
SHADOWGATE and UNINVITED are some of my favorite games on the NES.

Cart #178

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2 years ago

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It has probably been activated by now, but you should delete that key there. Must have been a mistake I think :)

2 years ago

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no no, it's a DLC from a potatoware xd

2 years ago

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Ah ok. I was worried you accidentally derped. I've seen it all too frequently on this site, albeit never in a comment before, but only in the description.

Jokes on whomever activated it then :P

2 years ago

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Hahaha yes.
Thanks for worrying :D !

2 years ago

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Thank you for clarifying!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Heyo! I have two of these games but I'm interested in the other two. Do you mind if I enter just for the two that I'm missing or would you rather I and others who also have parts of this collection skip this giveaway?

2 years ago

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No drama ;) !!!!!
join qith us!

2 years ago

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Thanks for this, I grew up watching my older brother play shadowgate but wasn't allowed to touch the computer because I was "Too little". This brought back a lot of very old memories lol

2 years ago

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Really? what a great, nice experience.
do you really want to play those?

2 years ago

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Absolutely I want to play Shadowgate, I'm not sure about the others as I have never played them.
Really the whole reason behind wanting to play Shadowgate is because I have a lot of vague memories of trying to give my brother suggestions on what to do because he kept getting stuck and couldn't beat it, but as I said, I wasn't allowed to play so I had to just watch over his shoulder. It would be nice to try and beat it myself. IIRC he never beat it and we never saw the ending, but its also possible he just finished it without me.
LOL as for a great experience.... It was a fun yet frustrating experience because my brother was...... lets say bad at video games. Plus he wasn't a huge fan of my help and even more annoyed that I was often right. LOL (sorry about the lols, but I keep laughing sitting here and remembering stuff I haven't thought about in years.)
It's also crazy because I remember the graphics being so much better then the ones on the store page, but when I sit and really think about it I realize that the pictures are correct and my memory has sort of filled it all in based on my expectations at that time.(if that makes sense)

It appears the did a remake of the game too. I added both to my wishlist and if they go on sale(and I don't win this) I may just end up buying them. So double thanks for that.

2 years ago

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hahahahaha lets say bad at vgs
Yeah, there's a Shadowgate remake really good that gives a lot of fun (if you like PointnClicks), but according to your experience, it wwould be a great flashback n_n
I sent you a steam friend requuest

2 years ago

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