I have BL2 on my wishlist and I anticipate a heavy discount during the summer sale, but I'm contemplating pulling it from my wishlist/backlog.

I've tried multiple times to "get into" BL1 and I guess I'm just not getting it.

I love loot games (have really enjoyed Torchlight II in moderation this year), but can't seem to get in a groove with BL1.

I know there are a ton of BL1 v. BL2 threads out there, but maybe it's the FPS element of it (not a huge fan of them).


I'm still trying to hone my style of gaming after all these years, and I know for sure RPGs are on that shortlist. BL1 has some elements of this, but not vibing with me.

I welcome your input on why I am a social misfit because I don't "get" this game. ;)

Also welcome recommendations on action RPGs as alternatives.

11 years ago*

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the second one is definitely more of the same, personally I really like them both, but if you didn't like the first one then maybe you should skip the second.

11 years ago

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You are missing the crazy characters, the fun co-op game play and the awesome loot. I do not know why you can't get into it, some things just don't click with people I guess. Yes the second one is more of the same with every aspect improved upon, if you didn't like the first one the second won't capture you but if you loved the first one like me the 2nd one is a must buy.

I heard that Van Helsing is pretty good story orientated action rpg, also path of exile should be releasing soon.

11 years ago

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path of exile is already out, and it's f2p.

11 years ago

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Ty. I think part of it may be that I rarely/never co-op. The last time I did (WoW WAY back) it was fun, though. May have to take it up again.

11 years ago

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Except you're missing the fact how almost every game (even the POS ones) is significantly better in co-op. Best examples would be Saints Row 3 and first Borderlands (abosolutely horrible in solo mode, especially with first BL being the most boring grind fest you can think of). Now i'm not talking about some random people you find on the web but friends you know IRL. Now just add mumble or any other voice chat to the party and it's a blast

11 years ago

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Hit the nail on the head

11 years ago

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Borderlands is still pretty fun in singleplayer(well at least for me), you just don't get the awesome moments of competing for the best gear or encountering a funny boss together. The mad moxxi dlc in BL1 was almost impossible to complete solo though.

11 years ago

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That damn thingy that removes your shield during the wave >___>

11 years ago

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Yeah, I'm planning to play the whole campaign in co-op, should be fun!

11 years ago

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+1. Lost count of the hilarious moments I've had with friends. Mostly the interesting car physics.

11 years ago

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Cool. I responded above as well. I'm, um, older, so I don't have a lot of friends that game or that admit they game, anyway. May have to make some online buddies.

Co-op also turns me off a little based on write ups of MOBA experiences of others where the unkind and impatient can cause what is supposed to be a relaxing hobby for me to become a stress-filled chore (I'm looking at you DOTA). How are folks on the BL2 servers in that regard?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Borderlands is more an RPG than an FPS, to me.

No, that isn't really true either.

Borderlands is more the worse parts of an RPG than an FPS.

Quests are boring. Areas are large and boring and filled with dull repetitive enemies. Story is weak. Level is way too important for an FPS. Terrible driving (and then they released a DLC half built on the terrible driving.)

I've played a lot of Borderlands on both Xbox 360 and PC. It was entertaining enough to keep playing to completion, but it really isn't a well designed game. It relies heavily on co-op, the addictive nature of loot mechanics, and the feeling of accomplishment and power that is given to everyone regardless of skill due to the leveling system. That, and that pretty much no one else even tries to make co-op action FPS/RPG hybrids like it.

11 years ago

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I'm on the opposite side: I love BL's art direction and I like FPS games, but I'm reluctant about the RPG aspect and the bullet-sponge-enemies factor... I have it in my inventory because I had a good offer for a trade and I thought it would be a valuable addition to my collection, no matter what.

11 years ago

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I love the art direction too, FWIW.

11 years ago

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Try a sniper rifle yet?

11 years ago

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If it helps sway you one way or the other, there is a Salvador and Clap-Trap sex scene in Borderlands 2.

11 years ago

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lol. Won't sway me, but would be entertaining to behold, I'm sure.

11 years ago

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Nah...if you don't enjoy BL1 then big chance you won't like BL2 as well since they are pretty much the same, but BL2 offers more interesting world and NPCs.

11 years ago

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If you don't like the first one, then I wouldn't bother with the second one. Yes, the second one improved a lot on the first one, but not enough, in my opinion, to change your mind if you didn't like the first one.

11 years ago

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Changed mine!

