So this is the reason why I hate apple.

One day I was checking my bank account I saw a charge from apple, 16,16 DKK.
It made me confused because I didn't buy anything at the time of the charge.
So I went checking my iTunes purchase history and so.
nothing showed up.

So I contacted their support to find out what this all was about, but they couldn't find the charge or tell me why I got it.
Than I got pretty upset.
Than I got a new credit card and bought a thing on iTunes.

When I looked at my bank account I could see there was another charge. This time I got enough. I will never use Apple again when I can afford a new phone.

I am wondering. Have any of you experienced the same??

1 decade ago*

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Well, unlike everyone else, you have a valid reason at least, not "it's so overpriced" shit.

This hasn't ever happened to me, and I own an iPhone, iPad, MBP and iMac, but if it keeps happening to you, just stay away from Apple.

1 decade ago

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How is "all of their products are overpriced" not a valid reason to dislike Apple..? >_>

Why would I want to pay twice as much for the same (and a lot of the time less) product just because it has "Apple" written on it somewhere?? o_O

1 decade ago

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Nobody is forcing you to buy Apple. Buy what you want and go cheaper, I don't care.
Do you hate Rolex because it's expensive? No, you don't, even though it shows time the same way a cheap Casio does. Do you hate Ferrari because their cars are expensive? Nope, there are faster and cheaper cars, but you don't hate Ferrari.
Same goes for Apple, there are cheaper and better products, but that's not a valid reason to hate Apple. Just buy the product that suits your needs better. If you hate t because you can't afford it, that's just pure jealousy.

1 decade ago

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Seems like you love Apple products a bit too much... Enjoy your seriously overpriced devices, I'll stick to buying products that work and don't cost twice as much as my mortgage payment...

1 decade ago

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If you read my other comment, you'd know I need Apple for app developement. I still have a PC for gaming, but some things are just better at Apple.

Now, Microsoft did a great thing with Windows 8, and the new start is the best thing ever once you get used to it. Searching for files is much faster now, and running apps like Mail, Finance or Weather app in the background makes working on it much more fluent.

1 decade ago

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I hate Rolex, Ferrari, Apple, and any other brand that raises the product price due to nothing more than a name.

1 decade ago

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That doesn't make any sense. If there weren't premium brands for the rich, you'd pretty much end up in something similar to communism. Now, as I am from an ex-communist country, I know how it is, and even though people like the general idea of everyone being equal in everything they have, they would still be equally poor, and without rich people pushing the indutry to suit their needs, you would never see any improvement, in pretty much anything. Everything would look the same in 20 years as it does today.

1 decade ago

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I don't hate "premium" brands. I am perfectly fine with something that costs more. I, however, hate it when something doesn't have the features to match the price tag, due to the brand name. Innovative technology that costs way out of my price range is fine. When products don't have an additional premium because of the manufacturer it empowers development. When companies can get money from just having their name on a product, it encourages releasing the same stuff over and over with slight modifications.

1 decade ago

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Well, you just don't understand economy. And it's fine, lot of people don't.

And this comes from Economics and Management student.

1 decade ago

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I understand it. I just hate it.

1 decade ago

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And I love it. Giving people same shit at twice the price is how I earn for my living.

1 decade ago

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But it is overpriced. It's one of the reasons why I don't like Apple.
Why buy iPhone when you can get much better Android phone for the same price? Or something more or less the same for much lower price.
Same goes for tablets. Ipad is nothing really amazing. It's only useful for crappy games, browsing the internet and maybe reading books/comics. Not much else. So why not buy a cheaper Android equivalent?
As for Mac computers, I have no experience with them, so I can't say much. But I've heard they are hard to upgrade and repair.

But well, that's how things works. Everything will sell if it has good marketing, especially in rich countries like USA. Some people don't even know what they bought.

1 decade ago

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Look at the comment above. I'm not saying Apple is the best, or it's worth the price, I'm just saying higher price tag isn't the reason to hate something.

Also, I'm not from a rich country, I'm not even rich myself. I had to buy Apple because of app developement, and wide customer base for selling apps. Even though I have a gaming PC, that's all I do on it, gaming. Apple proved itself better for many other things, due to it's very fluent and intuitive interface and simple logical solutions with magic mouse. Just have a look for magic mouse controls in movie players, it's great.

