3 months ago*

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Keys currently available to Tier 3+.
Keys will become available to Tier 2+ on April 4 at 10 AM PT.
Remaining keys will become available to all members on April 6 at 10 AM PT.

Got mine at T2

3 months ago*

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I don't think they will last that long

3 months ago

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Yeah, they were over half gone (in my region at least) when I claimed one.

3 months ago

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Yeah agree, I'm 1k short from Tier 3, so dont think i'll get mine =(

3 months ago

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On the plus side, it's a free-to-play week. So you can still participate in the AWA event if you want the ARP and artifact upgrade fragments.

3 months ago

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Agree, just have to record up the hours before "free-to-play week" ends

3 months ago

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Maybe it will, AWA is keeping restocking keys for it.
2 restocks with 995 keys each, currently 2000+ keys still for Tier 3+ and Tier drop soon in 5 hours.

Although unsure if they'll keep restocking once in Tier 2 or not.

3 months ago

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any chances for tier 1? sounds like begging but would be glad to know

3 months ago

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To be honest they just restocked another 700 keys when TIer 2+ dropped.
Idk if they'll still restocking until Tier 1+ drops or not, but currently it's still 2700+ keys left.

So if it still remains until then, so everyone would have a chance to get their copy.

3 months ago

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thanks for replying, I'd be ready if they do restock

3 months ago

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They just restocked another 995 keys πŸ˜…

To be honest I really wonder how many keys they have in total, now given 6600+ keys already. (Including the ones that are in stock)

3 months ago

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Looks like they're generous enough to give everyone their copy!

Thanks again for updating

3 months ago

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Have a good factory day! :D

View attached image.
3 months ago

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Thanks, have a slice


View attached image.
3 months ago

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woah,they did last

3 months ago

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Any idea why AWA hate Poland so much? And why they never inform people that GA are region restricted? You can use their site, play games, gain ARP, reach levels and tiers but once they drop a GA all you got is a message that there are no keys available.

3 months ago*

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Well, their products are expensive, not many people wants to buy, so they also don't want to give freebies for Poland πŸ˜€.

3 months ago

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For me, it's simple discrimination based on nationality. Maybe we should file a complaint about alienware to the appropriate institutions.

3 months ago

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Happy cakeday!

3 months ago

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Happy cakeday! :D

3 months ago

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I'm with you on this one, totally don't understand their behavior.

3 months ago

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Other European countries buy more their products?
According to post from reddit topic i found there are no keys only for: Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine.
Why they lie about keys being all out while they were never listed in Poland in the first place and why there is no information about region restrictions on their site?

3 months ago*

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Funny thing is the site used to work perfectly fine in Poland few years ago, then one day they switched. I guess some higher-up must be terrified of Poland :D

3 months ago

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Not only Poland, but also Ukraine. Most likely russia and belarus are also shadowbanned.

3 months ago

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Given that it's a EU country with normally zero restrictions on content, my guess is they had trouble with people from Poland 'stealing' keys or abusing scripts in the past, and perhaps they just blocked all Polish IPs as a result. Just speculation of course, but it's the only reason I can come up with

3 months ago

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Thanks for the heads up, I snagged a key and am interested to try it out!

3 months ago

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Thnx 4 tip!

3 months ago

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Thanks for the headsup!

3 months ago

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There's a whole event / collaboration thingie going on between Alienware and ESO. More things to claim but some require signing in, running the game, etc.

Not a player so not interested.
I got a spare key for this if someone plays and wants it

Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll Key Giveaway
Embark on a grand journey with a head start!
Your (3x) Grand Gold coast Experience Scroll will give you 150% Experience Point bonus from all sources for 1 hour. The timer pauses when you are offline, and resumes when you return.

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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If you still have it, I added you !

Edit: Thanks !

3 months ago*

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Sure. Waiting on you :)
Edit: Done.

3 months ago*

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Thnx 4 info!!! In ARPs we Trust!!! :)

3 months ago*

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sounds like fun and was gonna partake until i found out the game is 128 gbs.. would take liek 1.5 days to download and i would have to delete like 20 games to make space

3 months ago

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You can still get ARPs without 150 GBs:
!addlicense ASF a/306130
!play 306130

3 months ago

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As macgamer hinted at already you don't need to download the game to participate. Besides ASF there's SAM and IM which can also used to idle the game. Without folks idling we would never reach the hours for the milestones at a rate needed to meet the deadline.

So pretty please go ahead and help out the community and get rewarded for your effort.

3 months ago

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whats the reward?

