I noticed that my WL is swelling fast, I'm currently at 150+, main reason I add people is for their good ratio, so there are a LOT of people that I could still add , problem is that more people in WL = less chances they have of winning any WL-only GA (not that my GAs are anything special, just cheap bundle games, and NOT in a Student123 way :D ). So I'm wondering how people handle this, do you add anyone that you see fit, are you very strict, or anything else ??

8 years ago

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How many users in your whitelist?

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About 50 or so? I had run this silly "comment about topic and be whitelisted" giveaway description thing so I have a few people that like chocolate ad pizza on my whitelist now. Suits me well. XD

8 years ago

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I don't know what he or she said or did, but I think the person said something really meaningful and healing in a discussion.

I probably won't add someone to the whitelist for doing many giveaways/having a good ratio and stuff like that. Everyone gives what he or she feels comfortable with, and someone who gives 1 game is not necessarily less good than someone who gives 1000 games. And if I'd add people for being extremely generous, I might miss someone and that wouldn't be fair.

Also, most users of this website are generous: they're giving away games to strangers. The extra thing is being kind in the behaviour and conversations. Then why is my whitelist only 1 you might think? Most of the users are being nice all the time, adding all nice people would be like a full time job.

That being said, I might never do a whitelist giveaway. Most of my giveaways are public, some are group related because I sometimes participate in giveaways from the group I'm in. But everyone deserves a chance in my opinion. Unless I've seen them do something really really bad (indeed, lonely guy on my blacklist).

8 years ago

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88 people, might cap it at 100 but who knows! There are too many awesome people to still add :O

I tend to add people with good ratios, people who help out in the forums and just generally nice, friendly people who make me smile :3

8 years ago*

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I add people with a good ratio, I'm at about 500 now. I'm happy to find out that there's a lot more generous people than I thought on this site. Also, I don't think there's too many entries on my WL giveaways, For 500 whitelist members there's an average of like 30-40 entries on bundle games.

8 years ago

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Also, I don't think there's too many entries on my WL giveaways, For 500 whitelist members there's an average of like 30-40 entries on bundle games

Yep, for similar games I have the same entry ratios, so the odds are decent. I'm probably going to let my WL grow way further, it's nice to know that it's not so unusual :)

8 years ago

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78 now ^^ need 10 more or 9 less :D

8 years ago

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Currently at 77 with maybe 10-15 inactives in there. I don't have any plans on capping it but due to my forum inactivity, I haven't added that many people lately anyway ;p

8 years ago

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I'm currently at 29. I try to keep it to people who have made some kind of contribution to steamgifts either in the amount of giveaways they have done (public that is) or if I see them creating a lot of puzzles for people to engage in (even when I cannot defeat the puzzle). The most likely way that I add someone to the list is if I just see someone having a genuinely good attitude on the forum, that always makes me feel better about spending my time here.

Even if you can't afford to give much (or anything) you can be awesome to each other.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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212 users whitelisted.

I whitelist mostly anyone who I know well on Steamgifts and that are either nice or contributed to the community (no, not the giveaway kind of contribution, I mean the real kind of contribution like actively participating in the community, hosting fun events, etc).

8 years ago

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56 and growing fast :) i think i will stop 100

8 years ago

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Way too small

8 years ago

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That's what she said :'(

8 years ago

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85 people on my whitelist

8 years ago

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156 currently on my whitelist.

8 years ago

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60 whitelisted, some are a good puzzlers, some wrote good comments, some friend from real life. Oh, and my blacklist now only 56! :( What a shame, what a shame... :(

8 years ago

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80, I haven't added anyone in months and I have no plan to add more at some point, I want these giveaways to have good odds.
Users I whitelisted are simply people that I like for some reason, I don't have specific requirements.

8 years ago

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Users I whitelisted are simply people that I like for some reason

You have terrible taste in people then.

8 years ago

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8 :]
hides his face

8 years ago

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77, I cleared it kinda recently from 250+

I had it at 33 at one point, but it'a been hovering at high 60's and 70 for a while.

8 years ago

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No more than 100. I try keep it small to give people better chances

8 years ago

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I'm very picky about who goes on my whitelist.
Currently at 111 people. All of them whitelisted for personality.
The downside is, I'm socially inept, so there are a lot of people I have never spoken to that probably belong there but aren't.
It also makes me feel pretty bad and/or guilty when I find myself on a whitelist and they aren't on mine.

8 years ago*

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Don't feel bad. I analogize it to somebody doing a good deed for the right reasons. You shouldn't and don't expect anything from it, and you don't need a thanks in return. You do it because it's your choice to. I whitelist back when I see that they should be on it already. Unfortunately, I miss a lot of my WL GA's because I have so many games filtered/owned, and I at the very least like to thank x person for whitelisting me.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

8 years ago

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Whitelist - 121
Blacklist - 1

8 years ago

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59 47 Did some cleaning out, although a few of them don't enter GA's, only make them. Here's an old Shadow of Mordor check if you're curious, bit i imagine most of my WL already knows that they are on it.

8 years ago

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I usually keep it at 20, mostly use as a reminder for when things go on sale and it's only the games I'm really interested in.

8 years ago

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Nvm it's almost 6 AM and I read it as "wishlist" but I'm not changing anything now.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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103, i thought i had less.

i just add nice people.

8 years ago

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