1 decade ago

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Hate? No. I don't hate Apple. I won't buy their stuff because it's not value for money to me, but to say I hate them would be wrong.

1 decade ago

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I liked apple until they started charging me
Without a reason

1 decade ago

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This is the boat I'm in. I don't mind macs, but they're twice the price of a similar PC. The main place they look comparable is their macbooks, but the macbook i5 and i7 are DUAL-CORE, not QUAD-CORE like the "same spec" PC notebooks are.

The only thing that really annoys me about Apple are their fanatics. They've got crazy brand loyalty, which leads me to my favorite Apple joke:

How do you know if someone owns Apple products? They'll tell you.

1 decade ago

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No, you're not.

1 decade ago

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i hate apple for not giving me a free retina macbook pro.

linux > OSX > MSDOS > windows. (except when its games related)

1 decade ago

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the inclusion of "MSDOS > windows" clearly means you're a hipster. i mean what exactly can you do in MSDOS that you can't do in windows faster and more efficiently? great, i get it, you can use command line and you find command line a faster way of doing things. me too. i personally prefer multitasking abilities from my OS though.

you are correct in that linux > OSX > windows though. which is why i run all 3 on my PC.

1 decade ago

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Eat an apple every day to keep the doctor away.
Eat a mac every year, to let the devil cheer.
Only eat, never buy :D

1 decade ago

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I did get a charge as soon as I added my credit card on itunes but after I contacted them through their support e-mail they told it was for verification purposes. Only happened that time and I think it was around 1$ or so

1 decade ago

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This is awkward.

I disagree with you.

1 decade ago

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i used to like apple until they made charges they can't explain

1 decade ago

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Maybe there's something wrong with your bank?

1 decade ago

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i highly doubt that

1 decade ago

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Windows has the biggest software availability. Linux has the best internal structure and freedom. And Mac has the highest prices. Seriously I bet you could buy all the components in the Mac Pro and manually assemble a Hackintosh machine with the exact same specs for like 2/3 the price. And iOS is extremely overly controlled and infinitely inferior to Android in so so many ways (allows 3rd-party apps, homescreen customizability, widgets, no sync nightmares, open file system, Flash support, no jailbreaking required, no Draconian restrictions for developers, support for mouse/gamepad/other input devices, variety of devices to choose from, multiple users on tablets, etc etc etc). And Apple deliberately makes all their software incompatible with all other machines to trap you so you don't have any ability to switch platforms (I know this is good business, but it sucks for everyone besides Apple's investors). And Apple wants jailbreakers to literally go to jail, as they tried to sue some early jailbreakers.

Suffice to say that no, you are not the only Apple hater. Not by a long shot.

1 decade ago

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it's actually just a hair less than half the price for a Hackintosh with Mac Pro specs. i'm running one and it's multiboot with OSX 10.8.2, Windows 8, Ubuntu 13.04, and Linux Mint 15. I just built it about 4 months ago (my first PC build) and I absolutely love it.

Unless you're good at tinkering around in OS's though and willing to do lots and lots of Google-foo, I wouldn't recommend building a Hackintosh for the average person. Once it's up and running it's flawless, but getting it there... oh the headaches.

1 decade ago

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I like lamp.

1 decade ago

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Remember kids: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

1 decade ago

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nope i hate apple the ipad is terrible u cant do squat on it unless u manually mod the firmware

1 decade ago

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I'm stalking you. :3

1 decade ago

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APPLE BAD, VALVE GOOD. (only Steam kids will get this)

1 decade ago

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remind me of this picture:

1 decade ago

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I don't understand the OP's post.

1 decade ago

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Haters gonna hate. Don't have same experience, using apple for 5 years.
Maybe it's your bank fault, you should get detailed emails from appstore with your charges.
Also you can try use prepaid cards.

1 decade ago

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I don't hate macs but I cant get used to using them apart from iPhones and iPads. I love my iPhone, but the Mac Mini I owned was a pile of shit (kept crashing), and I cant get to grips with my friends' iMac.