3 months ago

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  • ARP which you can use to get free games or to convert them into Dell Reward Points(DRP) to buy tech
  • exclusive in-game items
  • gratitude of AWA members like me
3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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Already gave it away above^ Sorry

3 months ago

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Argh, i only remember my account on alienware when this kind of giveaway appears... i guess i will have to wait for a lvl 1 type.

3 months ago

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Totally missed that. I should have known when I saw GAs for it. And for once I'm in the right tier!

3 months ago

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It's region restricted. "No keys for: Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine" according to FGF.

Possibly you have it already on Epic. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/the-elder-scrolls-online

3 months ago

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Possibly why there are still keys.

3 months ago

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Happy cakeday!

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Are you sure you missed it? Do they limit the number of keys per region? It still shows keys available when I go to the page.

3 months ago

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Got it! Thanks :)

3 months ago

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Did you get a key?

Edit: I'm not sure when you said "Got it", if you mean that you got a key or just that you understand that keys are still available. I am not interested in the game, but I grabbed a key if you want it. I don't know if they are just restricting who can get keys or if the keys will only activate in certain regions. I added you on Steam if you want to try the key.

3 months ago*

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I am only tier 1, i am interested if spare key is still available.

3 months ago*

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Fluffster already got a key, so I still have it. I just added you on Steam.

3 months ago

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Key worked thanks a lot❀️.

3 months ago*

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You're welcome :)

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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Oh that's really cool of you, thanks. I got a key from my gf who grabbed it for me.
It's very much appreciated in any case. I'm sure you'll make someone happy with it.

3 months ago

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Does anyone of 128Gb of hdd space I can borrow ^^

3 months ago

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Just got new 18Tb HDD, I'll axe 1Tb of from that and email it to u ! :D

3 months ago

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What, do we LOOK like we're Bill Gates?!?!?! 😒


3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Dang...not available on geforce now. What am I gonna have to sacrifice for SSD space.

3 months ago

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Don't be fooled by the install size, once it's installed and you launch it it's going to want to download an additional 20 gigs or so within the launcher itself

3 months ago

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weird, i thought base game was already free and game just became subscription based to get perks. i guess i was thinking of a different game

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Got it from the other thread yesterday. Had tamriel edition before and now got morrowind added. I assume its an extra thing? :)

3 months ago

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Morrowind DLC was added to the base game package some time ago. So when you redeemed the key, it added the missing parts of the package.

3 months ago

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Yeah, I understood that, thats why I said it added morrowind. But concidering this was standard pack I wasnt sure if this was something extra you can see "in game" or if it just added morrowind and I still had it when playing?

When googling they say Morrowind is free for all ESO players :)

Edit: "https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/61935" guess if I logged in I would have it. Not sure why they just didnt add it to existing package.

3 months ago

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Because it is a separate package. Zenimax just decided to make the DLC free to base game owners much like how they made Imperial City DLC free to all players. If you buy the base game today on any platform (ESO website, EGS or Steam) the moment you enter the game, Morrowind gets added automatically to your account because of that. Only exception is if you bought the game key and activated it before the change like us.

3 months ago

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I had the Tamriel Edition but I was able to redeem this, any idea on what it added?

3 months ago

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Morrowind, see post above yours.

3 months ago

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Wasn't it added for free to all owners of the game already?

3 months ago

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As far as I can tell, yes, though apparently for some people it didn't activate on their game automatically (they could still claim it from the in-game store for free however). Given that that's even possible to happen, it seems likely that the free inclusion for existing owners was done entirely in-game, which would in turn make it so that Morrowind wouldn't show up as owned on Steam (thereby allowing you to activate it again), despite actually being activated to your TES:O account.

Tamriel Edition is, as far as I'm aware, just the labeling they put on when they switched from subscription-only to single-purchase activation, meaning it's simply the vanilla base game (now with Morrowind included). So the two (Tamriel Edition and Morrowind Edition) should be fully interchangable and, thus, the key theoretically gave you nothing at all. :S

3 months ago*

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Happy Cakeday

3 months ago

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Happy cakeday!

3 months ago

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Hope there will be keys left for Tier 2 tomorrow.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Hello Konsterter.

Please take the time to read the rules of the site as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines. Please read all of it.

Take this as a fair warning - begging is not allowed on the site. Let me cite from the guidelines:

12. Begging. Do not ask game developers or users for keys or games, unless they are offering and searching for interested parties.

Please remove both of your comments.


3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

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Hello Qnemes.

Please take the time to read the rules of the site as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines. Please read all of it.

