Best story I have ever read......try to delete his name as you can be suspended for calling out.
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Never tell your password to anyone.
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Xan kriegor:
Xan kriegor: NO
Xan kriegor: i will tell you what
Xan kriegor: i will give you all my cards
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): and?
Xan kriegor: and you buy me this
Xan kriegor:
Charlie Harper(SELINGkEYS&GUNS): --
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): sounds like a scam
Xan kriegor: no it not you told me anything
Xan kriegor: and it my b day so u do not say things that you will not do
Xan kriegor: so i will do that
Xan kriegor: u there
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): maybe
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am an illusion
Xan kriegor: look you going to do it or not it is my b day
Xan kriegor: dude
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u hung up my call
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I have a very brutal ego
Xan kriegor: look i am sorry ok
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): thats a fucking 100$ game bundle of some kind
Xan kriegor: well you told me anything
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): nah
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am not mad
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): and not rich
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): sorry
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): bring me a better deal
Xan kriegor: well how much then
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): all ur fucking tradable items
Xan kriegor: ok if you give me the 100$ pack
Xan kriegor: so yes
Xan kriegor: ?
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ok
Xan kriegor: so u will do it
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): yes
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): just coz its ur birthday
Xan kriegor: ok so you going to gift me the game
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): its a bundle right?
Xan kriegor: Buy PopCap Complete Pack
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): hold on..
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): what if u deny the deal?
Xan kriegor: i will not
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am stuck with 100$ of sick games
Xan kriegor: but you have to gift it to me
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): yes
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I will.,.
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I have ur word right?
Xan kriegor: yes
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): whats ur age btw?
Xan kriegor: 16
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): okay.. almost done..
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am at confirm transaction page
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ohh my steam wallet :'(
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am almost gonna weep!!
Xan kriegor: well if you can not do it for get it
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): what?
Xan kriegor: so you are doing it
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): yes I did it.. :(
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): gimme the fucking stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS) had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): therE?
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): gimme the stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): dude
Xan kriegor: dude no you did not i do not see the gift
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): so u r saying!!
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I send u a 100$ gift
Xan kriegor: NO YOU DID NOT
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): before u send me those 3-4$ worth items
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): are u crazy?
Xan kriegor: I DID NOT GET IT
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I didn't send iT!
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u send me the stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): then I send the gift
Xan kriegor: it my b day so i get things 1st
Xan kriegor: i am a man of my word
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): no
Xan kriegor: yes i am not a scammer ok
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): sorry
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I can't trust u
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): not with my 100$
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): i am not a scammer ok
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): so u send the stuff first
Xan kriegor: i will talk to you on the mic so u can trust me
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): no..
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): no negotiations
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u go first
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): or no deal
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): Ill rather keep the guns
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): games*
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): than trade it blindfolded
Xan kriegor: show me that you have it
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I cant..
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I cant make the inventory public
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u know what dude
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): Bye
Xan kriegor: good buy scammer
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS) has ended the call.
Xan kriegor: don't be a pissy
Xan kriegor: pussy*
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u can call me whatever u want to
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am not stepping first with my 100$
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): so sorry
Xan kriegor: well it my b day and it my gift so
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): so what!
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): 100$ is a fuckin fortune
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am not stepping first
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): so good fucking bye
Xan kriegor: i can give you all my things and you run off
Xan kriegor: and i get shit
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ya.. that could happen with me too
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): my stuff is worth 100$
Xan kriegor: so
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): so go to hell on ur birthday
Xan kriegor: u are not tradeing
Xan kriegor: i am
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ya so go
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I dont want ur stuff any more
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): bye
Xan kriegor: you can lie and you do not have the fucking game
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ya sure.. if that is what u think
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): bye
Xan kriegor: well show me
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): stop spamming
Xan kriegor: if your not lieing
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u know I cant..
Xan kriegor: yes you can
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ya so thats what I am saying
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): you dont need to trade
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u can keep ur fucking stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): but I wont step first
Xan kriegor: well if you want all my things you will
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): no I dont want ur stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): bye
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): please go
Xan kriegor: no
Xan kriegor: i know your a scammer and you do not like it
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): whatever
Xan kriegor: trying to scam a 16 y old on he b day now fucking sad
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): Idgaf
Xan kriegor: how*
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u r a scammer
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): scammed me of my beloved 100$
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): u fucking prick
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): go to hell on ur birthday
Xan kriegor: so if you not a scammer what is this then
Xan kriegor: Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): yes I did it.. :(
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): gimme the fucking stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS) had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): therE?
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): gimme the stuff
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): dude
Xan kriegor: hmm not a scammer what a load of bullshit
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): whats ur point?
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): ya so goo
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): please
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): go
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I wont step forward
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): go
Xan kriegor: scammer
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I dont want ur stuff
Xan kriegor: don't like it
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): KId
Xan kriegor: hmm
Xan kriegor: i got you
Xan kriegor: and your scammer way
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): bugger off
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I dont want ur fuck woth stuff
Xan kriegor: your geting reported
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): sure..
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): bye
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): fucking scammer..
Xan kriegor: your the fucking scammer
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): you're*
Xan kriegor: you can not show me that you have the game you can not SHOW ME ANYTHING YOUR A Scammer
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): I am not gonna dignif ur messages any more with a reply
Charlie Harper(SELING_kEYS&GUNS): dignify*
Xan kriegor: scammer
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