Never ever been charged for something I didnt buy. If I did, I would go to the bank and moan.

1 decade ago

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Haters go eat some bad Apples

1 decade ago

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Don't get me wrong. I loved apple until this sh!t happened

1 decade ago

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I saw the title of this and was gonna be all "high-five for hating apples >:D" Then I realized it wasn't for the fruit :(

1 decade ago

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I have a citric acid allergy, so yeah I kinda hate apples too. F U APPLE!

1 decade ago

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GF had problem with her wlan-option on Iphone told her could be the use of a "Non-Apple PC" !!, when phone is connected via cable to the computer and router. She got a new phone, problem occurred too...only the third phone is working well now. Big surprise she had on her telephone send sms to an UK-number (expensive from Germany), happened always when she made/install a backup.
Backup software is shit, you cant delete old backups, must have a connection to the next time her phone isn't a Apple again, she is really pissed...only good thing is the uncomplicated change-service if you have a valid warranty.

1 decade ago

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I hate Apple phones.

  • No removable battery.

  • No micro sd card slot.

  • No micro usb.

  • No customization.

1 decade ago

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or to put it simply,

  • no shit at all.
1 decade ago

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Why do you need these? I'm really just asking out of curiosity.
I used my iPhone 4 for years and never had problems with the battery. And what's the micro sd card and usb used for?
Never felt the need to customize my phone to do whatever the jailbreakers/Android users could do too.

1 decade ago

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Can you copy a song without using iTunes, can you just use good old drag and drop ?

1 decade ago

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Ah, I see. I don't use the iPhone to store and listen to music.
Apart from downloading from the iTunes app, I think you'd need iTunes program to add whatever music you want. You could easily drag on drop within the program though.
I helped my mom add songs to her iPod Touch a few times. It was a simple easy job.

1 decade ago

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Actually, there are other programms that can do that, iTunes isn't the only one to sync with iPhone.

Also, you can remove the battery, you just have to unscrew the 2 screws and remove the back cover. It's 30 seconds of work, literally.

With 64gb iPhone, you don't need much more memory.

Why would i even need micro usb? Apple one works perfectly.

Just jailbreak it.

1 decade ago

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Why go throw the hassle of unscrewing it when other phones don't make you?

So you have to buy the 64gb overpriced one instead of a 20 dollar 32gb card, cool.

Convenient, interchangeable...

Again, why bother with more hassle when alternatives aren't so insane about control?

Not everyone likes dealing with that crap, if you do, thats fine, but don't expect everyone to want to deal with it. Just my 2 cents.

1 decade ago

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He said why....

No removable battery.(Phone battery dies you are kinda boned unless you want to spend to much)

No micro sd card slot. (No expandable memory is a downer and honestly is just dumb)

No micro usb. (Again, why? Most if not all use this, more then half of all my electronics use it, its convenient)

No customization. (Big deal breaker here, I like having stuff how I LIKE IT, not how apple likes it...control freaks)

1 decade ago

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So micro usb is a plus? Do you know how often that little thingy brakes?

1 decade ago

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In my experience, never.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I got like 10 next to me, some years old, some the cat chewed on, some that have been run over by my chair multiple times, all of them work.

1 decade ago

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I love Apple.

1 decade ago

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How do you know which of your friends owns a Mac?

They'll tell you, probably more than once.

1 decade ago

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Also they will refer to their pc as my mac, my macbook pro or my apple computer. I don't go around saying, hey, gotta fetch my toshiba...

1 decade ago

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That's because abbreviation PC inexplicably denotes IBM PC compatible computers.

1 decade ago

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The answer is "no", though personally I'm not a hater of Apple or any other company. I have my likes and dislikes but I never got so emotional I really loved or hated a company. Closest I got was strongly disliking NVIDIA at one time, as they kept 3D gaming back by selling bad cards such as the GeForce 4mx and pushing proprietary API's. But when it comes to products I just judge whether they fit my planned usage and how much I can trust the company that they'll work as intended (which usually affects more the price I'm willing to pay rather than whether I buy or not).

1 decade ago

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You are a unique snowflake

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nope, I hate Apple, here only elitist snobs buy Apple products.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by MehtefaS.