Take this as a fair warning - begging is not allowed on the site. Let me cite from the guidelines:

12. Begging. Do not ask game developers or users for keys or games, unless they are offering and searching for interested parties.

Please remove both of your comments.


3 months ago

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Calling all beggars, come here. AWA giveaway is here ...
You can easily reach tier 2 in one and half month. Tier 3 will take about 3 months. Just spend a few minutes on the AWA website and complete the daily tasks instead of wasting your time writing begging posts.

3 months ago

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I've been there 9 years and nowt.

It's just not that interesting of website until the good drops appear.

I don't beg but having a back-up copy of ESO now that there's no subscription fee is appealing to a lot of people.

As long as they are creative with their begging I'm happy for them to populate this place with content :)

3 months ago

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Almost tier 4 here, region restriction is the real thing, makes AW website almost useless for some countries.

3 months ago

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visiting the site daily and Tier 3 takes ages

3 months ago

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Hitting Tier 3 next month. Yeah, it takes about Half a year to get 7000 arp. Hopefully they re-release some older artifacts to make it faster.

3 months ago

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Do artifacts speed up the progress?
How can I get them? Is there any guide or wiki for them?

3 months ago

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You can get them from the market on the site. They are equipped in your profile section and you can level up with fragments, which can be obtained on the market or from daily logins.

3 months ago

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but are actual artifacts worth to buy and upgrade?
or wait for better artifacts and upgrade those?
Do the expired artifacts rotate and return back to market?

3 months ago

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Think of Artifacts as Investments, There is 3 basic artifacts at the marketplace you can buy for 1 arp each. They do rotate but they don’t have a specific date when so. Imo the most worth it artifacts are the Pn295c the new one, and Chai Stones. I hope they bring them back this year

3 months ago

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Not sure about the rotation but artifacts help you gain more ARP from quest and also there is one that reduces the price of the Vault Games.

3 months ago

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Artifacts are the only thing worth to invest as a fresher. You will accumulate much much more than without spending on it.

3 months ago

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Some artifacts can be really beneficial and others are kind of useless. The problem is that they are only available when they first release them and then nobody knows if they will ever make them available again for people that missed them. They did make one available again not too long ago, so maybe they will bring some others back again soon.

I never used to do the Twitch quests because I don't use Twitch and didn't care, so I didn't grab the artifact when it was available. Now I realized how much you can gain by doing the Twitch quests and I really regret not having the artifact because that one artifact can give me about 50% more points per month if I had it.

Here is a thread that lists all the artifacts and what they do, but you won't be able to get most of them if you didn't collect them when they were available.

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

3 months ago

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and here i am with 1,580 points....

3 months ago

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dont give up

3 months ago

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ty, got an artifact that gives 1 point per steam mission, it's something lol

3 months ago

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Does watching twitch videos even get you points anymore? I've watched for hours and 0 points so far.

3 months ago

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If you're talking about AWA's ARP, you don't need to watch any, just remember to scroll down, so the Twitch page can load the AWA widget.
If about Twitch channel points, you need to watch live stream, videos won't count.

3 months ago

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already got it for free and withpout level grind or restriction on Epic, as well as over other 100 games...thanks to Epic. Steam doesn't give shit for free. and i'm with them from the beginning...got only Left 4 dead 2 in 20 years....

3 months ago

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Even with those free giveaways Epic is still meh comparing to Steam.

3 months ago

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Really? Only Left 4 Dead 2?
There's been a crap ton of free games you could grab directly from steam when they were on 100% discount

3 months ago

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The Elder Scrolls Online Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll CODE dosent work me :-(

Instruction: 1.Login 2. Select Redeem Code under the Account Summary section. 3. Enter the code and click Redeem Code to submit

I havent Redeem Code under Account Summary section :-(

I have Redeem Code in Main Menu but INVALID CODE (I have checked 2 CODES)

3 months ago

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I can't understand what is the point of this giveaway? You get the key to the standard edition and then, if you want to buy all the DLC, then you need to buy the edition, which already includes the base game. Well, or buy only a naked Necrom without everything else. Bethesda in its own style. We'll give you Skyrim for free so you can buy Skyrim.

