So episode 10 of Breaking Bad season 5 aired last night. Am I REALLY the only one on the holy internet who thought the best way for Walt to remember the coordinates of the buried money stash would be a chemical formula, as in the numbers standing for elements of the periodic table? The lotto ticket on the fridge is just a bad idea that screams "here's your evidence, Hank".

11 years ago*

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when he kept repeating them i thought he already memorized them....

11 years ago

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Well, you can always mix numbers up in your mind, and since he's a former chemistry teacher, it'd be less likey for him to forget a string of element names. Also shorter.

11 years ago

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Add Spoiler warning in the Title please

11 years ago

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Imma just gunna scroll down and not read past your first few words. The thread title could really do with a spoiler alert (you damned trollholio)

11 years ago

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Remembering a chemical formula would be harder. Who cares anyway, he knows where the money is.

Breaking Bad would be a lot better if Jesse wasn't an emotional pussy. Can't wait to see what happens to Walt in the next episodes.

11 years ago

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Not for a chemistry teacher. And yeah, he knows where the money is, but there is still an expired lotto ticket on his fridge with the numbers on it for everyone to see.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by SoulNibbler.