be offended at on purpose and they spend way more energy complaining about videogames rather than just playing them and having fun, as it should be. Why not take that pointless waste of energy and apply it in real world, to make a difference where it really matters? But i guess that would require actual effort


These are not unpopular opinions by any means, i just felt like adding few extensions to your statements

10 years ago

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tosses xarabas a Fedora

try again but this time with the hat on :)

10 years ago

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I am somewhat confused about what are you trying to achieve here. This has nothing to do with religion

10 years ago

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you are confused? Its just a hat, nothing to do with religion crazy face.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Jekaterina.