3 months ago

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I think the point is more to let people know who buy the deluxe edition that their deluxe edition does include the base game, it would be funny if the deluxe edition first asked you to buy the base game then you had to make a separate purchase for the deluxe edition for the other content. This applies to many games although in this case it's clearly meant for them to still sell copies of the base game for like $5 on sale or $20 here and there so people can try it out, but also to be able to giveaway copies of the game, but not giveaway like 10 years of content including the most recent content away for free. Final fantasy does something similar except they're just fully free at any given time for their base game, and then you can upgrade to get the rest of the content, you can buy pieces of content, so does wow, if you don't want to go to the latest content, however, in either of those when you buy the "deluxe" or any expansion past that base content, the base content is included, similarly to what's going on here.

ESO just sells the base game, but also gave it for free many times. It's been free in the past, been in the humble choice I think so for like $1, it was free on epic, and now on alienware free again. It's basically the "demo" to the whole game, but it probably includes around a hundred hours or so of content, so even for $20 it's not bad if what you want is to try another mmo.

3 months ago

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Collection costs 50$, include base game, Necrom and previous DLC's. Base game costs 20$ + Necrom costs 30$ = 50$ and doesn't include previous DLC. What is the point then in the base game, if buying an up-to-date DLC you don't get the previous ones and it costs the same in total. Some kind of scam. If I want to buy a game, I will buy a collection, why do I need some kind of stump, which then I need to buy again.
The pricing policy of the Bethesda is unclear to me. And so it is with their many games. Once I won Dishonored base game, I had to buy Definitive, since it was much cheaper than DLC separately on sale.

3 months ago*

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It would be more of a price advantage to buy the necrom dlc separately when you already own everything else. This is meant for those who keep up with the content and play regularly enough they already have the other dlcs. It's basically a discount for those people.

However since it's the latest expansion it is of course also the most valued one, so it's priced at $30. The other dlc's are now getting a little old for some players, so they wont keep them at $30, which is what they likely were in the past, I remember when the morrowind dlc got released many years ago and I didn't like that model back then, but it makes sense for an online game to survive. To get the whole pack you pay $50, so for another $20 you get the base game and all previous dlc's. This is mostly because the previous content probably has story content, fun things you can experience, interesting quests and character development, minigames, etc. but in the end, whether you go for pvp or a pve experience, the end game is always going to be in that $30 newest expansion.

You could just buy, or get a cheap or even free key to test out the base game. I think the point of the base game is that some people would not rather drop $50 for a game they might or might not play, so if they can get the base game for $20, or $5 on sale or free on alienware, it gives them time to try out and decide whether they like it or not. 2 hours isn't enough time to say whether you like a mmo or not to refund it and if you play longer you kinda consume the content so it wouldn't be fair to be able to return it after.

So for some people it's better to lose $20 than $50 testing the game, and some other people play this as their main game, and so they already have the latest dlc so when the new one comes out, they get a discount on it instead of paying $17 for necrom and the rest of the collection, they pay $10 for it.

Looking at the FFXIV trial, I remember people who had played the level 60 trial trying to do everything and experience everything for 2 years before they finally decided to upgrade, and when they upgraded they had to buy the base game and the dlc's including the most recent ones. However they could opt to just go one step above in terms of dlc past the free trial and they get another 1 year or so of content playing pretty often.

As for dishonored and these deluxe editions sometimes making it cheaper than individual dlc's when you already own the base game, my guess is it's just marketing. They will give the base game for a lower price or sometimes even free, dishonored's base game is known to go for pretty much dirt cheap(which is insane for how good of a game it is), but then to complete the collection they added some dlc's. To buy them individually costs you more, so they play into your mental addiction of getting the whole thing, and sell you the whole pack as a deal. ESO does this too even for necrom, where you can buy just the necrom dlc, which includes probably tens to hundrends of hours of content for $10 and for another $4 you get some deluxe items(granted it gives you all of them from all previous expansions which is nice) but still I'd say it doesn't warrant another $4 in terms of content vs how much you get with the $10. It's just meant for collectors.

For dishonored, there's only 2 relevant story dlc's, the rest are just sountrack, items and some sort of trials that no one ever liked. I'd have to check but my guess is at 90% off it would be cheaper to get the two story dlc's vs the deluxe, but it would be more expensive to get the 5 individually as you say vs the deluxe, since you're buying in bulk.

3 months ago

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Actually the collection is discounted for me for 16.49€ (btw I already own this).

3 months ago

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I was talking about the price without discounts.
The collection has the same price regardless of whether you have a base game or not. If buying Necrom, at least the deluxe version, expanded the base game to a collection, then I would have bought it, a matter of habit. Otherwise, I don't need it, I already have a total of at least 10k hours in WoW, somehow I don't want to get into a new MMO, I want to play other games.)

3 months ago

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Closed 3 months ago by pizurk.