As the title states, have you ever taken a vacation from work/break from school to play a newly released game? If you did, was it worth it or did you regret it? Or did you regret NOT taking the break to play?

It'll be the first time for me, as I'll be taking a vacation to play Pokemon OmegaRuby on release.

9 years ago*

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Nope, can't afford to.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I skipped an exam once

9 years ago

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I've taken the last 7 years of my life off from work to game. I regret it all, sitting here with holes in my clothes eating ketchup sandwiches.

9 years ago

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Final Fantasy XII - Phoned in sick for nearly a week with that one.

Funnily enough I had plenty of time off a few months later when the job induced a massive depressive-anxiety-panic episode that began with me walking towards work, saying "Nope!" in a panicked state and going to London Zoo in a suit and the drizzle instead.

Then I played more FFXII - I loved that game. If you remove Vaan and Penelope and stick Basch as the main character as intended, and remove the Final Fantasy name and thus the fanboy expectation, it's legitimately one of the BEST RPGs ever.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I have taken a day off to play cod black ops 2 when it came out day 1. I have also done that to play fallout 3 and new vegas when i got them during a steam sale last year.

9 years ago

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Well, depends. I often skip lectures but not always to stay at home and play video games. If you mean that I'm too excited to play a game that I just needed the time for it so I skipped some important events then nope. I actually like to spend my time with video games. For example if it's a short game like an FPS or some horror game then I'd rather just play 2-3 hours per day (or night) and not just beat it in one or two evenings and then just forget about it.

9 years ago

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Can someone confirm that in Japan some people concentrate on study very hard and once they end university they take some months enclosed playing???

9 years ago

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yes actually today!!
for rebirth but it wasn't an important day anyways

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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i always take time off to play moar games and drink moar beer. i dont like vacations. i just like to sit on my ass to play games during day and to hang around with friends during nights. thats the definiton of holiday for me.

9 years ago

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No. When I was younger I faked illness or just straight skipped school a few times and ended up playing games. It was done because I didn't want to go school, not because I specifically wanted to play a game.

At first look I thought the suggestion in your question sounded a bit extreme but then I thought of other hobbies and pastimes that people may take time off for. I like football (soccer) and only really watch on tv these days, but there are fans who follow their team home and away. For example, Liverpool (from England) played Real Madrid (from Spain) last night and the game was in Spain. There were people who will have flown out to Spain to watch that game and they will have taken yesterday off work, perhaps today as well. When I put it against something like that then it doesn't look extreme anymore, just shows a passion for something, in this case the release of a new game.

9 years ago

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I've never done it, but I sometimes go to work all tired and sleepy because I played for too long... (Like today - after the BoI: Rebirth release)

9 years ago

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I sometimes take time off to not play a game.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Minous2.