11 years ago

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Currently playing Fallout New Vegas , Fallout 3 is another good one i reccomend , tho i did enjoy borderlands 1 alot

11 years ago

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Yeah. Logged quite a few in NV and may return to it again...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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I know this is true, but I didn't like the first yet enjoyed the second.

11 years ago

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I wish to point out that the game is boring as fuck alone. It is meant to be played with friends.

11 years ago

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I played about 30% alone and while it is more fun with friends I found it a pretty good game alone as well.

11 years ago

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Augh, I couldn't play it for long. I feel it is like Left 4 Dead 2 or something. You might enjoy it for a few hours but after than it loses its appeal unless you play it with others online.

11 years ago

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Watching some gameplay might help you out. Personally, I had difficulty as well getting into the first one yet loved the second. I'd suggest finding a friend to play it with first, its got a pretty good co-op. However, I wouldn't do it with more than three because the enemies get a bit bullet spongy. I'd say its worth a gamble of $10 or so.

11 years ago

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TY for the input. I suspect we'll see it down to right around that price point here in a couple of weeks.

11 years ago

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Was that price on GamersGate not long ago.

11 years ago

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BL1 is a horribly boring game...I couldn't get into it at all. BL2 was an amazing experience and loved every moment of it. Don't base your purchase of BL2 off of BL1.

11 years ago

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Hmm. Interesting. What made BL2 that much better for you? I'm with you on the boring thing.

11 years ago

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I think that both games are incredibly boring on your own. Borderlands 2 is a bit more better for solo but still boring. If you want to have fun, you need to play with someone. Even if it's only one person.

11 years ago

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Borderlands 1 is really boring alone. Yet, Borderlands 2 can be enjoyable Alone and more with people.

11 years ago

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Its fun coop. I can't get into BL2 either without others

11 years ago

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I know everyone touts the co-op of borderlands as the main selling point, but having finished both games solo (and having bought borderlands 1 at launch) I sort of understand where you're coming from. The main draw about Borderlands for me was really the crazy absurd moments in it, and while borderlands floundered a bit in that aspect, borderlands 2 completely blew it out of the water. While they both feature a number of annoying "fetch quests" to get the most out of a map, BL2 toned it down a bit, added a bit more flavour, and did away with those redundant "Find all the Y parts of my gun in X area to get a shitty gun you'd never use" quests.

As a whole, I think BL2 was everything that BL1 tried to be. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect when I first started BL2, and expected to be a little disappointed, but disappointed I was not. The humour in it is great, is unexpectingly emotional in certain parts, contains more pop culture references than I have ever seen in any franchise, and is just addictive to play — co-op or not. In closing, the characters in BL1 do turn up as NPCs in BL2, so playing the first one would give you some perspective and attachment to them, but don't dwell over BL1, because the real action happens in the sequel.

11 years ago

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Thank you very much for that input. Very articulately written. Part of my annoyance with the first one was seemingly fruitless fetch quests.

Humor and emotion are big plusses for me. I'm a sucker for a dramatic or funny storyline (both is a real plus), but OTOH, I don't need it (see TLII).

Very helpful. Thx.

11 years ago

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Anytime :3

11 years ago

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Agreed 100%.
The entire Borderlands plot is explained to you within the first minute of the second game. :)

11 years ago

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its good rpgfps and very funny i enjoyed a lot playing bl2, now ill try to get bl1 goty

11 years ago

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Happily we're allowed to like different stuff... :)

And be thankful you didn't get sucked in, if you like this sort of game you'd be in danger of forgetting to play something else while you're hunting one more quest, or trying to get a slightly better shooty thing. :)

11 years ago

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lol. No doubt.

11 years ago

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I never got into Borderlands till this Krieg.
I am now playing Borderlands 2 :3.

11 years ago

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personally i find the game boring unless i play with someone

11 years ago

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At me is quite viceversa - not being attracted too much by torchlight series, but i'm deeply attracted by the borderlands series ( Over 100 hours on both ). To me it was the looting and the FPS element combined with the 3rd person driving. Depends on the genre you like. FPS is dominant in this one while the looting and leveling and skill tree etc are just RPG elements that still affect alot of this game. I personally enjoyed them, especially the first one, finishing the main story about 13 times ( 4 times on Steam - was a pirate before ) with always at least 95% of the sidequests done, with or without friends, while BL2 is a tad more complex and i can't finish it that fast.

Everyone is entitled to have different tastes, don't listen to people that make you play the game without any backup reason.

11 years ago

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I played both, never really got into either... I did play BL1 to near the end though...

11 years ago

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Co-op is the main thing. I only played BL1 though.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by EephusSwift.